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About SuperSeagull

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    Sussex By The Sea

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  1. I've just ordered a cover for an A&H mixer from them. Due to arrive today and about £15 cheaper than elsewhere.
  2. Nice. The A&H apps inc one which is highly simplified and locked to a few basic functions but will look at that app as well.
  3. Understand - but we've running a band in there for three years with a dreadful PA so we will see. Options to do much more are limited. Fortunately I am a very quiet bassist 🙂
  4. It is a bit! But carpet under drums. And that suspended wooden ceiling which is slatted works wonders. Plus new soft chairs going in to replace the wooden ones.
  5. Yes, just noticed that. Speakers are in front of the lecturn and all of the platform area. I think I us d a wide angle setting on my phone so it makes it look a bit weird!
  6. Yes, next to where the rack will go. Mixer can be run from band area or at the back. Expect some novice users to be using the basic iPad app and not touching the mixer.
  7. Progress so far. Old audio gear removed, all three screens up, speakers up, network cabling run through the ceiling, cabling for screens going up, rack built.
  8. Thanks - its been a lonely process making these decisions but I think I've got the right balance between quality, cost and making good use of an install company to do all the heavy lifting (literally!), initial set up etc. Its a five day job to do the install which makes me even more grateful I didn't go down the DIY route. Now I really have to get my head around running the system, eq, ringing the monitors etc etc but helpfully the majority of services until Easter don't have live music so its a gentle intro before we start using it with a band.
  9. A further update for those who kindly gave me advice on this. After lots of research, chatting to install companies, other churches and a generous donation from a member of the church who recently passed, I settled on using a local company TSPro who have done loads of church installs and both my boys used to work for on Saturdays back when they were (much!) younger. Going in this week is a system based around an A&H Qu16 desk, A&H stage box, EV speakers, Sennheiser wireless mics plus a three screen video system with wireless streaming. I’m adding some gear I was able to source more cheaply from Thomann - e835 mics, K&M stands, Alto powered monitors and a few other bits and pieces. Ready for a try out next Sunday, two days before I start my first round of chemo so hopefully all works well if I’m not able to be around quite as much. Hugely impressed by what I’ve seen of the Qu16 so far - easy to set and recall scenes, run via an iPad - lots for me to learn. We’ve also been able to afford (thanks to the bequest) to replace all the old wooden chairs with fabric padded ones which I think will help with the acoustics.
  10. I actually quite like the pre amp on mine and it's probably only a bit of brand snobbery (and the drive control) that has me keeping the sansamp in front. And as someone who has never got on with a compressor it's the least offensive one I've come across.
  11. Well my gig last Friday certainly turned out to memorable as it's the last time I'll play with my band for sometime, possibly ever. Nothing to do with the gig but on Tuesday I learnt that my blood cancer which had been in remission has kicked off again so I'm likely to be facing 6 months of chemo which will keep me out of gigging and rehearsing. Bit of a bugger. And my lovely Father in Law passed away the day before so all in all a bit of an iffy week.
  12. I've just started using the HB as a power amp with my sansamp in front and going in via the FX return. Bags of headroom, very giggable. Sounds pretty good going straight in as well. Silly money too.
  13. I'm now using my Elf with a TE 1x10 for rehearsals with my loud band. Brilliant!
  14. My last order was in November for one of the BassBlock heads. Order placed on the 7th, delivered on the 13th.
  15. Sounds a plan. We are pushing our fees up as well but I’ve no idea if where we sit versus other local bands. We just agreed two one hour sets for £400.
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