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missis sumner

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Everything posted by missis sumner

  1. Oh, god! That would look really nice with a mint pick guard... Is it really as heavy as 3.8kg?
  2. Cheers, all. It looks like Andertons have a decent enough returns policy - if I had to send it back I'd only lose out on the delivery return cost... Good job it's not in stock at the moment - that at least gives me time to think.
  3. Yes, I meant I will be holding it classical style, and wondered whether the small body, or the shape of the Steinberger would lead to problems.
  4. I'm tempted by one of these... When I'm playing sitting down, I position the bass on my left leg, though. Do you think this would be a problem? Also is the drop tuner any good? Stable?
  5. It'll be different again, by the time I've learnt it...😂
  6. I actually have the "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" book at home, but I'm locked-down in my mum's house. It'll do me good to work it out by ear (with a little cheating, from above).
  7. Push and pull - I'm sure I do it all the time, much to the consternation of my drummer! 😂 Not that I have a drummer anymore... 😕
  8. I was actually playing along to the Supremes version, with Rocksmith 😳, for my sins (well, because I haven't figured out how the song goes yet ).
  9. I've been watching a lot of his videos, recently. Great stuff.
  10. Is this song played very much behind the beat, or wot? S'cuse my noob bass ears, but it just seems very... "relaxed", no?
  11. I was surprised by how bright they sounded (at first) for 10 year old strings... They have mellowed a little now though... 🤣
  12. I'm guessing it was the age of the stings that caused it, and not my highly acidic (alkaline?) sweat?
  13. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ABqTkjYyPqkscjTRlTly8RjpAvNuI9tJ/view?usp=sharing Just out of interest, would/could these be Elixirs? The bass is a 10 year + old Ibanez SRX 390 (that had never been played before I bought it). According to the catalogue, Elixirs were not fitted to this model (this model was supposed to have D'Addarios), but Elixirs were fitted to the higher end basses. I have never seen D'Addarios peel like this... No silks and plain old brass coloured ends to the strings. Any ideas, oh wise Basschat?
  14. But at least they are "new" tuners. Oh, and a new neck "with crazing in the varnish on the head"? Anyway, sorry. Thread drift... Did you buy the one you posted, Paul S?
  15. Ahem... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Hondo-2-Telebass-p-bass-by-PCsGC/193378642992?hash=item2d0643ec30:g:YC8AAOSwKsReaSMR
  16. TC Unitune for me too. Nice clear display.
  17. Is it? I thought it was James Jamerson?
  18. So who plays bass on this recording then? And why is he not credited?
  19. Rehearsal went well, so well that we're going to try again next week. We didn't do Paint It, Black, because our new guitarist didn't know it.
  20. At least the title isn't as bad as The Gene Genie...
  21. Whereas I just put the record on upstairs, and then wander downstairs to listen to it. 😉
  22. This is how I've been attempting to play the verse, with the B as the downbeat. Is it wrong? I notice a few You Tube videos start on the E, which doesn't sound right to me.
  23. Maybe I just need to relax, and be a bit quicker on the change... I've got another evening to practice tomorrow.
  24. I know! But I still want to... When I play it slowly the B-E, then B-Fsharp, notes fit, but when I play it full speed, I'm doing some weird stinky poo.
  25. I'm having trouble playing the verse in straight eighth notes. I want to start and finish, every bar on B, which just doesn't seem to add up? I don't know what I'm doing, do I? 😂 Edit: Got first rehearsal with new-ish band on Thursday - panic setting in...
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