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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. Holding down the bottom end is "..moronic....." and "....pedestrian...."??????!!!!! Well excuse me for not having Tourette's syndrome of the fingers Mr Lee. BB
  2. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/167663-fender-1997-usa-deluxe-jazz-bass-for-sale-price-drop/ BB
  3. took a certain BC'r ( of sorts ) over 2 months to shift one at £500 recently so not far off that and obviously well worth a punt if you are near. BB
  4. possibly a bargain compared to this one.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/STUPID-RARE-VINTAGE-1964-GIBSON-THUNDERBIRD-II-BASS-GUITAR-POLARIS-WHITE-FINISH-/360441855986?pt=Guitar&hash=item53ec023ff2 BB
  5. And at the other end of the scale from the 60s beauty.......free stand too http://www.gumtree.com/music-instruments/glasgow
  6. Looks very like a bass Hondo had out in the late 70's to me BB
  7. I had a new one just like that back in 79. £118 from Thomsons Music in Glasgow. Recently i think they have been around £300 or so. Nice players if u can get past the looks and that ashtray. BB
  8. I'll buy all the basses if he throws in the Aston Martin BB
  9. £1500???? If I thought I could get that for my blue one I'd sell it tomorrow! I'd even throw in the dead spot for nothing! :-) BB
  10. I do love a bit of graphiteness! This is the one Steiny model I've never owned, having had the XL2 (3!!!) and an XP. Loved but regretfully sold 'em all but no space or money for this one BB
  11. Things are just getting silly now............or should it be £150 which is possibly just as silly....... http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/4-string-fretless-bass-guitar-from-westone/89447414 BB
  12. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/1978-rickenbacker-4001-bass-guitar/89237426 6 months ago I would have jumped at this..........but a bargain if genuine
  13. Bump for one of my all time favourite basses - never had a fretless custom tho' - hope that one plays as good it looks. BB
  14. Sold on Gumtree (and I got ripped off but only myself to blame.) BB
  15. first time in months I haven't checked the for sale section on a daily basis and I miss my dream bass (for which i had been flogging off my collection to save for) Those Jaydees are nicest I've seen though. BB
  16. Not a Fender man normally but that is a beaut! If I had to have one that would be it! Oh and a nice little TV Bassman combo to go with it! BB
  17. Bump to say Richard has now sold the GR20 and to say the Godin is an excellent guitar in its own right. BB
  18. BarnacleBob


    What is there to say that hasn't already been said. Always enjoyed his postings - Si seemed like a genuinely nice guy and will be missed ( really liked that blue Jazz of his!) Thoughts go to his family and friends. BB
  19. Thank you, Ricardo! Avez une Bumpe! BB
  20. Toni bought my Roland GR33 guitar synth - A Top bloke and everything went smoothly! BB
  21. This looks sweet! Bump in anticipation of more pics. Liked the Interview with the Jones boy on uTube JPJ - ".....and I have a 62 Fender Jazz....." Hack - "How did you know it is a 62?" JPJ - "Cos I bought it in 1962..." BB
  22. Having sold the GR33 seperately I notice RichardH has the equally compatible but more compact Roland GR20 c/w cable for sale in the effects section! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=95690"]Roland GR20[/url] Both this LGX and the GR20 would make an ideal combination. No need for a pickup as it is already installed in the guitar. So I will knock off another 50 from the guitar to anyone who buys this and Richards GR20 as well. Currently strung with Fender 10s bullets here are some more pics of guitar with case and tags. No chips or scrapes or buckle rash as such, swirling in the finish from over zealous cleaning from someone (not me) [attachment=56328:IMG_6700.JPG] [attachment=56327:IMG_6695.JPG] [attachment=56329:IMG_6702.JPG] BB
  23. Bump for additional sales B/S and possible trade - see OP BB
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