What would you do?
I joined an originals band (power trio) at the start of the year and we started rehearsing the first week of February. We recorded in June and the EP went live start of July. We have also set up various social media and had a photoshoot, all done around the same time. Four months on though and we are still yet to gig. It will be at least another month because the drummer does not own a 'full' kit and needs to rent cymbals every time we rehearse. He has said he will buy cymbals come start of November. We have a nine song set but the guitarist said he still thinks we're not ready to gig. We have been rehearsing the same set once a week for four months.
I'm at my wits end - I feel we just rehearse for the sake of it now with no end goal. We don't have any gigs lined up and that's the reason we recorded the EP, to get gigs! What should I do? What would you do?