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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. I can't be bothered going back to quoyte, but I'm sure someone said that his constant need for improvising puts them off him. But my point is, oa bass playing YouTube channel, teaching bas, then that's to be expected. I'm sure his own sesh work is nothing like that. His ability allows him to go from flashy ott lines, to playing rhcp lines with ease! Whereas flea for example, could not do what Scott does. Hence Scott is not over rated. Flea is.
  2. if you ask a load of non bassists who's the best bassist in the world, you'll pretty just get a list of the most famous players. McCartney, flea, sting, Entwistle and so on. All excellent, but none do anything which is easily replicated. Probably by quite a decent number of bcers! So I'd say there's a strong argument for all of those guys! The people saying Scott devine, I'd be interesting to hear how much of his non bass orientated stuff you've actually heard. Clearly his YouTube stuff is aimed at bass players wanting to learn, so I don't think it's a fair representation of what he does on other stuff! Not that I've heard anything either to be fair so I might be miles off with that!
  3. I absolutely love this and would have it if you were an hour away! The negatives of living in Scotland!
  4. That actually sounds excellent!
  5. I was forced by my mum and dad to go to piano lessons as a youngster. I very much regret not taking advantage of them the way I should've! I'm an OK player, but should be far better! They also bought me my first 6 string electric, and my first proper bass. My bro also bought me my first proper bass amp! So really they helped me out massively! Although oddly, they've never really got me into particular bands or genres and whatnot. They've never had a record collection for me to learn from. Basically I got my listening from mates at school!
  6. I agree that a jazz neck pickup would be close enough. Perhaps not side by side. But it's in the same ball park. If the op doesn't already have a p bass, he'll maybe have a jazz. It's worth a wee go!
  7. Also. Remember not to eq to just the bass in solo.
  8. Sounds fine to me. Doesn't sound muffled to my ears. The tone is a bit lifeless though so I'd be sticking it through an amp sim.
  9. Fantastic! Very authentic! Especially the vocals!
  10. Got it last night. Only had a play about with it but you do seem to get alot! The 8x10 cab is excellent! What a time to be a musician! Thanks for the heads up!
  11. Excellent! No idea what it is. Or how easy it will be to get. But excellent!
  12. Aye, that's what I meant. 😂
  13. open string chords on a guitar have very different feels. A song starting in Em sounds and feels very different to a song in Am for example. It's not the key though, its the orchestration.
  14. Make sure it's using the ASIO driver of your interface.
  15. Assuming the 2 guys who know #1 reasonably well and like him as a guy then I'd go with him! The other might end up a complete rocket once he gets to know you! Go with what you know, especially if there's no real difference when it comes to playing!
  16. I've had a similar path. The b9.1 was brilliant! but, just way too big so i built up a mini pedal board to do the same job that i needed it for. I've since went through an ms60b, b3 and now with a b3n. Been happy with them all. I must admit, i think the b3n has nailed it when it comes to functionality. I really can't see the need for touch screens or even a large lcd. Maybe on the more luxurious models like the helix it makes sense, you're paying money for a premium product. but, for the zoom level product, id rather the money go into durability and sound. That finish looks naff too
  17. Or get to Cleland or Holytown Station for the Shotts train! Still a bit of a faff though!
  18. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, the blue and other white is for the tweeter. I've tried that and really can't tell if it's going in or out.
  19. I think that will work great! As others have said, you have full control over what goes into the two speakers so you'll never run risk of pushing the weaker speaker. I've still got an odd dream of owning two old Peavey TNT 1x15's and running them like this. Still might do it!
  20. Hi folks! I'm hoping for assistance on this and I hope what I've given you here makes sense to someone! the speaker in my Carvin combo has died - can't say thats ever happened to me but it has here. I've tested it with a different speaker and it works. However, when I disconnected the old speaker I didn't think to take note of what cable goes to what terminal. There is a red and white cable which at the other end are connected to the board with this connector thing. I can't see any markings (or, to be more accurate, understand) which might tell me what cable goes onto the + or the - bits on the speaker so I'm at a loss. Anyone know what way round they go? Thats the best photo I can get because the connectors in an awkward area.
  21. That chickenfoot cover is outstanding. Sammy Hagar is a force of nature.
  22. Oddly, I prefer it like that over some of their records! I sometimes feel his timing a bit off when the clank is ott, but sounds fine here. Although that's probably just my brain playing tricks on me.
  23. Nice One! love the bass too. What is it? And is that a bb1100 in the background there?
  24. fret buzz and pickup clicking is quite incredible on this. Although, unlike a lot of these isolated things, this one is really well played and i think the actual tone is top notch! Just shows you, its far more to do with performance than anything else.
  25. personally Id just sell all your pedals and board, and buy a zoom b3n. You'll have change too i think.
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