The first band I was in when I took up the bass had a new drummer who started when I did. We did some rehearsals and some gigs and it was OK, but I never felt that lock that I heard people talk about and just assumed , because I was new to the bass, that it was me and I wasn’t any good. Some time later we had a couple of gigs which the drummer was away for and a friend of mine, who I know is a great drummer, depped for him. One song in and there it was, the lock. It all sounded and felt so much better. The next gig, my buddy was depping again and the band’s old drummer, from before my time, asked if he could sit in for a couple of songs. Again, there it was, that thing between the drums and the bass. I never doubted myself again in terms of being to able to be a proper part of the rhythm section.
@wal4string you might like this, if you haven’t seen it already, Rick Beato gushes about the maestro Gadd.