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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. I've never understood why there aren't more adjustable pole piece p/ups for bass. One of the reasons I prefer a P to a J is that you can get a better string to string balance because you're only ever tilting the p/up between 2 strings (assuming a 4 string bass). Quite like the indicated tonal characteristics DiMarzio reckon those Model Js have.

  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='593632' date='Sep 9 2009, 09:57 AM']Thanks. Nothing bad i hope ;-)[/quote]

    Nope not at all.

    [quote name='dave_bass5' post='593632' date='Sep 9 2009, 09:57 AM']I really do love the P tone but i love the DJ5 neck so seeing as Lakland wont make the Bass a lot of us want i guess its up to me to do it for myself.[/quote]

    There is a lot of talk about one happening in a Glaub5 format, but no official word as yet.

  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='593270' date='Sep 8 2009, 08:50 PM']Hey all.

    Just to let you know (if your still interested ;-) that ive just ordered a Nordstrand NP5 for the DJ5.
    After two gigs ive decided i really want to keep with the P tone, the DJ5 tone as it is just isnt cutting it like the P5 did.
    Once the pup arrives the Gallery are going to put it in for me and i SHOULD end up with the best bass ive ever owned.

    As M20 says, best 5 string neck ive ever played. Better than my old 55-01 from what i can remember. so easy to play.[/quote]

    Watching the outcome with interest. Was speaking to Alex at The Gallery yesterday about your dilemma. Pics definitely required of the finished product.

  4. [quote name='karlbbb' post='557784' date='Aug 1 2009, 01:48 PM']I agree! They also have it in a sunburst too. Can't decide between them. They have the same colours for the 4 string (AV4) and also a lovely white with a black pickguard. I just wish they did the 5 string in it.


    These look interesting to me as they have P bass width necks. An upgrade of the p/ups (Nordstands have my ear at the moment) and maybe a little reshaping of the headstock (it seems a bit bulbous) and that would be good to go. I really like the bridges on these Vintage Advances. That white is sweet.

  5. I have an MXR M80 which I have principally for DI in case of amp failure. However, a preamp/DI does give you the ability to footswitch additional EQ for solos or a slap passage if you mainly play fingerstyle, or fill a potential hole in your amp's tonestack, for instance the M80 has its bass control centred at 60Hz whereas my LMII is centred at 40Hz. Additionally preamps such as the M80, Sansamp Bass Driver, Tonehammer, etc will also give you crunch if you want it. Best? Way too subjective, but I bought the M80 because its flat sound is transparent i.e. no pre curve EQ, unlike the Sansamp for instance.

  6. [quote name='andy.' post='588076' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:13 PM']So what kid of sound do they produce? Is it a P or J sound or something totally different?[/quote]

    [url="http://www.basstasters.com/pickups/"]Here[/url] are some samples of various p/ups including Dark Stars.

  7. [quote name='karlbbb' post='587721' date='Sep 2 2009, 05:28 PM']How do Precisions sound with the tone rolled back? I have it stuck in my head that the P will always have the top end "clank" that you can get by playing hard/with a pick. I do like to have quite a "smooth" tone every now and again.

    Thanks to all for suggestions![/quote]

    With the tone rolled back is where all the classic P tones live, open it up though and you've got an almost Ric sound. However, not all P tone circuits are created even, but I'm happy to report that the CV one I tried some time back fitted my description. Having said that the J CV I also tried was also a great example of a vintage J tone and with a better colour scheme than the P (if that kind of thing bothers you of course). Like everyone says, try both and get the one that speaks to you.

  8. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='587368' date='Sep 2 2009, 12:27 PM']Perhaps you should ask Geddy Lee....or John Entwistle (if he were still alive)...or John Paul Jones...or Andy Frazer...or Neil Murray...or hundreds of others.

    Be you own bass player...if it's fingers for you then fingers it is![/quote]

    Geezer Butler, Steve Harris, Billy Sheehan.......

