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Everything posted by Dmanlamius

  1. ...you'll like it if you like metal, especially... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik3xJ1eqHpk"]Something Met@l[/url]
  2. [quote name='Musky' post='417039' date='Feb 22 2009, 11:19 PM']That jetsetindie site just seems to host tracks for you, it's not actually an aggregator. To my mind you may as well host the songs on your own site and sell them from there if that's the way you want to go. Realistically though, IMO downloads are really about iTunes, so you'd need to go through an aggregator. Which one really depends on how many downloads you think you'll sell, how long you want them available for and whether you want any physical distribution. If you've got CD's to sell CD Baby is your best bet. Otherwise AWAL, Tunecore or Reverbnation all offer a similar service - you've just got to do the maths on which is likely to be best for you.[/quote] Heya, Musky, thanks for your positive input. My problem with Tunecore is that you have to pay for each album/single separately. I want to sell seven different albums from each of my bands, so you can imagine the price... The singles are the same. I create music near daily, and just want to literally upload without having to pay a fee for each song? I see what you mean, though. I don't mind paying a one off payment, just not too much! Trying the others you mentioned, now...Thanks again.
  3. I've heard bad things about it, so kinda ignored it... Do you recommend? Problem is that I don't want to put loads more time into joining, uploading, uploading art etc, only to find some trick at the end of the process...:'(
  4. Arggg....! I've gone through a few sites, and all have turned out to have hidden charges or other annoying small-text things. I'd just signed up to soundclick.com, and uploaded the masses of music I have, only to find out that when people buy it, they HAVE to pay in $5, and use up all that credit. No good if they only want one song. Oh, and they take out quite a large comission. I just found a site called [url="http://jetsetindie.com"]http://jetsetindie.com[/url]. You get ALL the money into your paypal, and can make up the charges. They charge $47 a year for this. It sounds too good to be true, and I can't find any info about this site. Anyone know about it? Kris:)
  5. Marlowe is a very good guy, and a brilliant bass player. I was lucky enough to get an interview with him at my blog, right here: [url="http://mrlamius.blogspot.com/2008/11/my-interview-with-marlowdk-thomas.html"]http://mrlamius.blogspot.com/2008/11/my-in...wdk-thomas.html[/url]
  6. I have a Mac, and use something called ImovieHD (free software). In it is loads of video and audio effects. That was one of them...
  7. Lol, thanks man... Well, I thought "who wants to sit there and listen to some bloke on his own with a bass?", so I thought the stupid voice would give it a bit of an oddness and edge. Turns out that actually, lots of people would happily sit there and watch a bloke with a bass, and I didn't need the bloody squeek at all...
  8. He, he... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K69Jmx2_cqA"]Mourn his youth.[/url]
  9. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='416092' date='Feb 21 2009, 12:46 PM']It sounds great and the sound bouncing around in stereo is really effective. Good stuff [/quote] Thanks, Ben
  10. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='416083' date='Feb 21 2009, 12:32 PM']Nice chord progressions, and very mellow – the delay was really tripping me out though - What delay were you using?[/quote] Ah...it's something on my Korg multi effects thingy, called "Srv". Quite nice for the mellow stuff. I'm still getting to grips with it, though.
  11. Hope you enjoy... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9eDimuZmnk"]"Snow"[/url]
  12. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='383143' date='Jan 17 2009, 01:28 PM']I'd just replace Billy Gould in Faith No More![/quote] Ha Ha! I'd have to agree. I'd also like to replace Les Claypool...Ler, herb and brains are all fantastic players. But all in all, i'd love Stevie Ray vaughn on guitar, Mike Patton on vocals, George Harrison Rhythm, Keith moon on drums, and Elton John on keys... Lol, that's a very "busy" band. I may have to make another list for people that [i][b]groove[/b][/i]...
  13. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='382773' date='Jan 16 2009, 09:08 PM']Led Zep 1, II, III, IV & Physical Grafitti all on heavy rotation... did you know Led Zep I was 40 years old!?!?!?!?! released Jan 12th 1969 still sounds as fresh as the day it was made...[/quote] Polyphonic spree: soldier girl, closely followed by "Roots" by Sepultura...
  14. He does, doesn't he Oldgit! See, i'm like you. I like wide open spaces with my pocket play, especially when it comes to funk. I think it's better to lay off with true funk (although i'm a quick slap and popper, I don't do it at all when jamming real funk) and let the section do the talking. But...there is something about the tightness of Prestia's busy lines. Although busy, I love the tight, tight, and quick quick way he plays. He sustains nothing. somehow, that gives (Tower of power's) funk a little more urgency if you know what I mean?
  15. [quote name='Rich' post='382137' date='Jan 16 2009, 12:02 PM']Not familiar with that 2nd tune, but [i]damned[/i] fine choice on the first one Had I remembered to bring my earbuds today (d'oh) I'd be listening to 'Pass The Peas' right now, followed by The Divine Comedy's 'National Express'.[/quote] Can't beat a bit of the "power" to brighten up the day... Now onto "Pow" by Larry graham. I feel it maybe a funky day.
  16. Just as a matter of interest! Next on my playlist is "Only so much oil" by tower of power, closely followed by "signs" by the Cardiacs... And you?
  17. [quote name='geilerbass' post='381270' date='Jan 15 2009, 02:42 PM']This is pretty much how I feel. The eponymous Infectious Grooves album is one of the most imaginative and effective rock album that's come out in the last 20 years and one of the key factors in it's success was Trujillo's bass playing. Metallica is technically and creatively below his abilities, but, as I've said in another thread, he's getting paid a shedload to tour the world and play in front of massive audiences - he's probably got the best bass-playing gig in heavy music. More power to him.[/quote] Yea, agree 100%, geiler...
