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Everything posted by shoulderpet

  1. Roto's are usually very high tension, are you sure they are Roto's? TI jazz flats have red silk like Roto's but are low tension, could put be those?
  2. Ok, tried some Daddario rounds on the Vintera fully expecting them to stay, the TI jazz flats are going back on, flats on this bass just feels and sounds right

    1. acidbass


      Which D'Addarios?  I found the XLs to be a bit too springy on my Jazz Bass.  Heard the NYXLs are a better choice but have yet to try them!

    2. shoulderpet


      Was the XL's, I assume you are talking about the feel of the strings when you say springy, if so then yes the NYXL's feel tighter

  3. I agree with this, I have brought a number of basses online and returned more basses than I have kept, the funny thing is most of the ones I returned had quality control inspection tags saying they had passed QC so clearly the QC standards for a lot of companies are not particularly high
  4. I wouldn't normally be so quick to make a judgement but I tried 4 P's and 2 J's and they all seemed that way, there was 2 basses out of the lot that didn't have sky high action but even then the build quality, fit and finish etc on those was pretty much on par with my Ibanez mezzo that cost me £200, strangely when I owned a P/J Mustang which was price around the same as these the build quality, fit and finish etc was light years ahead of any of the Player basses I have tried. That being said the fact that you seem to have a decent one says to me that maybe there are a lot of "Monday morning specials" being cranked out and maybe you just have to do some hunting to find the good ones, also I am very fussy with new basses so I may expect more than most people.
  5. I recently tried a few of the MIM Player series P basses and a couple of the Player series Jazz basses, I love Fender basses but tbh I was shocked by the Player series, they all felt really cheap, cheap feeling necks, crappy tuners and most of them had action that was about 4mm high and tbh they didn't feel much different to basses costing a third of the price. The more expensive MIM Fender basses seemed a LOT better, imo it's almost like the Player series is Fender in name only, I wouldn't be surprised if they were identical to the low end Squiers just with a Fender decal
  6. They really are, when I compared to the Player series the Player series felt really cheap in comparison, basically felt like Squiers with Fender decals
  7. And....... I found a crack in the finish of the bass that I did not see when I brought the bass in the shop😥 I went back to the shop half expecting to keep the Vintera as I got it for a good price and it is a cracking bass and I spoke to them about it and played about half a dozen basses P basses in the same price range and a little bit over however compared to the Vintera Precision they all felt a bit cheap, didn't sound as nice, didn't look as nice, didn't play as nice (the Vintera practically plays itself) and had satin finishes and narrow necks (both of which I really dislike), long story short I kept the Vintera P bass. Happy that I tried out the competition and happy that I made the right choice in keeping the bass.
  8. To be honest this must be just about the only bass where I haven't wanted to change the pickguard, my camera doesn't show the colours that well but the gold pickguard is gorgeous in person
  9. And some more pictures, because, well why not
  10. Yes, is a great color, I was pretty psyched to have a P bass that I dont have to change anything to make it look (or play) the way I want it, the colour, the gold pickguard, the gloss neck, visually it ticks so many boxes for me
  11. Yes, I havent used flatwounds for a couple of years and I suspect that with a little bit of a boost in the highs and upper mids I can probably get a pretty biting rock tone from them, haven't used this bass with my band yet, that will be the true test. I am finding with the TI's I am having to be conscious to lighten up my attack a bit, I could raise the action but this plays like butter so I think I will leave it where it is
  12. So after considering my options with short scale basses I actually ended up going the opposite route, I found a lovely used Fender precision bass, I think it is a Vintera. Anyway, I tried it out and not only is it a looker but the action was setup nice and low (just a hair above 1.5mm at 17th fret), the neck is also one of the nicest feeling necks I have played and with a gloss finish which is nice because I'm not crazy about satin finishes, the neck is definitely chunky at thennut, the hardware all seems solid and the overall build quality is impressive. The strings on the bass are flatwounds and I am fairly sure they are TI Flats as despite being flatwounds the strings feel low tension and very flexible for flats, not sure whether to keep to flats or change to rounds yet, if I go for rounds it will probably be nickel rounds as I want to keep the frets nice but I may change them to Labella low tension flats as they are slightly stiffer but are close enough in tension that I shouldn't need to adjust the truss rod One question I have that I am hoping someone can help with... The truss rod is at the body end rather than the headstock end, does that mean the it operates opposite to a headstock end truss rod ie on a truss rod that is at the headstock end turning the truss rod towards the E string side of the neck tightens and turning towards the G string loosens the truss rod, is it the opposite of this with the truss rod as it is at the body end?
  13. I found them just a smidge looser than Rotosounds but not floppy by any means, more of a medium tension rather than the medium high tension of Rotos which are quite stiff in anything above 100-40, to be honest I think more people will have more issue with the mid scoop of Pro steels than the tension but if you are after a bright zingy string these are it
  14. I have a Hofner club bass and I measured the neck a while ago and it was around 43m at the nut and went up to 48mm so slightly wider but not much, only reason I dont play it more is that if you become too accustomed to the Hofner string spacing everything else feels really clunky in comparison
  15. Ok, so looking for a replacement short scale has kind of made me wonder if I should start looking at longscales too but being a short derrière with small hands I am not sure how I would get on with long scale (I have only short and medium scale basses) I love the look of the short scale Schecter Banshee bass but it is slightly out of my price range, am looking around the £500 range and actually seems quite difficult to find a decent short scale with a contoured body
  16. And I have decided the Fallout tribute is going back, I wanted to love it but it just felt a bit cheap, my Ibanez Mezzo is just as good quality wise and is half the price so I cant justify keeping the Fallout, to further add to the cheap feel (and what really sealed my decision to return it) there is a chip in the finish by the pickup that I did not initially notice, a black mark on the neck near the headstock and the nut has plastic sanding dust where they have cut the nut. My Fender Mustang that I had to move on due to the slab body being uncomfortable for my arm was in a different league compared to this, was just a much better instrument, real shame as for £349 reduced down from the usual pricing of around £500 this seemed to be a bargain but imo this is £300 bass not a £500 bass
  17. Brilliant, that sounds like exactly what I am after, will give them a visit
  18. After realising that I am going to have to return my most recent bass purchase I have come to the realisation that I would rather try basses in person than play the crapshoot game with buying online. Just wondering where in London is good to try basses, am after somewhere with a decent selection where I will be left reasonably alone to try basses and where they are not going to have a heart attack if I lower the saddles on a bass if the factory action is a mile high Thanks
  19. I am so glad they lack contours, rules them out for me, I can't play slab body basses, lack of contours= good for my wallet.......and marriage
  20. It might just be that but I noticed a little bit of fret chatter on the first couple of frets if I dig in when I play so that along with the little bit of fret buzz on the upper frets makes me think that maybe there are a couple of high frets on the bass
  21. Thanks for the offer, I ended up getting one of the Fallout tribute basses that Anderson's were selling for £349, seems good so far but there is some fret buzz so I think it probably needs a fret dress
  22. Depends where they are positioned I would imagine, by the bridge would probably not be good but by the neck where the spacing is closer together would probably be fine
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