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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. 2 basses Spare strings Hx Stomp 3 leads (one spare) Di box 4 bar Iems I mainly do dep weddings so I've basically got a backup of everything as it would be terrible for something to break! If you're driving, I don't see a problem taking this lot. It's basically a rucksack and two gig bags. One bass stays in the bag. I've had two basses fail and broke a few strings over the years so having a back up for a quick turn around just makes sense!
  2. Doh! It was right in front of me! Cheers!
  3. Yep, which is how I use it on bass, but with guitar I was trying to use it more as individual pedals. I prefer a drive boost on the amp though over adding an extra distortion block. This works a treat! Cheers
  4. Cheers! Got it! Couldn't seem to do it via the pc software but works perfectly in unit itself!
  5. NEED HELP - I cant work out how to do this. On my stomp, if you want to use it on stomp mode you've got the option to select a parameter within a block, for example an amp. I can then assign it two a footswitch, but when i press the footswitch it switches between 0 and 100%. Is there a way (surely there is) that I can set it so that when its off its at a certain %, say 20%, and then switched on it goes to 40%? Basically I want to us an amp drive channel as a boost. Is this possible? I cannot work out how to do it.
  6. I'm the same. A 16 year old me dreamed of that zingy tone... I seemed to have been under the impression that every tune needed slap! I love a far rounder tone... Not quite flatwounds on a p bass with tone rolled off style.... But definitely rounder.... Dare I say more boring tone. It just works better though.
  7. Thought I'd share this in case it may avoid someone else spending hours fault finding like I did today. I have two keyboards connected via USB midi to my pc running through reaper. I've had them wired in for months but haven't really used them via midi, but yesterday I had. Wee recording sesh. No matter what settings i used, every so often midi would 'hang'. Leaving notes ringing out and the only fix was to completely shut the pc down. Anyways... After trying pretty much everything else including pricing up other daws haha I changed the usb cables and it seems to have sorted it! I was using a usb cable I got free with something probably 15 years ago. Switched it to the one I got with my helix, and no more hangs! Moral of the story... If something funky is happening, don't forget the cable
  8. I used to run a 50g and 60b... The 60b being my always on FX, preamp and bass octaver, and the 50g for the occasional FX for specific tunes. That weren't worth having an individual pedal. Great wee pedals!
  9. My thumb never goes above the a string (I think) so the e and a are muted by the thumb more or less all the time. Sounds like it's an issue worth fixing in my opinion!
  10. They pop up 2nd hand for as low as 300. Brilliant. Footswitch, case and possibly even a spare power cable are must buys in my opinion. Also a balanced jack to XLR cable could come in handy too!
  11. I had an Hb jazz briefly. Played and sounded great, but was just too heavy.
  12. Embrace to space! Don't always feel the need to fill it. Have a good thick tone as a starting point and go from there. Alot of 'techniques' folk use to fill out sound end up having an opposite effect in live situations - the derrière can fall out the overall sound quite easily if the bass deviates too much!
  13. to me that sounds very much like a generic fuzz pedal with blend and the tone rolled off on the bass.
  14. Only thing to consider is if 3 pedals is enough. You can connect controllers too if you need more but might not be for you. Sound wise it's brilliant. If individual pedals sound better then it's negligible, and not worth the need for a traditional pedal board! I'm thinking about picking up a 2nd one if I see one cheap!
  15. Assuming the drummer keeps going, just lock a groove with the beat. Nae need for big show off pieces. A 16 bar bit of just drums and bass finely connected is a thing of beauty. Maybe not a true solo. But the best option in my opinion!
  16. I had one and loved that! It worked perfectly for the project I had at the time. I had a wammy on the sidey way pedal, think it was a distortion blend on the up/down pedal.
  17. I put a bit before and after!
  18. I can't go straight into the amp because I almost never play into an amp. Any opportunity not to take an amp to a gig, I'll do it! Gigging life is so much easier and enjoyable with digital amp sims and iems!
  19. i had a non export model for years. Great bass, although the original jazz pickup was really weedy. I regret selling mine. I mean, i really regret... so much so i asked the guy if i could buy it back.
  20. Funnily enough, I had these thoughts before I bought the standard stomp. But, still went with the standard with view to buying a midi controller. Simply because the bread and butter gigs (ie 99%) are basic bass gigs where I use little or no fx. The small form factor was the main benefit of it. There's one project I've got going, could be doing with a larger footswitch selection. So, for me, the HX stomp on its own is what I'll use, but for occasional use, ill crack out a midi controller to accompany it when required! My guitarist mate just recently bought the HX XL, and it's excellent! Just a bit overkill for my use 99% of the time.
  21. I'm sure it's been asked before... But.. What midi foot controller are we all using on the hx stomp? I'm looking for one with 4 to 6 buttons, basically to use as a break out box for individual pedals. Don't need anything fancy, no real need for Led displays and whatnot and ideally it would be more or less the same size as the hx stomp itself. Any thoughts?
  22. Anyone use their hx stomp as an iem amp? Bass into left input, headphone mix into return/aux in. Put a send in the 2nd last block, then a return in the last. Plug your iems into the headphone output and send your bass output to foh from the send. Would mean you could control the blend between of the bass Vs rest of mix via the stomp. I've not tried it in practice yet, but should work in theory. Obviously the negative is you use up 2 block's but to be honest, the gigs I'd be using this on would be gigs where I'm not doing anything particularly exiting withfx anyway! Any reasons why this wouldn't work?
  23. Are the pickups on these not quite normal size, so it's not quite as simple as popping in non-original pups? Routing required perhaps I'm sure my blazer is like that, perhaps the roadster is the same?
  24. Another vote for these! When mines break. I'll be getting another set Edit: sorry mine are the ,206s, but seem almost the same
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