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Everything posted by Andy_L

  1. Plus there's always the danger that the dep may be a better player or more fun to be around than me
  2. Did you have any luck with this? I've considered doing the same thing but can't find anything
  3. My avatar. The pic on the left is actually Winnie the Pooh. I don't look like him
  4. I use a Fender PJ for country/country rock, with the P on about 80% and the J on 20-30% usually. Oh, and roundwounds.
  5. Precision pickup from a 2013 Fender FSR JB75 PJ. Hopefully some pictures here: [url="https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By7rjGMFM4nkYVA1Tm1Ka3VDNzg"]https://drive.google...YVA1Tm1Ka3VDNzg[/url] £30 + p&p
  6. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1499855755' post='3334049'] ...nothing is off limits, with the exception of The Laughing Gnome Actually, after this morning's band conversation, I don't think we will be doing She's Got Medals anytime soon either. Sorry Andy_L [/quote] I can picture the discussion: HKH - ...and some odd bloke on Basschat suggested She's Got Medals Rest of the Band (in unison) - F*** that
  7. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1499797503' post='3333712'] Well, one of them pre-dates Medals We tried to get a date at Norwich Arts Centre and, well, it didn't work out too well [/quote] Ah, the NAC, my all-time favourite venue. Saw Nirvana there many, many years ago. I must at some point convince them of the need for some country in their schedule
  8. Flummoxed by the unexpected absence of She's Got Medals in the options; ended up going for Young Americans
  9. My old bass, served me well before Mart took it over
  10. Good luck with the sale Mart
  11. Thanks Jim, that's really helpful Decisions, decisions...
  12. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1497552236' post='3319102'] Horse's for courses and all that, but I had 2 -112 EBS Classic's and never really got on with them, they lacked a lot of bottom end, lot's of mid drive tho. [/quote] I see exactly what you mean, but I'm in a country / country rock band, and clean & warm is more important to me than gut-shuddering low end. If I were in a heavy rock band they probably wouldn't be what I was after
  13. Cheers Jim. The Classic 210 looks to be about 3.5kg heavier than the Neo equivalent so not a big difference. I'm fond of the look and sound of the Classic so I'm planning to stick with this. That said, the Pros and Neos seem to come up for sale much more often on here. How do you find the 210 against the 112 sound-wise?
  14. Just looking at Bass Direct I see the 210 isn't much more than the 112. Any experience of these anyone?
  15. Thanks for your thoughts Lozz. The classic line cabs don't really seem to come up for sale on here nearly as often as the Pro or Neo cabs, so I guess I'm looking at new. In this case when allowing for price, postage and cables a 212 is probably around £150 more. I'd hope to get more than this for my existing 112 so the 212 could be the cheaper option. I take your points on convenience though. Any thoughts on sonic differences?
  16. I've currently got an EBS Reidmar with a 112 classic line cab. I like the sound and looks, but am tempted by a bit more oomph. Would I be better with another 112 cab or changing for a single 212 4 ohm cab? Transportation size and weight aren't really major concerns Thanks Andy
  17. Andy_L

    Roland Rock

    Bought a Focusrite interface from Chris. Everything went very smoothly - it was as described, well packaged and Chris kept me updated on progress. A very easy transaction - thanks Chris
  18. Thanks everyone. If it makes a difference I don't think I've ever played it with just the jazz pickup only (other than the day I got it). The P pickup is generally 75-100% of what I use it for (country rock) with just a bit of J added in
  19. Thanks, I'd hoped to keep it all Fender if possible (I wondered about the Vintage Noiseless as an alternative). I'll take a look at the alternatives.
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1494070872' post='3293010'] Be careful of matching in a PJ configuration. A non hum-cancelling J could lead to nasty hum when in solo mode and you can get phasing issues as well. There's also often quite a few problems with non-matched pairs where the P is dominant and the J doesn't add much to the tone - in fact I've even had this with a matched pair! Apologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs here [/quote] No, not at all, thanks. I was thinking of the 60s Custom Shop Jazz and 62 Custom Shop Precision. I'm after a nice vintage tone
  21. Does anyone know of anywhere in the UK that sells Fender Custom Shop 60s Jazz pickups as single items rather than in pairs? It's for a PJ bass so I need only the bridge pickup. There are a couple of places in the US via Ebay but I'd prefer somewhere more local and to avoid import duty hassles if possible Thanks Andy
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