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missis sumner

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Posts posted by missis sumner

  1. 1 minute ago, AndyTravis said:

    The older poly web elixirs used to do this if you looked at them funny. I wouldn’t panic.

    I was surprised by how bright they sounded (at first) for 10 year old strings...

    They have mellowed a little now though... 🤣

  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ABqTkjYyPqkscjTRlTly8RjpAvNuI9tJ/view?usp=sharing

    Just out of interest, would/could these be Elixirs?

    The bass is a 10 year + old Ibanez SRX 390 (that had never been played before I bought it).  According to the catalogue, Elixirs were not fitted to this model (this model was supposed to have D'Addarios), but Elixirs were fitted to the higher end basses.

    I have never seen D'Addarios peel like this...  No silks and plain old brass coloured ends to the strings.

    Any ideas, oh wise Basschat?

  3. 9 hours ago, Bassassin said:

    Amazing - MDP almost "makes" a sensible bass. Of course he still had to wonk up the (unmatched) tuners. And ruin the nut. 9_9

    Easily £217 too expensive.


    But at least they are "new" tuners.

    Oh, and a new neck "with crazing in the varnish on the head"?

    Anyway, sorry.  Thread drift... Did you buy the one you posted, Paul S?

  4. 10 hours ago, wateroftyne said:

    I suspect this chap carefully stuffed socks into his ears prior to working out the bass part.

    Whereas I just put the record on upstairs, and then wander downstairs to listen to it. 😉

  5. 8 minutes ago, Dan Dare said:

    You cannot start and finish every bar on B for that number, even in the intro, let alone the verse itself. Check on Youtube - several teaching vid's for the song.

    I know!  But I still want to... 

    When I play it slowly the B-E, then B-Fsharp, notes fit, but when I play it full speed, I'm doing some weird stinky poo.

  6. I'm having trouble playing the verse in straight eighth notes.  I want to start and finish, every bar on B, which just doesn't seem to add up?

    I don't know what I'm doing, do I? 😂


    Edit:  Got first rehearsal with new-ish band on Thursday - panic setting in...

  7. I've possibly got this next on my list, now that I've escaped my tyrant
    band leader (escaped with the singer and rhythm guitarist -
    tyrant leader effectively thrown out of his own band 😙)
    So, from the top, is it:


  8. On 15/12/2019 at 23:29, stewblack said:

    Had a bl who couldn't communicate, couldn't stay in time and couldn't listen to advice. 

    The band left him. The line up before I joined actually sacked him from his own band. Nearly happened again with us, we all left but one singer stayed with him. 

    He'd say things like, you change when I go (insert random screeching widdly noises) not when I go (insert random screeching widdly noises). 

    If he couldn't nail part of a song he just dropped it rather than put the time in to learn it. Regardless of how much work we'd all put into it. 

    When keys player gently pointed out that he was playing several wrong chords (band all playing major 7th he's playing a minor that kind of thing) he refused to change what he played. 


    Sounds familiar...

  9. On 11/12/2019 at 22:42, peteb said:

    And remember, Johnny B Goode stays on the V chord for two bars (rather than one bar of V, followed by one bar of IV) before resolving back to the I for two bars.

    I think this is why he's insisting I'll go out of time if I go all the way up to the octave and descend on the next bar?  Thursday night established that what he wants is double time, ascending runs only.  But I'm still playing two bars of the V anyway...

    Oh, and apparently playing higher up the neck of your bass (towards the bridge) gives your sound more bottom end.  I think I know what he means - play on the thicker strings, but the way he demonstrates it is to go up an octave...

    Hopefully only another week of this poo to put up with.  I will be getting my gear out of his unit for the gig, with no intention of taking it back. :(


    • Sad 1
  10. I've got a Mikro, and I'm very happy with it.  I don't play it very often, but it comes out to band practice when I have a bad back.

    I had a look at a Bronco in a shop, but wasn't that impressed with the bridge or the look of the single pickup. I didn't actually plug it in to play it, so can't really comment. 😝

  11. 36 minutes ago, phil.c60 said:

    "And I'm not allowed to count bars I should just feel it" - that'll be yet another guitarist who can't count and has no sense of timing expecting everyone else to fit in around him then.  And it's goodnight from me.

    And then the next time we practice, he'll say I should know the song... 

  12. 3 minutes ago, peteb said:

    And remember, Johnny B Goode stays on the V chord for two bars (rather than one bar of V, followed by one bar of IV) before resolving back to the I for two bars.

    That's what I heard - in the original, but then "Chuck Berry was sh*t when he started out"...

  13. Just now, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    It's your birthday and he's telling you what to play? Mmm. Hope it goes well for you.

    Got a feeling it probably won't.  It's more the rhythm guitarist's 60th than my, errhhhmmm, birthday (closer to his birthday than mine, and his is bigger), but we all agreed we would do this at the beginning of the year.

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