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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. I really, really fancy one of these 62 RIs. How 'close' are they to an original in features etc? BB
  2. August Sunday Bump BB
  3. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='915675' date='Aug 5 2010, 09:52 AM']Would you be interested in splitting off the GR33 - I already have an xtSA.[/quote] Yes. Yours taciturnly BB
  4. Had totally forgotten all about this type bump BB
  5. Any chance of more pics since it's return from Paul? BB
  6. Had 9 down to 3 but I want this ........ BB
  7. Hi Daniel, Welcome to Basschat! BB
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='867638' date='Jun 14 2010, 11:32 PM']Just found this vid which offers a surprisingly clear illustration of how deadspots work. [url="http://www.wimp.com/rubenstube/"]http://www.wimp.com/rubenstube/[/url][/quote] Awesome! My Overwater original has an irritating dead spot on the D at the 7th - TheFat finger went some way to fixing it but the bass is so finely balanced ~I started getting a bit of neck dive though the shape of the bass ( explorer-esque) causes u to rest ur left arm on the body. Best cure was standing holding the end of the head against a door frame not ideal. BB
  9. Bump for a fabulous looking bass - sadly the recent purchase a 5 string Streamline really knocks me out of the running on this one best of luck BB
  10. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='522664' date='Jun 24 2009, 03:23 PM']Here's the two ladies in bed together.......... BB[/quote] A little something for somebody........
  11. Mark bought my Status TE T-bass which i am missing already. All went smoothly. Nice Guy and a class act all round. BB
  12. Tom bought my Yamaha P60 piane-y! All went swimmingly! Top bloke! BB
  13. [quote name='sprocketflup' post='863800' date='Jun 10 2010, 10:34 PM']Booked a collection for AFTER 12.30 as there would be no-one home until then, wife gets back at lunchtime and theres a card thru the door - they tried to collect at 10.47am [/quote] Yes they have done that twice in the past week to me - seems strange especially as the online booking stated clearly the deadline for morning pick-up had passed. BB
  14. I think it's just a euphamism for signature model but sounds good if your charging silly money like this. BB There are two famous-ish Gary Graingers who play the bass. This one refers to the guy From EW&F and not the guy that was in the Faces.
  15. Use Interparcel and no complaints so far - except the last twice they have delivered the instruments early, the inconsiderate b******s, and when i made a mess of a booking online (wrong name and house number) a young lady sorted it all out in minutes and issued a new set of labels, and the one time they were a day late with a delivery they refunded the full charge AND insurance immediately. This is not the kind of service we expect in Britain and something must be done! BB
  16. Suffering WWS for the past 3 months ( Wal Withdrawal Syndrome ) first time without a Wal in 30 yrs Could you tell me the width of the neck at the nut and the 15th fret, say, and also the string spacing. BB
  17. [quote name='ahpook' post='862417' date='Jun 9 2010, 05:55 PM']/reserves space for when my t-bass arrives from barnacle bill/ [/quote] You've bought another one then? BB
  18. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='862250' date='Jun 9 2010, 04:07 PM']Trade you my Hofner for Betty, Bob [/quote] PM'd BB
  19. Cheers Guys. Spoombung, you say an interesting thing in that you feel the bassier sound is a disadvantage which i would have said was a plus. My thinking was that the short scale would make a more 'trebly' tone, just shows you how wrong you can be - bit worried about the occassional rattle though especially at my age. BB
  20. Apologies if this has been covered in another thread but, as it says on the tin, what are BC'ers experience of the 30 -31" scale. I remember as t'lad hankering after a Fender Musicmaster in the mid 70's cos the only 'real' bass player i knew had one - though he never let me anywhere near it. They don't seem to be any more abundant now, as then, though. The two that spring to mind are the Fender Bronco and at the other end of the (short)scale the Alembic SC. Also the Gibson EB series were short scale I think. What difference do those precious 3 and 1/4 inches and more make (please keep the Kn*b jokes for the recipe thread)? BB
  21. Used to use an SR16 quite happily for live gigs during summer season at Butlitz Holiday camp ( the drummer went to college on a Monday afternoon) An excellent machine. Currently use the DR880 in a studio setting only, would recommend one to anybody. If ur on a budget get the Alesis but if u can afford it get the Boss. BB All of the above is true! Yes, our drummer did manage to get into college!
  22. Velcro? It's just a rip-off! BB That joke was brought to you by the publishers if this weeks Radio Times (Still only £1.10)
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