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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1151916' date='Mar 6 2011, 09:29 PM']Musicians often talk rubbish so I don't know why he was that bothered by a few people sounding off.[/quote]
    From such beginnings forums are born :)

    I quite liked most of this month's edition, although I didn't read it all so missed the abrupt endi.....

    I particularly liked the Pete Skjold bass review and subsequent article on his business.

    Anyone with real grievances against BGM could vent themselves at this coming weekend's show.

  2. I've just bought the Twp Against Nature DVD and depite Tom Barney having his custom ESP J5 which is super pretty and made for him, etc, it's only when he plays his SR5 that I really looked up and went "Ooh that sounds nice". If I was still playing a 5 it would be an SR5, my old one was lovely, sat in the mix just so. It's been said by many reviewers that it is the ultimate 5 for playing in an ensemble.

    For your pleasure

  3. [quote name='Machines' post='1150904' date='Mar 5 2011, 08:08 PM']Can't wait to try a few at the London Bass Show..[/quote]
    Me too, I think the phrase 'Form an orderly queue' will apply. I think these will be the instruments that generate the most interest at the show.

  4. [quote name='cameltoe' post='1137502' date='Feb 22 2011, 07:14 PM']Well, I found mine neck-heavy and had the same problem.

    Gotoh GBR640 tuners solved it! Can't recommend them enough. Best £65 I ever spent.[/quote]
    I was considering changing out the tuners but then I played a perfectly balanced Sandberg PM4 which I consequently bought, thus the P/P has to go to make room and line my pockets.

    Weekend bumpage.

  5. [quote name='AllTheBassP' post='1149725' date='Mar 4 2011, 05:58 PM']hi there ,does your entry ticket allow you to the master classes and performances or do you have to get other tickets when you get inside, thanks regards paul[/quote]
    Apparently you have to go to the artist's sponsor's stand and get a ticket, free but 1st come, etc. BGM are the main sponsor so expect their stand to be inundated.

  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='1147016' date='Mar 2 2011, 12:46 PM']Can anyone tell me where level 42 is at Olympia? It's just it says in the programme that Mark King is appearing there......

    (sorry, will order my taxi now)

    PS I'll be there all weekend on the Bass Gear Stand....[/quote]
    Don't forget your coat!

    TBH I smiled when I read your post.

  7. [quote name='dood' post='1146466' date='Mar 1 2011, 09:46 PM']I guess I'll wear my BassChat top to make myself known![/quote]
    This is my plan certainly. We could turn it into an unofficial BC bass bash :)

    Maybe we should also wear badges with our avatars on for quick recognition as was once suggested for another bash.

  8. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1143296' date='Feb 27 2011, 01:43 PM']IMHO A Westone Thunder is a proper bass!

    (based on playing a friends Thunder II)[/quote]
    I part exed a Thunder III that I'd defretted in the shop that used to be next door to the Bass Cellar in the 80s. Hmm that's a bit* off topic.

    *By bit I mean miles and totally unrelated really, but someone mentioned Thunders and I went with it :)

  9. Someone needs to buy this now! Since owning my Basic PM4 I've become a bit of a 'Berg evangelist. Guys you won't find this build quality and tone at this price anywhere else, literally. Sandbergs are sooo way beyond Fender (and other mainstream manufacturers) build quality and the p/ups and pre amp are a joy. Have an over enthusiastic bump on me.

    Phew I think I need to lay down :)

  10. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1140569' date='Feb 24 2011, 10:20 PM']One song I never ever ever get tired of hearing the bass on is "Town called malice"[/quote]
    We do a number of Jam songs in my covers band. Foxton lines are always fun to play including this one.

  11. I bought mine when they first came out to fit in the rock covers band I was playing at the time to replace my Jazz. A great buy, did the job perfectly especially for the Motorhead and Iron Maiden numbers we did, really in your face. Having said that I also used it in a laid back blues band and it was right at home there too. I've still got it (although it's now fretless) and it's still one of my favourite basses. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

  12. [quote name='cameltoe' post='1136292' date='Feb 21 2011, 09:13 PM']Sorry to say it, but I'd be mega interested if it hadn't been played around with.[/quote]
    Always a risk when you mess with an instrument, but I did it for a specific need and wasn't intending to sell it and wouldn't be if it wasn't for my damned left shoulder :)

    However, time for a half term bump.

  13. [quote name='leschirons' post='1133944' date='Feb 20 2011, 12:48 AM']Great stuff (got it for Robben Ford though rather than the bassplaying if I'm honest)[/quote]
    Yep me too.

    Another Ford album that features some great bass playing is the 1st Blue Line album. What a trio, what a sound. Roscoe Beck is one of my all time faves and a nice bloke into the bargain.

    Edit. I'm going to go and put on the 'Jackets CD a soon as I get of the PC I think :)

  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1137209' date='Feb 22 2011, 03:39 PM']I do have his book but so far its unread (2 years now, sitting on a shelf).[/quote]
    Do yourself a favour and have a read, there are some funny anecdotes in there (the flight with Jimmy Page and the aftermath made me smile) and you can finish it really quickly as it's a pretty light read. It's Guy's own inside view of the biz rather than a bassist's guide (or whatever) although there are some good anorak pages at the end regarding gear. I read it twice and enjoyed it both times. GP is from an arty background and he's obviously been lucky with a number of breaks, so can sometimes seem a bit removed from us ordinary BC types, but he is still a bass player (so is one of us) and pretty good at what he does IMO. He is certainly self deprecating enough to quote Dave Gilmour when he said, "Bass players are ten a penny but a good wit is hard to find". Or something like that.

  15. [quote name='LondonBassGuitarShow' post='1135637' date='Feb 21 2011, 03:38 PM']For anyone who has concerns regarding the security of the ticket payment system for the show please read on:

    All our tickets are handled by Amiando ticket management and the system is embedded into our website via an iFrame. Therefore even though you do not see a padlock on your browser or https on the address bar this comes directly from Amiando to our website.
    The payment page states
    "amiando guarantees your security when buying tickets online:
    Your data is being transmitted via SSL encryption and stored securely on our systems and handled confidentially."

    The page that is pulled to our website is [url="http://www.amiando.com/londonbassguitarshow.html"]http://www.amiando.com/londonbassguitarshow.html[/url]

    If in doubt please use the link above.

    Thank you[/quote]
    Thanks for the clarification, much appreciated.

  16. [quote name='KevB' post='1135406' date='Feb 21 2011, 01:14 PM']I tried listening to him when he was doing a stint on Planet Rock.[/quote]

    Yeah that was a disappointing show, listen to it once, never again. A talented writer, I really liked his book. As for his playing check out the outo of Madonna's Like A Prayer (album version) very nice indeed.

  17. [quote name='LondonBassGuitarShow' post='1128482' date='Feb 15 2011, 03:52 PM']Or you can call [b]01884 266100 [/b]to purchase your tickets directly from the London Bass Guitar Show organisers - only £12.50, includes delivery, no added cost.[/quote]
    Damn I've only just seen this! Just bought my ticket online duly paying the extra £1.53! I also noticed that the payment page was not https: indicating that it isn't secure, unusual and worrying.

    Anyway all that aside I'll be there on the Saturday.

  18. All round top player in any number of styles Pino
    Jazzy blues and tri-tone technique Roscoe Beck
    King of the 16th note Rocco Prestia
    Mr Session Chuck Rainey
    Mr Cool Tony Levin

    I reckon I can trace any part of my style back to these 5 guys

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