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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. Thinking of sticking a set of flats on my old 79 Overwater with twin HBs, any recommendations? It has a bit of a dead spot, would this help or hinder that issue or make no difference? BB ps no experience of flats whatsoever so far
  2. Sorry to bring back an unpopular possibly even a tad controversial thread but I thought the pick brigade might like this..... http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/gift-gadgets/pickmaster-plectrum/10503726.html BB
  3. My local Crack Convertor has a mint one for £160 and I'm sorely tempted especially if they play as nice as they look BB
  4. I have a Dolphin but can't get a decent tuna out of it BB
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1347654970' post='1803761'] That's fabulous! I think I'll buy one for my forthcoming trip to the Pennines. [/quote] If that's a prototype speeder then 30s in here must be the prototype of the AT-AT/AT-ST. The future is now, people! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-19169023 BB ps I know Star Wars wasn't set in the future but you know what I mean ;-)
  6. Depressed now! "Must go and see the Led Zep in concert film!" - 16 yr old with loads of hair and whole life ahead of him! Fast forward "Must go and see the Led Zep in concert film!" - 51yr old balding fat ass wondering what just happened! BB
  7. I nearly got the sack the day of the ticket release as I spent the entire day at work on the phones/pc even after several warnings. Didn't get through :-( I was at Knebworth in 79 though :-) Does anyone remember if the original TSRTS film did much of a cinema round? I remember having to go to a late night showing at the GFT to catch it. There was a wee spate of music films White Rock etc in that era. Tommy being the most high profile I suppose. BB
  8. Well the clue is in the name, I suppose. Many many moons ago the band I was in in was offered the support slot for Martha and the Muffins, a sprightly young pop combo of some note in that era, top ten in the hit parade and all that. Great, we thought! A fee of £400 is mentioned. Even better, we thought! "Ah, you misunderstand, my dears" says the promoter, adjusting his top hat and twirling one end of his moustache "YOU pay US the 400 clams or you aren't getting within 10 feet of that stage! And no, you can't use their drumkit!" We didn't do the gig :-( although we would have done it for nothing. BB
  9. Lefty Wal custom sold for a bargain £1420 last week on eBay - but you probably didn't want to know that BB
  10. Just discussing my options with Ped, our resident Vigier expert, as it turns out the bridge pup is goosed. Especially after I had a good poke at it. By chance the Vigier rep is at RedDog music in Edinburgh tmrw for a launch day and have arranged to see him along with Rob, RedDogs guitar tech, and hoping we can rescue it as replacement pups aren't available. Onwards and upwards! BB
  11. the things you find in these shops now. These are from Cash Generator the b*st*ard offspring of CrackConvertors no doubt http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/other-amplifiers/vintage-ampeg-b-15n-bass-amp-from-1965-ck700 I pass the this store on Wednedays so i think i will have a look see and wee try-oot depending on them having a decent bass handy, wont be buying regardless. A couple on the bay at the moment too. Also for any one near Woolwich ( or if u want it delivered )I think these normally go around £400 new so seems a good deal http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/guitar-amplifiers/hartke-a100-series-bass-combo-amp-ww4276 BB
  12. Green Machine Technology that stood for I think FWIW BB
  13. Cheers guys! Seller was an acoustic six string player who had acquired this as part of a deal and he had just let it sit in its case ( original case too! ) It needs new strings, has damage to gel coating at the upper point of headstock but just the coating not the graphite. Rest of bodywork is fine. Worst thing is and i nearly didn't spot it was the crack across the bridge pup 'cover' - The pickups actually have a wide lip all the way round which is quite flimsy and maybe someone applied pressure to the top when adjusting the height. Doesn't seem to affect the sound in any way. Won't be selling my Warwick Dolphin just yet but v pleased with it. Will clean it up and stick better pics in the porn section. BB
  14. If Essex is now in France then possibly..... Had to do garden things and stuff before i was allowed out to play but here it is, a 1986 Vigier Passion in not too bad condition.
  15. Leaving now, back about 2.30ish bass laden! BB And no that is not the Al queda guy :-)
  16. Tired of waiting for the right Wal or Steinberger XL2 to come along I am off to check out a bass I have lusted after since they first came out in the eighties. We'll tell you what it is after these commercials........... BB
  17. 07/09 show @22.00 min in BB is it just me or is Rob Brydon just a complete arse?
  18. You wonder how much they must have paid the poor desperate sod/drug-crazed tea leaf ( delete as appropriate ) for the bass. This didn't last long...... http://webshop.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/437436/vigier-arpege-bass-guitar BB
  19. Herr Hitlers favourite drink - Gin and two tonics! I'll get me greatcoat...... BB
  20. Cheers! Already clocked that one :-) and I think the seller is a member and has iit in the For Sale section. Buttons for a bit of Teutonic bassy goodness BB
  21. Ur link takes you to one the trace combos from ur other posts! I want to see some German wood please :-) BB
  22. Ah, the old Warwick /Trace switcherooni scam! ;-) BB
  23. Yes that should be enough to get it pulled - but is that only if someone actually complains - do eBay check the ads themselves? BB
  24. If he sticks to cash on pickup after winning it should be ok. The account though hasn't been used in 4 yrs? BB
  25. Confirmed as scam. Follow link again BB
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