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Everything posted by Delamitri79

  1. Ship to Ireland?
  2. Hey low enders. I'm struggling bigtime the last few months. I really want to go back to a 4 string bass but I love the extra depth and fretting positions available from the 5. I do struggle with keeping everything quiet on a 5 and the weight is slightly (only slightly) getting to me. I'm currently playing a stingray 5 2013 with the alnico pups. Monster bass but I've preferred the 4 string versions I've had in the past. Help πŸ˜‚
  3. Getting back to that F is a beach
  4. I've seen this video and few times before and even though ASL is a phenomenal player he completely fluffs the first couple of notes and then (very quickly) turns it into a flash slap piece.
  5. Your timing is bang on. That's exactly how I count it. Unfortunately the drummer I'm with seems to count it differently and we've spoken about it before and he even had the audacity to tell me, "it's a simple line and once you get it, you won't remember playing it wrong". He still comes in a half beat after me. Sounds shite
  6. Appreciate the comments Ian. Fair play man
  7. It doesn't look like it but I really enjoyed it last night.
  8. Do ya know, I was kinda thinking the same πŸ˜‚. Now I get that little breather to get back on that low F. I used to actually just play the octave F on the D string followed by the lower A and C notes of that riff but it'll be nice to hit back to the low F
  9. Fully agree with you. The problem is I'm the new guy and the band have been playing it "wrong" for so long now I don't they can play it right πŸ˜‚
  10. I'm just mad curious but why are ya selling it. She's a beaut
  11. OK I've figured out what's going wrong between me and the drummer. At the end of the 8 count he's putting in a count of 1 and then starting the verse. So effectively he's allowing a pause at the end of the solo and then the verse so the whole count is 12341234 1 1234 and so on. Mad wrong but sure now I know what he's at ill just lock into it.
  12. I hear ya chief. Its a tune that has been my nemesis for years. I'm glad to be tackling it and I'm 95% there.
  13. Just listened back at 50% and I think your dead right. It definitely sounds like there's a note being hit instead of a ghost note
  14. Are ya sure the open notes are there? I'll have to slow her down againπŸ˜‚. I like the open note approach. It does seem a little easier playing them on the 1st half descending line but it's very tricky to keep the strings quiet if you include them in the 2nd half ascending line. I feel a compromise comin on
  15. Very interesting alright. I've seen this before and I think he's pretty close but not quite there. There is no open notes in the actual riff. They're ghost notes. The timing seems right though
  16. We're gonna run through it on Friday night. I said it to him and he maintains that I'm playing it wrong and my timing of it is off.
  17. Will do mate. 2 fine towns. I've played music in both of them many times
  18. Absolutely mate. On the nose of the 1 third bar.
  19. I dunno man but I was doubting myself then, ya know?
  20. Hey how's things I'm Derek. I'm from the Midlands of Ireland. I'm 40. Been playing 23 years. Currently playing a Musicman Stingray 5 US 2013 single H. I'm with a wedding band doing the general stuff (ya know). I love checking out all the forums and especially all the great basses for sale. Man if I had money I'd be broke πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  21. Nice one mate. So you'd count it the same way as me?
  22. Hans solo's half brother πŸ˜‚
  23. Cheers yeah I know about the reverse stuff alright.
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