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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. I have an XR18 and absoilutely love it. As an in ear monitor system, its astonishing value. One question i have though is I've noticed that if I set up two channels to be stereo linked on one scene, but then load up a different scene, the stereo link remains on. Everything else changes exactly how I'd expect between scenes, apart from the stereo linking. Does anyone know if there's a reason for this, and is there anything I can do to stop it? This is on the behringer app if that makes a difference.
  2. I've been scammed out of 180 quid on here years ago as I did a bank transfer and then the item got "lost in the post". Bit of research led me find out I wasn't his first victim! Almost all deals will be fine but just be aware that's there's no 100% guarantee!
  3. I had the l12 up to recently. i ran a full IEM setup on it and a few FOH weddings! great peace of kit!
  4. I had a red aerodyne jazz with black scratch plate. Massive regret treating it like shit and then selling it for peanuts.
  5. I've got the xr18 and the l12; the smaller version of the l20. Both are excellent things, but theres definately pros and cons on both sides. The recording on the l12 was a dream ! literally a few seconds and your multitrack recording. For my purposes though, the ability for each member to control their own mix was the clincher for the xr18. And, I've mounted a small pc with reaper in the rack too, meaning its just a matter of bringing my mini portable monitor along any time i want to record. I've got a preset set up on reaper so thats theres limited set up required. More faff, but still an acceptable amount of faff to be abel to record multitracks!
  6. I use the xr18. I also run it in the house as the heart of my studio! I love it. I use the internal router at home and never had an issue but I do have an external router housed in the 4u rack as I don't totally trust the internal one. It's never failed at home though! I also have a mini pc running reaper so it's always ready to record . Nor got experience of the xr16 but the extra aux mixes were the deal breaker for me. And, the drummer cam go stereo in ears to get a bit more audio separation in his ears. Well worth the extra money even if you don't instantly think you need 6 monitor mixes. The unit has never failed or crashed on me and its probably seen 300 hours of use. Regarding the app. I actually prefer the behringer app over what most people recommend using, mixing station. Although it does take a wee bit of patience to get your head round but one you do it's pretty straight forward. I have a 'show' setup for home studio and another for live. In live I then have a blank scene, then multiple different scenes for places and rehersal rooms we've played. I then can just pull up whatever mix we used last time! When I go home I then just pull up home studio and it's ready to rock. I also change "layer" from home use to live use. That is essentially how the app is laid out. For band which is always just for iem mixes, I remove everything g other than the 7 channels we use, and then the 4 effects returns. So dies the other band members. But I also save a different layer for home use and for a full desk if I'm running foh. Dunno why I rambled on about the app, but there ye go.
  7. I absolutely love a 1x18!
  8. If its a pedaltrain board, then somthing like this would fit over the existing feet: https://www.diy.com/departments/diall-black-thermoplastic-vulcanizates-tpv-leg-tip-dia-32mm-pack-of-2/1725483_BQ.prd Can't remember if it was this exact size, but this type of leg tip raised my nanoplus enough to put the power underneath. Mine stayed on purely with friction, but a wee touch of superglue wouldn't go wrong, without the need to make any permanent changes to your board!
  9. My stomp very occasionally starts up with no output at all. Tuner works, but theres no signal being sent outwards. not sure if its a glitch of the unit or maybe just an anomoly of my preset but a quick off and on has always fixed it.
  10. dont beleive it is. I think all the cab modellers are within the amp models. Could just work one out with an EQ or two within the ms60b though cos a cab sim is just essentually an eq
  11. Any old usb/midi convertor cable will do I'm pretty certain. I'm still using a £15 one from 20 years ago and it works flawlessly. Just a matter of choosing the USB device once your in cubase and record away!
  12. Get an old 300w 1x15 Trace Elliot. Plenty loud. Plus, if you have space to store it, you could pick up an extension cab for peanuts that would result in you having a rig that would pretty much do any gig.
  13. Don't know 100% but I dont think it can! I done a bit of youtube investigation into the HXFX years ago and can't remember ever watching a video that someone ran it like that! Stereo FX of course though. Saying that though, Line 6 are constantly updating things so it might have changed even if it never used to be an option!
  14. Any thoughts one my other points?
  15. Nope. Even if he was, he wasnt the only one and he certainly wasnt the one who would have kept it going. I'm no tdefending him. I'm just saying things were invetible. And what we have now is a slight negotiable.
  16. I've got a few thoughts on this, I haven't looked into it properly so I might be wrong, but here they are: I'm not saying the deal for the artists is particularly favourable to the artist, but i think folk forget the illegal download scene a few decades ago; there was already a push against buying music. Who knows how big that would've been without streaming services. a small bit of the pie is better than none of it! a very high percentage of people using streaming wouldn't have purchased the music. They're getting a small amount of money, but from a different and wider audience than they'd ever have had If I buy a cd from an artist, only a small amount goes to the artist. That is a one hit for them. If I like an artist and over the next 10+ years, I might listen to thousands of their songs which overall might result in not alot of a difference to the artist. If artists are more accessible, they're morelikely to pick up fans, and then the whole snowball thing happens. Excellent points I'd say!
  17. Id go the opposite. I'd really really think about what I'm adding to any gig with having the specific pedal board, remove everything I could get away without, and then just get a minimal board for all gigs. I'd use my zoom ms60b as a cheap swiss army knife pedal for any effect I might want as a wee extra- replace your tuner with it if you have a dedicated tuner. In fact, if I were you, I'd sell everything apart from the c4 and get an hx stomp and a footswitch. Will cover 99% of everything you'd ever need probably, and in a tiny package.
  18. Absolutely. The piano was essentiallly a midi controller anyway and the piano within the free sample tank is good enough for me.
  19. An old classic korg triton le. I'm replacing a digital piano with this. As a piano it's clearly a downgrade but to be honest, being limited to piano has meant I've slowly lost interest and so I thought a wee keyboard with various sounds might get me playing a bit more! First impressions.. nicely built. Sounds great although the pianos are a bit naff. Lots of assignable knobs. Hopefully midi works fine so I can use it as a controller.
  20. dep gig. without looking it up, i have no idea where it is. its a good band though.
  21. This is an excellent feature. My ms60b probably suits my needs more than my stomp set up does, but having to use the same amp sim signal to foh and to a backline was a limitation. This fixes that! I have a feeling this will be one of those "Friday night after half a bottle of red wine" online purchases over the next few weeks!
  22. I own this very bass and in this exact finish and I've never once noticed that straight cut. Il never unsee that!
  23. If you are planning on using the ms60b for this specific purpose, then i'd recommend downloading the zoom effects manager. It basically allows you to upload any of the zoom effects to the unit, not just the bass effects. you can load it up with all the EQs and pre's that zoom offer and see what ones work best. Just remove the flanges and delays etc that you wont use. Some of the non-bass EQ's might work better for you. Although could an 8th turn of the tone knob on the bass tame the harsh end? I'm guilty of thinking a pedal is needed when actually a tweak on the bass can make a change!
  24. Incredibly tight and a superb sound but extremely repetitive.
  25. I've got a broken 10" combo with a good cover which I'm hoping to convert into a passive cab. That should be easy enough so to accompany it I fancy a wee micro head. Maybe npt even a bass head and purely for home volumes.
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