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Everything posted by The59Sound

  1. Pretty sure it's chrome - the control plate, bridge, machine heads... they're all too shiny for me to think they're nickel.
  2. Can anyone recommend some decent chrome polish? My Jazz bass needs some TLC!
  3. Know what you mean - I like to make some effort with presentation. Never bought the idea of "It's all about the music, man".
  4. Is it still a cliche for musicians to wear all black on stage? Just bought some new black jeans for gigs and am slightly worried...
  5. This Is England is such an underrated song.
  6. Weren't you the guy who bigged up the RH450 when it came out?
  7. That's lesson 1 in string fitting. ALWAYS put a bend in the string before cutting it, never cut a string straight.The windings can unwrap and hey presto, dead string.
  8. Stretching DR roundcore strings is a no-no.
  9. I've used Dunlops for years with no problems - when I say no problems, that means not having to do constant maintenance either. My guitarist has had constant problems with his Schallers, pretty much every gig having to tighten the screw. Now using Dunlops with no issues.
  10. My one and only bass is a Jazz. Does a killer P sound and an awesome J sound plus anything in between. Put a Russian Muff on top and you're in heaven. It is a Sadowsky mind...
  11. Yeah, it's the tear one. No gaps at either end, perfect fit.
  12. Hiscox. Used nothing else for years. Don't trust soft cases.
  13. Or just buy good strings that last ages.
  14. Harry's Bar in Hinckley was pretty bad. Typical 'let's fleece all the bands and put them in a tiny corner' pub. A bloke came in and started dancing with a chair on his head was the highlight...
  15. Lower tension, more room for string to move, fret buzz?
  16. You recommend D'Addario Half wounds. Is that a bright and zingy string like the OP asked for? No. As you were...
  17. I always buy from the same guy, that way I know I'm good.
  18. Unless you buy them from an eBay seller, imported from the US. I pay £21/22 per set all in normally.
  19. No, just users who don't have a scoobie.
  20. Damn, didn't know those types of gig still existed!
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