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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. No Probs, mate. BB
  2. This is one fantastic looking bass!!! I know how well they play as I have a 90s one but I'd have this one anyday! BB
  3. No Probs - have an Overwater Perception I'm sick of looking at and use the PJ briefcase just now and fancied something just a little larger meself! BB
  4. Page 2 already?? I dont think so! BB
  5. Is he scared of whippets and thistles then? BB
  6. When u say swap do you mean for amplification or basses? BB
  7. Only a thought at the moment - but would you consider trading them for another Overwater - a 91 perception 4 deluxe - it is in the for sale section. BB
  8. I really like this. I had an SBR60 which I wish I'd kept. I take it this is passive? No battery compartment. BB
  9. Would you be interested in a Godin LGX SA - Ebony board, Seymour Duncans, Piezo complete with Roland GR33 guitar synth floor unit and all cables? Its for sale in the 'other musical stuff' forum if you want to take a peek. BB
  10. Bloody Hell! I am old enough to be this young shavers Grandfather! I am so depressed! Glad to see he knows what he wants, though! Best of luck, young man! BB
  11. I'll tell you what i do with my old basses, mate! I play 'em, thats what I do! Paid my way, I did! Young Scallywag! Bring back conscription!!! and the birch!! Mutter,mutter, foam,foam!!! BB (Colonel) Retired
  12. You got a right bargain there, mate! Now if only his lovely 4000 was the same price BB
  13. That wont be cheap, I'll wager! Just as i was nearly convincing myself into a Streamline........ BB
  14. Oooh luvvley!!!! Nice bit of graphite , there. BB
  15. You be careful who you're calling a gentleman! There is no such thing as bad publicity - the forum is groaning with unshifted gear and I'm sure the seller is glad of anything that bumps his (very, very nice) bass (IMO) to the top. BB
  16. I love headless Status basses ( + the T-bass and also Steinys) but I really,really didnt like the look of the Streamline at all. The big attraction for me is the compactness. It could be said its just an XL knock off with Rob trying to put his own spin on it. I would be hard pushed to choose between this and a little streamline so it is gowing on me I suppose. BB
  17. Monday bump! BB
  18. BB - Broad Bass! Didn't know that, but know it now! This BassChat is an education! BB (also)
  19. You would have a long trip as its pick-up only! Or u could have one them 30 euro Amsterdam to Liverpool flights on Google. you dont actually see many fretless JDs BB
  20. I see that thebeeps has an Eden Metro 2x10 combo and 2x10 ext cab for sale - where would this sit as a compromise size/weight to vol/tone in anyones opinion? BB
  21. [quote name='thebeeps' post='558417' date='Aug 2 2009, 12:12 PM']I prefer my Overwater basses.I now have three .Progress three 4 string/Progress three 5 string and a Progress three 5 string unlined fretless Personally I think the Overwaters are amongst the best basses out there ,and compete with basses two or three times their price. They always cut through a mix no matter what style of music I am playing.The after sales are second to none[/quote] Blimey! 7 Overwaters! Someones Keeping Chris May in luxury soft toilet paper, then! BB
  22. Is that a bad photo or does the logo actually look drawn on with crayon BB
  23. Thought on first read u were selling all 3 for £130!!! Decided u had either missed out a zero or had just gone plain nuts! Figured it out now. BB
  24. I am old school on this I have always believed in that u need to really shift air and lots of it!!!! I dont do live anymore and potter about with a JP briefcase combo, which has a great graphic and can be quite loud, but recently dragged out me old Peavey Databass - 450W digital power and 15" spkr. I have a couple of basses I had only ever heard thru the Briefcase and the difference using them thru something far bigger was amazing. git urself a 2 x18 and a couple of chumps to carry it! BB
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