    Having said that, being able to use a pick is a useful skill and one worth developing, not for rock in particular but just as another tool. Also handy if you get blisters on your plucking hand :)

  9. [quote name='JPJ' post='586437' date='Sep 1 2009, 12:39 PM']The problem is the quality of the maple! It has two areas (forearm chamfer and control pots) where there is deep open pores in the maple which take the stain and then appear to look like sanding marks or freckles when the dye dries.[/quote]

    I don't know much about these things, but I've heard mention that manufacturers use grain filler, especially on mahogany, would that work with maple, or would it make your problem worse?

  10. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='585054' date='Aug 30 2009, 12:09 PM']I use a cheap Samson Airline bass-specific bug and it suffers from none of the problems listed above. It's seen regular use .[/quote]

    I've been using these since they came out and have only had cab interference once (repositioning the unit cured that) and no problems handling drop D whatsoever.

  11. Poor frankly. I played badly and just couldn't hold my concentration, maybe I'm just tired of the same old songs. No one in the band excelled really, singer kept missing cues and leaving out verses, drummer way too fast and loud, lead player playing motifs sharp or flat and keyboard player annoying everyone with pointless noodling. The one new song I was looking forwrd to doing, Pick Up The Pieces, we passed over as punters were dancing. Well at least they seemed to enjoy it.

  12. I had Diago make me up a short board 330x470mm back when they were first staring out, I think it only cost me about £30 or so, can't believe the price of them now :) despite them being really well made and robust.

  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='582201' date='Aug 27 2009, 09:55 AM']Buy a Hohner cricket bat (B2A) which you can carry on/off flights no probs and stores neatlt away in a small wardrobe[/quote]

    +1 or one of those Aria Sinsonido affairs.

    Buying a good acoustic may not be a great idea given the extremes of temperature it would have to endure; warm accomodation-outside brrr-very warm bar and then back again. A potential recipe for a cracked top

  14. [quote name='Jase' post='581390' date='Aug 26 2009, 01:59 PM']S'pose he must've, this is the guy to call if you need a player that can offer that :)
    [url="http://www.massimoselvi.com/"] massimo selvi[/url][/quote]

    Woah, he really does have the look of Jaco, couldn't really see that from the You Tube vids. That's not just weird, it's just plain creepy having the dead spitting image and sound of your dead dad in your band.

  15. The guitarist does a pretty good Pat Metheny impression too although not image wise. I wonder if when putting this band together Julius specifically wanted someone who was a Jaco clone? Interestingly the bass player and guitarist are Italian and it's an Italian tour, does Julius live in Italy? The [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sB1ZmgxVcM&feature=related"]other vid[/url] is good too, nice and funky. Really good quality vids for a live performance although audience seem very quiet, so possibly a rehearsal, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWit6UBjt4I&feature=related"]this one[/url] seems more like the gig and very Metheny again.

  16. [quote name='alexclaber' post='581123' date='Aug 26 2009, 10:57 AM']I recently bought the pdf back issues of the confusingly titled Bass Gear Magazine (not to be confused with Bass Guitar Magazine) and apart from a slight air of pretentiousness and trying too hard it's actually rather good - much better when printed out rather than trying to read it onscreen. They really do put the T for Tech in their Tests![/quote]

    Bass Gear Mag is a real Gasaholic's and anorak's porn mag, I love it.

    [quote name='lozbass' post='581198' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:54 AM']come to Basschat, Talkbass and brand-specific sites for informed opinion and advice.[/quote]

    I saw the words [i]"Basschat & Talkbass"[/i] coupled with [i][b]"informed[/b] opinion"[/i] and laughed a little bit. I know what you mean though. :)

  17. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='581098' date='Aug 26 2009, 10:35 AM']Once again I bought Bass Player mag and once again, apart from a Christian McBride feature, there's nothing of interest to me. Less pages, same adverts, same price. Someone wrote in bemoaning this, and the answer was 'blame it on the economy'. They said there was loads of stuff to read on their website, but that sounds like a cop out to me.

    I'd hate to stop buying BP, and I'd hate to see it go down the pan, as I've been a supporter for many years, but it looks like I'm going to have to check it out properly in the store before deciding to buy it. The last two issues I could have read in Smith's in 5 mins.

    Compared to BGM with it's (relatively minor) faults, I'm afraid our publication wins hands down.[/quote]

    +1 BGM FTW

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