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Everything posted by SuperSeagull

  1. I never met him despite living just down the road from the village he lived in. But one day I was having my hair cut and the barber asked what I had planned for the weekend. Gigging I replied and said I played bass. I cut another bass players hair she said and I mentioned the name of friend who was also player. Yes, I cut his too she replied but there is another older fella, claims to have played all over the world and with all the greats, lives in Ditchling. I showed her a picture of Herbie Flowers on my phone - that’s him! I said call me the next time he comes for a haircut but she didn’t 🙁
  2. I understand Herbie Flowers has passed away aged 86. A genuine bass legend.
  3. That's a manufacturer I am not familiar with - will take a look, thanks
  4. Thanks, that's a good steer. I've a TE Elf, if it had a few more watts it would be perfect.
  5. Good idea although I think I just fancy a change as well!
  6. Do let me know if you go ahead with that.
  7. Yes, modular the way to go. Ta
  8. The ones you are going to list - are they One10s?
  9. Good advice. Physically I'm a bit of a mess with blood cancer and some other issues which make it hard to manage every aspect of my health but I'll not be writing it off yet, just want to make it easy as possible!
  10. Thanks - someone was selling a pair of One10s recently - I was tempted but they went very quickly. It does sound a good solution and they come in at around 7kg.
  11. My 62 year old back is knackered. Currently reliant on a chiropractor to keep me mobile but at the moment I couldn't move my MB 121 combo and 121 cab without feeling pain. Whilst my MB gear is hardly old school heavy I want to switch to something which ideally weighs no more than a bag of crisps, certainly less than 10kg. But it still needs to be able to keep up with a loud pub band. I picked up a friend's Rumble combo a while back and couldn't believe how light it was. I'm also conscious of the GR cabs which claim to be the world's lightest. Anyone gone through the same thought process and where did you end up? I guess ideally I would be able to go for IEMs with the band but that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
  12. I'd go for the combo and cab option, flexible and easier to lug the combo if that is all you need. It's been my setup for years and I love it.
  13. I bought this Peavey TKO from Tiger Music in Brighton in 1990 or 1991. In 1999 I sold it to a friend to help pay for my new Ashdown gear. He used it in a Church and when he left, gifted it to them. Long story short, I played in that Church this morning and there was my old Peavey, still going strong after 34 years. Needed my Sansamp in front of it to tame a bit of boom but what a great bit of kit - it was emotional 😭
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  14. We did a corporate thing on Saturday afternoon, a manufacturer of road sweeping equipment had their annual summer do for employees and their families. We did an hour in the afternoon, nothing particularly remarkable other than it is the first time I have set up in a Sweeper Test Area. New vocalist settling in well and this sort of low pressure, short gig is good for building confidence between us all.
  15. Exactly how I describe mine working.
  16. It’s just down the road from me but understand the bass content is modest.
  17. We do about the same. Personally I feel it’s about 20 mins too long. I am old.
  18. I use one every gig for my backup bass on the side of my MB combo and ext cab. It’s brilliant on a small stage, my backup bass is Flea Jazz so if it does get the odd knock it isn’t going to show!
  19. Some great stuff here. Just to clarify, we’ve dropped loads of new song ideas because the singer can’t do them, that’s just common sense. The set list has changed during my three years in the band because there is a desire to get more songs that people know and will sing / dance to. It’s how we go about that which is interesting, and yes I will give way more slack to someone who works their backside off to do all the crappy organisation stuff that comes with a band, and maybe I am in band where the person who does all that has the final say on the set list.
  20. Having just questioned why we shouldn’t include some Oasis in the set I’ve been told Liam has a flat vocal delivery and it’s all just ripped off from T Rex who did it with style and panache. Personally I’d have been happy to sell out gigs like Oasis did with flat vocals and not as much panache as T Rex - suspect our usual pub audiences wouldn’t mind either. Hey Ho. Great ideas and thoughts in response to my original post - thanks all. Any bands in the Sussex area need a bass player? 😂
  21. Which is my point - I love a bit of JST but your average pub punter will never have heard of her. They will know the words to the Oasis hits which is why I think its a better call.
  22. But I guarantee we will be asked every other gig to play some Fleetwood Mac.
  23. If the singer were saying I can't do that stuff I'd be more sympathetic but this is the guitarist saying I don't want to do anything by Fleetwood Mac or Oasis but I would like to do some Joanne Shaw Taylor 🤔
  24. Setlist from our last gig. We've a desire to get more contemporary and well known stuff into the set - the band started as a blues outfit so it is a bit of a journey. Dakota, Rio, Don't You, Sharp Dressed, Jean Genie are the ones that really get people singing / dancing. Call Me The Breeze Wishing Well All Along Watchtower Sharp Dressed Man / Tush Rockin In Free World Above It All (Original) Help Me Knocking Heavens Door Dakota Downstream (The Rainmakers) Satisfaction Another Brick Creep Stray Cat Strut All Summertime (Original) Roadhouse Blues Keep Your Hands Mollys Chambers Cherry Wine (Original) Take Me To The River Walking By Myself No Tomorrow (Original) Ship to Wreck Shadow Play Californication You Really Got Me Taking Care of Business Learn To Fly Face Card Blues (Original) Johnny B Good / Medley Jean Genie Don’t You Forget Rio Loaded On Gin (Original)
  25. Liking those rules....
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