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  1. If you approach it the other way around, flat EQ on the MojoMojo at 25-50% Drive is roughly equivalent to Bass 11:00, Treble 8:30 on the Spark at 100% Gain. It's not quite as close this way - the MojoMojo has a little more going on between 500Hz-3kHz, and a little less > 3kHz.
  2. The Spark at 100% Gain and the MojoMojo at 25-30% Drive sound pretty close, if you tweak the EQ on the MojoMojo a bit. The Spark is slightly less compressed. Spark / Mode "Clean" / Gain 5:00 (max) / Bass & Treble 12:00 (flat) 1 Spark.mp3 MojoMojo / Voice "Up" / Drive 10:30 / Bass 1:00 / Treble 4:15 1 MojoMojo.mp3 Spark (settings as above) 2 Spark.mp3 MojoMojo (settings as above) 2 MojoMojo.mp3
  3. Some folks have convinced themselves that a signature instrument is equivalent to a lifetime achievement award, and therefore only their favourites from decades past "deserve" to have one. Whereas I'm sure the only qualification that Fender considers is, quite reasonably, "Can we make a load of money by selling these?"
  4. Dry recording (no pedal): Dry.mp3 Spark / Mode "Clean" / Gain 100%: Spark max gain.mp3 MojoMojo / Drive 0%: MojoMojo min gain.mp3 MojoMojo / Drive 50%: MojoMojo half gain.mp3 MojoMojo / Drive 100%: MojoMojo max gain.mp3
  5. Very little 🤣 I have an old image from when I looked into this a while back. Dark green is voice switch "up", light green is "down": So something like a 1.5dB boost centred around 80-100Hz. You can barely hear the difference.
  6. Different modes on the Spark @ Gain 50% / Bass & Treble 50% Blue: Fat Purple: Clean Yellow: Mid
  7. Did somebody say "graphs"? No? Well you're getting them anyway, because I happen to have both pedals to hand. Green: Spark / Mode "Clean" / Gain 0% / Bass & Treble 50% Red: MojoMojo / Voice "Up" / Drive 0% / Bass & Treble 50% Green: Spark / Mode "Clean" / Gain 100% / Bass & Treble 50% Red: MojoMojo / Voice "Up" / Drive 100% / Bass & Treble 50% Green: Spark / Mode "Clean" / Gain 0% / Bass & Treble 100% Red: MojoMojo / Voice "Up" / Drive 0% / Bass & Treble 100% Green: Spark / Mode "Clean" / Gain 100% / Bass & Treble 100% Red: MojoMojo / Voice "Up" / Drive 100% / Bass & Treble 100% The MojoMojo is inherently dark-sounding, and cranking the highs is only going to get you close to flat at best. It gets a bit more mid-focused than the Spark as you increase the gain. I'll see if I can get some sound samples later. Edit: Apologies to anyone with colourblindess - I should have picked something other than red/green. Basically, whichever line has less treble is always the MojoMojo
  8. If there are separate magnets for the A/E and D/G sides of the pickup, the D/G one could have been de-magnetised. I had a new bass arrive with a G string that was a quarter of the volume of the others. It wasn't the strings - if I turned the pickup 180 degrees, the E string became the weak one. In theory a pickup can be re-magnetised, but in my case the manufacturer just replaced it since it was new.
  9. Black's the best of the those options, but would look better with black pickup covers. A plain white that matched the covers would also work. There's too much going on with the control plate to have a pattern on the scratchplate as well, IMO.
  10. Ooooh... sparkly! 🤩
  11. https://www.thomann.co.uk/tech_21_progr_sansamp_bass_driver_di.htm 3 settings, 3 buttons. You're paying a fair bit for simplicitly, mind. It'd be a lot cheaper to buy three of these and tape them together: Edit: I'm asssuming that "etc" means varying levels of drive, and not other stuff like phaser / delay / bitcrusher - in which case you would need a multieffects pedal
  12. Exactly! If you tell us about some songs where you've heard the sort of tone that you're after, it'll help you get more focused replies
  13. The distance between the nut and the saddle hasn't changed, the unit weight of the string hasn't changed, and the tuning hasn't changed, so the tension must be the same. The string length behind the nut or saddle acts like a spring - when you push on the main part of the string, it may stretch a little and allow a bit more "give". So in theory, your strings should feel more loose/bendy/compliant because you've added length behind the saddle. But since we're talking ~1cm of difference, it's probably not even noticeable.
  14. Genz Benz Shuttle 9.2 Keeley Bassist
  15. I absolutely love Rocksmith 2014/Remastered. Hundreds of hours on bass and guitar, and I've never even touched CDLC yet. I imagine that being able to read sheet music at a high level gives you a similar sort of experience, in that you're able to skip the "learn the song" part and jump straight to "play the song". Without Rocksmith, I'm not sure I would ever have knuckled down and practiced consistently enough to be confident in auditioning for bands. What they've done with Rocksmith+ is a tragedy.
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