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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. Forgot to post this last Sunday, but my gig a week ago Saturday was great. It was a dep with a function band. Was the set list awe inspiring? No. Was the crowd super appreciative and full of hotties? No (working man's club in Dunstable). What made it great? The drummer. He's an old friend of mine who I've played in a couple of bands with before and is quite simply the best drummer I've worked with, ever. He's a very good pro standard and he listens to me the same way I try to listen to all drummers. No rehearsal but one number in and we're in synch, I loved it! He had a drummer buddy in the audience from the drummer's forum whom he rates, and this guy said that the rhythm section locked together nicely. I'm so glad that at least someone else noticed. Despite the often risible set list I'd do that gig again like a shot.

  2. Just checked the tracking info, it arrived at the delivery depot early yesterday. Hopefully it'll get to me nice and early tomorrow. I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time. Thanks for the extra Sandberg big ups Veils and Paul.

  3. [quote name='mike257' post='1022744' date='Nov 13 2010, 06:31 PM']I've got a California JM4 and absolutely love it - they're really well made basses, and I've never had a problem with how it sounds, it's great! Have been using it in passive mode lately, sounds great even without that fancy preamp.[/quote]
    Good to hear from someone from the pleased camp, cheers.

  4. Ooh I believe many BCers have these so expect a good response. A good friend of mine had a fiver built by Bernie and was dicked around endlessly,but if you're buying "off the rack" you'll probably be well pleased as the build quality is superb. Of course custom wise YMMV

  5. [quote name='TommyK' post='1021821' date='Nov 12 2010, 07:03 PM']Oh crap........ :)

    Didn't see the "i've bought it" post.....Sorry...... Ignore what i said it will be great (hopefully) :) :lol:[/quote]
    If it doesn't cut the mustard it goes back.

  6. I understand your pain with the neck dive. I fitted a D Tuner on mine (just to make the neck dive worse) and a little going over on the peg head with some light grade wire wool did the trick plus just letting it get dull from finger contact. I'm not bothered about the actual mech looking worn plus leaving that part alone keeps the action smooth.

  7. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1012713' date='Nov 4 2010, 10:57 PM']All white then, here's Dora...

    She's my very own, built for me this year and not for sale![/quote]

    I was hoping that this would turn up, I lurrrve this bass :)

    OK here are my white ones

    Hmm I appear to have a thing for white basses with tort p/gs

  8. Here's a link to a [url="http://www.bassfrontiersmag.com/"]video interview[/url] with TL. The great man talks about when he started, meeting Gabriel and Fripp, instruments and what he's doing now. 10+ minutes with the great man. Also interviews with Cliff Williams, Dave LaRue, plus lots of other stuff.

  9. Here's a link to a [url="http://www.bassfrontiersmag.com/"]video interview[/url] with TL. The great man talks about when he started, meeting Gabriel and Fripp, instruments and what he's doing now. 10+ minutes with the great man.

  10. [quote name='Earbrass' post='1009273' date='Nov 2 2010, 08:14 AM']A technique that has worked for me is to impose a "cooling off" period. Say to yourself - "If this still seems like a good idea in a month's time, then I'll get it". Chances are you'll be looking at something else by then (if you're anything like me, which, now I come to think of it, very few people seem to be! :) ).[/quote]
    That's pretty good advice, but trying to keep a lid on raging GAS is tough.

  11. Good effort guys unfortunately I'm not helping my own cause by phoning the shop and driving the price down. Looks like I'll have to start cosying up to the Mrs with statements like "this'll answer all my bass needs", etc. Hmm she's probably wise to that, but nothing ventured, etc. Watch this space.

  12. [quote name='daz' post='1002630' date='Oct 27 2010, 02:59 PM']Great 60th issue this month. Paul Turner of Jamiroquai interviewed,[/quote]
    I seem to remember that this was touted by the editorial staff as a readers' Q&A with PT, I wonder what happened to that. Reading between the lines of the interview JK still comes off as massive twat, it seems as if he purposely tries to catch the band out. Maybe I'm wrong but I'd find that wearing.

  13. OK I'm away at the in laws for the weekend and decide to visit one of the local music stores. Not too much in the way of basses, but some nice stuff nonetheless. Tried this beauty
    and now I have raging GAS :) . To make matters worse the shop will do a very good price on it too, the swines!

    Problem is I can't really justify it and I will have to unload one of current basses, my Roadworn P with extra P p/up. To make matters worse I'm not working much at the moment and spend most of the week volunteering so the wife will technically be buying for me. Not normally a problem as usually she would make discouraging noises, but this time not so much. Oh woe is me :) :lol:

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