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Everything posted by MartinB

  1. Aside from the ugly tort, I think this one's pretty decent. It follows the outline of the body properly, unlike a lot of the disasters in this thread. Just needs a little tweak in the area next to the neck:
  2. It looks way more interesting this way than it would if the screw holes had been filled & painted and it was just a flat mass of colour
  3. As someone who mostly plays Jazz necks, the word I would use is "chunky"
  4. These are pretty cool! Also:
  5. The figure-8 cable I was looking at (https://custom-lynx.co.uk/product/2sj-2sj-_-rean/) says the following: Think I'll just get one and see what's what, since I've got a use for it elsewhere if this idea doesn't pan out. My Aliexpress "P2" should be here this afternoon - will give it a test to see if it really does have a limiter or not.
  6. Yep, I saw that - thanks! That's what the made-up Designacable one uses. I'm wondering whether there's a middle ground between this premium option, and lashing together separate mono and stereo cables.
  7. I'm looking at options for a single cable with the unbalanced mono bass signal going one way, and a stereo or balanced-mono signal coming the other way and into a headphone amp (Behringer P2 or similar). The pre-made options seem quite spendy: - Ernie Ball Instrument And Headphone Cable ~£60 - Designable Combo Cable for IEM Systems ~£80 Plus they need an additional patch cable to connect to the headphone amp. Could the same thing be achieved more affordably by using a dual TRS cable? e.g. this for ~£15 The second core (Ring) on the connection from the bass would be unused; if this was going to cause an issue (e.g. with an active bass that uses a stereo socket for switching), it ought to be simple enough rewire those plugs to join Ring and Sleeve. Does this seem viable, or am I missing something? Possibly something to do with shielding and grounding?
  8. You could try using the "Ba PEQ" (parametric equaliser) effect to see if there's a specific range of frequencies that sound harsh to you. Set Q1 to maximum and Gain1 to minimum, and then adjust Freq1 while playing. This will be removing a narrow band of frequencies, so when you find a spot that makes the pickups sound, you can try reducing Q1 to make it wider and Gain1 to make it less dramatic. If you're having trouble finding the offending range, try setting Gain1 to maximum instead, and twiddle the frequency until it really emphasises the bad sounds - then you can turn the gain down to knock them out.
  9. Yeah I figured it was most likely identical - just odd that they don't mention it. I'll give it a test when it arrives 🙂
  10. Do the AliExpress versions have a limiter like the Fischer/Behringer?
  11. You may need to look at "other sellers" to see the £18.99 deal - I was shown the more expensive price by default
  12. We've had all these arguments before - it's time to shuffle them around for new and exciting match-ups: Pick vs. 5-string Tort vs. rounds "Play it like the record" vs. active etc.
  13. This might be a stupid question, but how does a "passive gain boost" work? Some sort of transformer wizardry? Or more likely that the "normal" position is attenuated, so that the "boost" is comparatively louder?
  14. Now it's art
  15. I used to use a Peavey Microbass combo (20W, 8") to rehearse with my surf band - bass, 2 x electric guitars, drums. Loads of volume to spare. Context really is everything - it probably would have been absolutely useless for rehearsing with a drummer with no volume control and a guitarist with a Marshall stack and no understandng of frequency slotting.
  16. Democractic Republic of the Cungo?
  17. Could you not just stick a battery in the tuner? It's not like it's going to be switched on for more than a few seconds at a time, so it'll last ages. Plus the noise problems that folks sometimes have with rechargeable 9-volters are unlikely to be an issue for a tuner.
  18. £699 at Andertons, £677 at Thomann. I think those are probably the only options since Wembley Music Centre closed down.
  19. Collect all the Beach Boys! They're conveniently alphabetical - Al, Brian, Carl, Dennis. We don't talk about Mike Love 😒 The Punchline's getting some glowing reviews over on the other bass forum... but everyone seems to want to replace the knobs 🤷‍♂️
  20. Need some heavy strings? D'Addario NYXL 55-110 are currently only £9.95: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01NAJH97M
    Get 'em before the pricing algorithm catches up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desbass


      Thanks for the heads up. Four sets ordered-£39.80. Nice one!

    3. Kev


      I ordered a set last week, they've been cheap for a while, at least a year or so theyve been on and off a tenner on there, no idea why or where they're coming from!

    4. godathunder


      thanks for that, ordered 3 sets

  21. The same paint was "Burgundy Mist" when applied to an Oldsmobile, "Royal Amethyst" on a Pontiac, or "Lido Lavender" on a Buick 😆 It was 1959... I'm pretty sure everything was black and white until shortly before then, so they were only just getting the hang of these new-fangled "colours"
  22. Worth checking that everyone involved is on the same page for this one - it follows a typical 12-bar chord progression, but it repeats every 11 bars if you play it like the original version. You only get one bar of the I chord at the end each time round.
  23. First gig for Black Hole Jets! I am likely to be playing it sitting on a chair, as I've recently ruptured my achilles tendon
  24. We're all on headphones for band practice; I use a pair of (over-ear) Audio Technica ATH-M50s. I'm direct to the mixer, the (acoustic) drums are mic'd, and the guitar amp goes to an isolation cab. The only sound in the room when not wearing headphones is the drums, the vocals, some muffled noise from the iso cab, and quiet twanging of guitar strings. I was originally using in-ears, but it turned out that full isolation just wasn't needed - the M50s are enough to get the drums to a comfortable volume, and the cymbals that get muffled I can bring back in through the mixer. And they're a lot more comfortable to wear for a long period, and less faff to get in and out.
  25. I was looking at a Debut as a modding base, but I ended up going for a Sonic instead (£30 more), because the average weights of the Sonics seemed to be lower. Mine came in at 8lb 11oz; not a boat anchor but more than I was expecting. Now that I've hacked a cavity in it big enough for a MM-type pickup, and some weight relief holes under the scratchplate, it's 8lb 4oz, and I should be able to get it down to 8lb with lightweight tuners. Spent about £230 in total so far. Proper alnico pickup and 2-band Stingray pre-amp circuit. Definitely better value than those new passive ceramic pickup Sterlings at £349
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