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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. There are dot markers on the side of the fret board so it isn't too much of a problem - though my T-bass is the same so I was used to it. Cheers BB
  2. Absolutely top bloke! Has satisfied my craving for headlessy graphitey mintiness with a beautiful 5 string Status Streamline in double quick time. Many thanks again Owen. BB
  3. Midweek bump. Came home today (unexpectedly) and found/caught my 15yr old daughter and her pal playing my basses! Let them off as her pal was actually very good - even more surprising in that she doesnt own a bass, only uses one she has access to at school and doesnt get lessons! Sadly she couldn't afford 600 clams as she loved this one cos it was so light. BB
  4. Mine! BB
  5. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='846827' date='May 24 2010, 08:19 PM']Nah but would let the Darkstarred Starfire go, not that you'd like that [/quote] Bit of 60's Shortscale niceness? Waaaa-ay too cool for me! Although my next purchase might be 30.5 inches of Americas finest! BB
  6. Pick up only may put some buyers off - although not many people would front 2.5K for a bass they haven't tried even if it is a Wal. One of my all time GAS favourites!! Best of luck BB
  7. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='846805' date='May 24 2010, 07:48 PM']................... I'll give you £200 for it [/quote] Swap you for your Overwater original though!!!!! BB
  8. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='846665' date='May 24 2010, 05:11 PM']Inside the control cavity, well on the plastic that covers the control cavity[/quote] 91 my arse! Signed off by Chris April 2006! I could have sworn I've had it that long! Must have been quite new when i got it which explained its excellent condition! God knows where i got 1991 from - meths is a hell of a drug! No mention of woods though but I am sure a BCer came to my aid before on this. So there we are then 4 yr old Perception Deluxe & case 600 clams to your doorstep - current new seem to go between 1300 and 2200 BB
  9. The chap (a professional player) i bought it from said it was a 91 and he had bought it new - the sale was to fund a neck-thru from Chris and Chris seemed to know the chap so I had no reason to question its age. It is in remarkable condition for nearly 20 yrs old if it is indeed a '91. Should check the serial number but i cant find it BB
  10. Bored and too hot at work type bump.......... BB
  11. A Lazy, Sunny Sunday afternoon bump...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! BB
  12. Cheers Mike. I have my lovely 'Betty Blue' Original to keep me happy so cant really justify 2 Overwaters ( well i could but incoming means something has to go) BB
  13. For Sale is my 2006 Overwater Perception Deluxe. Very good condition, very light (under 8lbs), neck and frets all good. 2 band EQ gives what was discussed in another thread as a nice polite hi-fi sound, not a 'grunter'! Too many basses, trying to cut back to just the neck-thrus! Comes with new Warwick Rockcase. Will include delivery to UK mainland in price. Any questions, ask away. BB
  14. [quote name='owen' post='844088' date='May 21 2010, 01:10 PM']Mark I or II? I'm afraid that I have no idea. How would I tell?[/quote] The mark II is relatively recent and has more angular edges - OTPJ is the man who knows all. BB
  15. [quote name='martthebass' post='843984' date='May 21 2010, 11:50 AM']I would so love this to go with my 4 stringer. Superb basses - can't praise them enough. £1100 is a cracking price too.[/quote] Well i will buy this then swap you for ur 4 BB
  16. Is it a Mark I or Mark II? BB
  17. Is the (midi) note then generated by string contact wtith the fret or is it affected by the right hand plucking as well (amplitude etc?). The video link didnt really explain anything - it was just that guy plugging himself ( although not with the bass up his a*s I hope! ) Also that connector on the back looks in an awkward place. BB
  18. No - the Pro basses were I or Ie ( I think) and II and IIe depending on number of pick-ups and active or not. I think they shared the same scratchplate so the battery cover was there either way. My Pro I was passive but had the battery cover. This sold while i was scrabbling about trying to raise the money BB
  19. Luvverly! A twin for my Betty! BB
  20. WTF!!! That guy gives us 'Bobs' a bad name!! BB
  21. Seeing this makes me wish i had got my B3 refinished instead of selling it on! Fantastic Basses! BB EDIT - think mine might have been a B4 if it was misty violet and not purple rain translucent finish(?)
  22. Seeing this makes me wish i had got my B3 refinished instead of selling it on! Fantastic Basses! BB
  23. Polite is quite a good way of putting it - I think Overwater refer to it as 'subtle but effective' - My 91 Perception is really light and a great player but as a rule I have everything fully clockwise to get a nice grunt out of it. BB ps never had any trouble getting a reply from Chris personally.
  24. The rockstands take up more space than u think cos they dont go flush up against a wall - the basses sit angled backwards rather than upright and the longer the neck the more of a gap from stand to wall you will need. I also got caught cos I have a warwick dolphin and it has to sit the opposite way from the other guitars also it doesnt like my Overwater original (explorer shaped) That Hercules one looks ideal if the stability could be established. I bought the Twin hanging Hercules stand and discovered it had a bigger footprint than the three way one due to having to cope with all the weight only being on one side when you took one off. Funny things stands never found the perfect one yet. BB
  25. Rubbish playing style, I can clearly see his left thumb isn't in line with the centre of the neck! Must do better! Had the Starlicks video he had out in the 80s and played it til it died. Much prefer him too MK or the other slappers. BB If anyone has a dvd copy of said video would be v interested
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