  18. [quote name='acidbass' post='381346' date='Jan 15 2009, 03:45 PM']I've never heard that song before, but is it just me or is his timing all over the shop? I'd have taken a more laid back approach to that line I think, but then again, I'm not a world famous bass player for a reason I suppose [/quote] I think it's just you...
  19. [quote name='The Funk' post='381141' date='Jan 15 2009, 01:18 PM']Haha, I remember seeing this on TV and thinking Trujillo was about 1000 times better than the others - even though some of those guys are pretty damn good![/quote] It's a bit of a shame about Trujillo. I used to love his stuff in suicidal tendencies and infectious grooves (he's one of the most under-rated slap and poppers out there), and loved pretty much all of his lines. He's an amazing bass player. Then he joined Metallica. What he does is perfect for them. It's straight rock/metal, and there is no room for anything "fancy". He does his job, and he does it well. But sometimes, I feel he's a little wasted. One of my fav lines of his: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sKLMCbpdexE"]Violent and funky[/url]
  20. Mark, we have a shop near where I live that has contacts all round the world. They have been established for years, and can get anything. Also, they get things at stupidly cheap prices somehow. They deliver as well. Do you want me to get their number so you can guve them a ring, or are you set?
  21. [quote name='mewsie' post='375571' date='Jan 9 2009, 08:34 PM']shhh.. i do that too! pretty blue lights! in my opinion everyone has a right to arrogance (and anything else for that matter), its how you use it and think of it that can make the difference. exaggerating your skill level in your mind is a powerful mental technique when learning and can remove boundaries of possibility, and avoid mental obstacles created by 'labels' (e.g: 'beginner'). as AM said - everyone has their own preferred way of learning and receiving information, so i'm not suggesting it works for everyone. a forum category which covers the basics, and 'FAQs' would be helpful, and its really good to see so many people up for getting involved in a mentory kind of way [/quote] Oh, yea I agree 100%. I didn't mean in "that" way, though. I meant it more in the sticky nose up way. Visualisation is a great tool for learning. It's funny you should mention that, because i'm writing a book about it at the moment. I've studied a lot of martial arts on my travels as well as played a lot of bass, and I noticed a massive similarities in how we learn both (scales equating kata's, etc) Mostly with how the mind effects our physical bodies... I used to visualize playing the perfect gig, the night before a gig, just before drifting off to sleep. The results were amazing. I also started teaching other bands that were on the road with us, also with brilliant results. I'm now writing these techniques down for other people to benefit from. It's very, very interesting stuff!
  22. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='375468' date='Jan 9 2009, 06:00 PM']i gotta say im coming round to the idea very slightly after reading dmanlamius' first reply. i've not noticed many of the things he says he has noticed, such as questions being unanswered and snobbery, but then, i was a member of bassworld and have been a member on here for a long time, maybe i'm used to it? i might even be one of those snobs, but i definatly try not to be. if he says he's noticed it, i dont doubt he has. i've been looking at basschat from a beginners point of view since i read this thread, and to be honest i can see how it could sort of lower your confidence being surrounded by so many talented players. i still stand by the comments i made before, but i'm seeing why you would be for it and theres a part of me that agrees.[/quote] That's a very wise and mature post, LWTAIT. You're certainly not one of those snobs, (I have no names in mind, just something i've noticed here and there). I respect people that can stand back and see two sides to the situation. As I teach online, I get rounded view on people's psychology when learning. Confidence can really be lost easy for a lot of people, even if it is being anonymous on a web forum. Sometimes it can all be a bit much. It's a long pathway of learning when taking up a musical instrument, and that journey can seem a long one for those that are taking their first steps. As soon as the first obstacle approaches, it's easier for some to turn around and go back home... It doesn't matter how experienced and how pro we are as players. None of us have the right to be snobby or aloof around those that are wanting to learn. It reminds me of those people that bother and beep their horn at learner drivers that go too slow. Weren't they in that position once? Or did they come out of the womb with a steering wheel in hand? None of this is secret. None of these techniques are original. No-one is re-inventing the wheel here. Everything learnt and taught in the bass playing world has gone before, and we, as experienced should be sharing our knowledge with those that want to learn, just as that knowledge was shared with us... No-one has the right to be arrogant.
  23. ...just a couple of clicks, Silver. It's very simple to set up an extra forum. It's just the extra moderation that might exhaust these guys resources...
  24. I think it's a great idea. That Wiki...I was advised to stick all my lessons up there, but it's a bit hard to understand, and no-one would give me any advice on it. I've seen some great musical snobbery on this forum (most likely from people that don't have the right or accolades to be snobs . My thoughts are on confidence. I've noticed many questions ignored. I've noticed many people made to look like they are "wasting peoples time" when asking questions as well. On a whole, this is a good forum and people are friendly and willing to help. But one act of arrogance and snobbery of one person alone can knock someones confidence enough for them to not bother with the instrument. Those people that see fit to stick their noses up wouldn't bother visiting a beginners forum, would they? It would keep those that would sincerely like to help beginners in one central place. Those people that are annoyed by questions, don't need to be anywhere near that part. I've had plenty of mails from people, asking me questions because they are a little un-confident to post, or they "don't want to look stupid". I think that a beginners forum would become a great resource where they could all bounce ideas and learning off of each other. Those that feel a little more confident in their ability could still visit the rest of the forums, and happily gain information like they were before. Think of it as a nest, before they move on...
  25. One pair of hands, bilbo, one pair of hands!
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