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Everything posted by The59Sound

  1. Thought Wolf Alice were pretty good.
  2. I probably wouldn't. Maybe GHS Pressurewounds at an absolute push if you must have some flat like tone.
  3. I would put the emphasis on a good tuner over the size of the unit.
  4. Like you had a Mono and got fed up of it slipping. Got a Neotech Mega - problem solved!
  5. Dunlop nickels are the best IMO but they're probably in the high range for cheap strings.
  6. Before the inevitable... The mix is crap. Where is the bass? Who chose the headliners? Mr. Lamar is not has good as NWA/Public Enemy. Kings Of Leon - again! It was better in my day. Who? All of these kids are on drugs. Far too expensive for me. As you were gentlemen...
  7. And still do - thanks for the tip off!
  8. Still can't get over how good the Green Russian Muff sounds.
  9. You could argue that there are hardly any white people in hip-hop since race was bought up.
  10. Dub Step was a fad that happened ten years ago... so if you hear it now it's either an old song or way past it's sell by date. Code Orange, Beartooth, Deafheaven, Greta Van Fleet - loads of great rock music still out there. Just don't look out for it on Radio 1 or *gulp* Radio 2.
  11. I'm a big fan of SIT strings but can't seem to find them anywhere in the UK! I like the Rock Brights and the Powerwounds but no where ever has them in stock. Bass Direct has the Powerwounds but only in the super light gauge. Any ideas?
  12. When I was younger, I had a mate who would roadie for me at gigs - yes, just me. I got to be 'that' rock star... haha! Everyone in that band hated me.
  13. I suppose they would be more 'roundwound' sounding than TIs though?
  14. With regards to band's setting up and people not getting the message to move - stop being so British! I always ask people if they could please move because we're setting up on stage and we need to make room for the equipment. 99% of people move when you ask them - strange that innit?! Happens all the time at the supermarket too - someone will want something from the shelf you're looking at but will never ask for you to move!!
  15. Knew no one other than a TB member would make such an in depth post about string tension. No one in the UK really uses Kalium strings either!
  16. The band T shirt is an interesting one - wear your influences on your sleeve? Is it not cool, per se, to show your support for other bands?
  17. The HA2500 is one of the worst heads ever made.
  18. Does FOH have 'heft'? Because that's where your signal goes...
  19. Once the paste has been rubbed on, do you need a second rub with a clean rag to get it off?
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