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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. A real mans bass there! The original graphite bass! BB
  2. [quote name='richardrickenbacker' post='564723' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:56 AM']You're letting that go for a headless!!!!! You have no soul, headless is a crime. Someone give it a good home, this man clearly has no taste! [/quote] How can people say this? It isn't the 16th century, you know! You will be saying graphite is the spawn of the devil next! BB
  3. [quote name='BeLow' post='564722' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:55 AM']Big powerful and HEAVY amps are the preserve of young / foolish men (I was one once). Light and efficent set ups are the for the more discerning bassists who do not have young / foolish roadies.[/quote] +1 Probably not make it to the SE Bass Bash but if I do I'll be checking out any compact/lightweight 'solutions' ,shall we say, on show. BB
  4. Funkle's Lakland is right on the button (nearly) for the money in the for sale thread - you anywhere near him? BB
  5. On looks I think the Celinder wins out just. How does the body size and weight compare to a Fender J? I also suspected the Celinder had that individual boutique made feel (I think Chris works on his own doesnt he?) and the shops seem to be full of new Sadowsky NYCs and Metros recently. BB
  6. Dat was a really noice one, Sir. Can u tell us what u got? BB
  7. Apologies if this is similair to Chrisdabass' thread on Fender GAS but wondering on how Sadowskys compare to Celinders if anyone has managed to A/B any models. Also like alot of people I think it would be cool to have an original 60s Jazz or P but how many are that good to justify the price? Are u paying for the 'mojo' and the fact they aint making genuine 60s ones anymore? I will admit to being a bass snob (or should that be knob?) so not keen on RIs or even new custom shop, possibly to my own regret. The thought is really driven by the Desert Island Bass theory from an earlier thread or one bass to rule them all etc.. I only play for me own pleasure now (oo-er) and occasionally think I would like to have just one bass. Something to noodle about with on a Sunday afternoon til the gravy goes lumpy. BB
  8. Sorry - I will have to join the minority on this one - I think these are gorgeous! Although that heart cutaway (to make u use a stand I think) is just an accident waiting to happen and wont be cheap to repair either. BB
  9. I have been misunderstanding, I think. This is a current model or re-issue not an original 70s/80s one? BB
  10. [quote name='thebeeps' post='560663' date='Aug 4 2009, 09:43 PM']I have Three Overwaters Seven I wish !!![/quote] You're lucky I didnt read your post as 9 Overwaters! I use a little netbook with a tiny screen and cant see full stops! BB
  11. Jan's the man! Excellent work, my friend! BB
  12. That blue S2 certainly yanks my lariat!!!!! BB
  13. Dave Grohl will just not be happy til he's in some form of Led Zep! He should just piss off and form a Zep tribute band and leave us all alone. BB
  14. That is really, really nice. No reserve either. I hope the guy gets a fair price eventually for it but nothing would surprise me on eBay these days BB
  15. The last thing I need is another bass but this is soooooooo cool !!!!! BB
  16. [quote name='rslaing' post='562248' date='Aug 6 2009, 09:02 PM']I don't mean to make light of your predicament, but shouldn't you direct your amorous attention to something that is human?[/quote] Be fair, It was TE AH250 with the pretty light (just had to make sure that fan was off!) BB
  17. Wondered why that site was familiar. Then saw the Goodfellow at the bottom. Those Fenders seem reasonable for 60s ones. Wonder where he gets them all? The only other place with that many is [url="http://www.vintageandrareguitars.com/web/Home"]vintage and rare guitars[/url] BB
  18. Really sorry to hear ur having problems like this, mate, total bummer. No advice unfortunately, other than dont give up - the world needs all the bass players it can get! I know there are different left hand techniques - some say the thumb should be in line wth the centre of the neck and some have almost a golfclub type grip round the neck. I would suggest having a total rest for a while if u can handle it and have a nosey about the site I am sure there are other posts with info and advice about similair conditions We should have a seperate medical problem section (I have a fecked back from humping gear ) Hope it all works out well BB
  19. Thanks for all that people. Now looking thru the pinned lightweight cabs thread section for inspiration. I haven't played live in many a year cos I am simply unable to hump gear. My back can be fine a lot of the time but when it goes, it goes big time. GP wont recommend me for treatment as it is not a chronic condition and will clear up eventually each time so he just gives me excercise and recommends a painkiller. Should pay a private chiropracter really to have a look I also dont want to join a band again then have to bring a note saying why I aint helping with setting up but could someone help me with my stuff please. The reason for this is that is how I got the back trouble in the first place - played in a 'pro' Show band for years where the drummer only moved his own stuff (cos there was so much of it????), the guitarist drank and sat with his wife ( the singer and keyboard player) and left me to pack the van every night. and one night tried to lift a PA bass bin which tried to kill me Rant over!!!! sorry if I sound bitter about all that but I am Anyhoo hear good stuff about Epifani cabs - may manage with the 2x10 - any opinions and which amp? BB (Bad Back )
  20. Due to (rather serious) back issues I am really limited to what i can lift and move - the briefcase is not far off the max weight I would want in any one piece of gear. BB
  21. I have a little PJ Briefcase combo, v nice and v loud (for 100 watts). Good for practice and small gigs. For larger gigs I was wondering rather than trading up to something larger what if i got a second Briefcase combo (there is one for good price on the forum) Has anyone done this with any combo(s) - are their problems i haven't foreseen? Would I use the XLR balanced line out or the jack pre-amp out and feed it to the second combo? And big question would it be twice as loud as one combo? I am old school and used to love big spkrs (12 and 15) but the old back aint what it used to be BB
  22. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='560167' date='Aug 4 2009, 01:32 PM']Yo Brother Smithe! Yes, indeed - It's the one I'd be most interested in putting an order for. BB - Don't be put off ordering your Streamline. They're a fantastic bass & I definitely wouldn't be without mine! I use mine all the time these days [/quote] I do prefer the Mark 1s roundy edges I must admit ( and it would need to have chrome hardware)but I am also taken by the Graphite T from yon french chappie in the for sale section........decisions, decisions!!! BB
  23. [quote name='Hartke_UK' post='561007' date='Aug 5 2009, 11:08 AM']Whippets and thistles are fine. It was the black pudding that stopped him going north! Seriously, it’s a great shame that he couldn’t have got around to other parts of the UK & ROI, but we only had a limited number of dates. Hopefully there will be more of these events in the future with Stu and many other great Hartke bass players. [/quote] Note to self - must send Larry a Black Pudding! BB
  24. Why is there so much lovely graphite floating about..................... BB
  25. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='560991' date='Aug 5 2009, 10:59 AM']I've played a couple of these at the factory & they really are amazing - Great feel and huge sound! Best of luck with the sale [/quote] Maybe not the place to ask, but how much would this be new? My resolve is beginning to weaken with this one...... BB
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