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Everything posted by Delamitri79

  1. Hey folks Can ye tell me the correct dimensions for the string ferrules on a 2011 American p bass Cheers
  2. Oh yeah completely. Would you be able to get a price on that
  3. We did uptown for a few years but we dropped it cos it kinda started killing the vibe. Don't regret it either. Just wasnt sitting well in our set. I do play a 5 string L2500
  4. Shut up and dance is our opening tune. It's a bonafide floor filler
  5. Couldn't agree more 👍👍👍
  6. Yeah mainly the last 10 yrs as the manager wants to bring in stuff from very recent and current chart stuff altho I'm not convinced it'll work too well. The average person at a wedding wants to hear all the floor fillers
  7. Well folks I'm in a 5 piece wedding band and we are all in our 30s and 40s and we're very busy and good at what we do. We have a manager who doesn't be at any of the gigs. Our set consists of all the big numbers you'd expect to hear at a wedding and songs that we know works. There isn't much, if any, really modern stuff. Nothing form the last 10 years. Our manager wants us to throw in at least 8 new songs from the last decade but we're not sure they'll really work. What do ye all think when it comes to keeping the floor full at a wedding. Does a lot of the modern (last 10 yrs) music work in that setting? Many thanks Derek
  8. Thank you so much everyone. You've all put my mind at ease so I'm away now to order one. I'll post pics when she arrives Muchos gracias
  9. Hey folks I'm thinking of buying the markbass cmd 102p for gigging with a 5 piece wedding band and a 3 piece pub band. I play a 5 string g&l l2500 tribute and I'll have FOH support on both gigs. Will the combo sound nice and full for a stage monitor and will it handle the 5 string low end stuff pretty well? Many thanks Derek
  10. No I hadn't thought of trying that. I've been reading up on it and it seems to suggest a ground issue Cheers
  11. Hey folks I've a lovely g&l l2500 tribute and she kicks donkey but there's a noticeable constant buzz when it's in passive mode and I can't figure it out. Any ideas?? Cheers Derek
  12. Thanks a million mate.
  13. TimR, you've nailed it pretty much and you've understood it. It's very simple really. I want EQ control at my feet of my in ear bass tone. I don't care what the engineer does to it out front. That's his business. My question was, if I'm pulling a bass signal from one di into another di, will I have a phase issue. So, the 1st di goes straight to FOH (engineer has control of everything on that channel and i get full band mix back except the bass channel). The 2nd di then takes the link signal from the 1st di and runs back to a different channel which doesn't go to FOH but does get sent back to me as part of the band mix but, and crucially, I have EQ control at my feet of that bass channel specifically just so I can get a nice bass tone in my ears and have a nice band mix behind it. Is that any clearer. It's a very simple setup. Thank god someone gets it
  14. Thank god someone gets it
  15. Yeah it's kinda what I'm asking. What happened was, I explained my setup to a sound engineer and he said I shouldn't run it that way cos I'll get phase problems. I can't see any issue and can't hear anything wrong so I wanted to ask the question in a dedicated bass forum like here. The main concern is that I'm taking the signal for the in ears DI from the DI for the FOH. I think it's OK but just wanted to check
  16. It's basically so I can adjust on the fly cos I've a boss EQ pedal in the DI for my in ears.
  17. I'll give it a shot mate thanks
  18. I don't get both in my in ears. I only get channel 9 and I can EQ it from the pedal and then channel 10 goes out front but not back to me. Just wondering would there be a phase problem considering I'm pulling the signal for channel 9 from the DI for channel 10
  19. Hey folks So here's how I run my setup. I run a line from my bass to a boss tu3 tuner into an active DI that goes straight to desk on channel 10 and out the front, then, I take the link connection from that DI and run it into a boss EQ pedal and then into a radial sb1 active DI and into channel 9 on the desk and that doesn't go out front. I get an aux feed back to myself for in ears. So, channel 10 is for FOH and is mixed and sent out. No issues. Channel 9 is not sent out front but is mixed and EQ'd and sent back to me. So, I have the whole band mix in my ears and then I can EQ my own bass on the fly with boss EQ pedal and it won't affect FOH cos it's on channel 9. Am I causing a phase issue if I'm pulling the link from one DI into another from the same source (bass guitar)?? Cheers
  20. Hey What kind of figure would it be shipped to Ireland?
  21. Interesting that you go with the lmb 3. I had looked at it and said no because of the enhance knob. You say turn it off and no problem?
  22. For me, I think the keeley pro is just that little too big. A bit like the markbass comp. I'd love to have the real estate but I'm in and out of different size venues every weekend and I need to be as compact as possible. The keeley bassist looks great tho
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