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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. Well no. Haha, the paint I used made it feel rubbish, so I made another and I've left it au naturale! Much nicer feeling, but looks even more ridiculous than the painted one!
  2. I listen to it for about 40 minutes every morning as my alarm, and getting ready for work. I quite enjoy it normally!
  3. I've measured mine to 894mm.
  4. Recently just got this Fender US special Jazz, and although its lovely, I'm not really getting on with it. One of the reasons is I don't think the pickups are raised as much as i'm used to on other jazz basses i've had, therefore it just feels a bit funny to play. So thought I'd make a wee ramp type thing out of a length of pine I had lying about! I've stuck it down with double sided sticky tape so its very much removable, but I already feel more home with it on. My thumb gravitates towards it without me consciously thinking about it, and I'm not digging in as much anymore, making the whole bass just a more enjoyable experience, and less hard work! Can't say I've ever seen anyone with a ramp on a jazz bass, but if this is successful and I keep the bass, I'll definitely need to investigate what proper ones are out there to get! 9cm bit of pine that was 2.5cm x 1cm. Chiseled out some holes underneath so it can sit flush with the pickup. I then sanded it down taking quite a lot of height of it, painted it. The black paint I used has made it a bit shiny but hopefully that dies down a bit once its totally dried and been used a bit. Thought I'd just pop it on here for you all to have a laugh...err.. look! Thanks Fraser
  5. Sounds lovely! what the signal flow?
  6. This for me. I buy almost everything second hand so rarely lose that much on stuff that gets moved on. My philosophy has always been to move things on that aren't getting used. I don't see the point in keeping hold of pedals etc just sitting in a drawer. Even basses, although I understand the aesthetics, just seems a bit pointless to me! My current bass set up could be replaced for about 850 quid second hand. £500 fender jazz bass, £100 zoom b3n and £200 carvin amp. Then 3 half decent quality leads. I would love to know what my actually net spend has been over the years! I bet its not more than 2k! Which considering its been my main hobby for about 20 years and I'm sitting with 800 quid worth of gear just now, is pretty damn cheap as hobbies go!
  7. Unfortunately, soon after I made this, the project I was needing it for got a bigger pa so I'm back to gigging without an amp! So, it was all a bit of a waste of time! Haha. But for the short time I was using it in rehearsal it sounded perfectly fine. It farted out when pushed higher, but so does the internal speaker! It's definitely there for me when required though!
  8. Ha no worries. Just make sure the ohms works out OK! And post some pictures! 😅
  9. I've got a b3n, not sure if I understand what you're looking for though. If you expand , I'll go set it up an have a look
  10. Need to ask... Howd you break the tuning peg?? 😅
  11. Very true. 😅
  12. I had a white 4 string version. First proper bass! I sanded it down, defretted it and put a trem system on it. Then sold it on ebay for about 60 quid or something! Would love to try another just to see if it's as good as I remember it! To this day, I've no idea why I modded it so much!
  13. I've seen the electras, which are probably more realistically my price point. Much experience in those? Nowhere near me stocks those either as far as I can tell! That one does look lovely though I must say!
  14. That is That is not such a bad idea by the way!
  15. Geddy Lee jazz and ibanez were the results of my research too. Finding an old Geddy Lee to test might be difficult but I might go try out some ibbys over the next week. Never considered a music man! Will do more digging! Cheers!
  16. Need a bit of guidance from you experts here! The past 15 years I've almost exclusively played with thin necks, front to back (i think its measured). I had an aerodyne jazz which was great, then i got a Bass Collection Jazz which was amazing. I've got myself a Fender US special Jazz recently, and although its not exactly huge, it's still a bit to get used to. The thing sounds immense and plays well (and is my dream design- black on black/maple neck) so I'm willing to persevere with it, but I'm slightly worried this might be one of these situations where the player doesnt 'get on' with the bass. I'm flirting with the idea of picking up another Bass collection, if i can find one 2nd hand for the same price I sold mine, but I might want something a bit more exciting! Been to all the local music shops and Ibanez seem to be the 'choice' for slimlin necks, but in all honesty, id rather not buy something brand new then being in the same position 6 months down the line, then selling it on for half the price! So what is there out there with a slimline neck? 2nd hand budget around £500-£700. Nothing pointy, but I'm open to most other things. Fraser
  17. What's the neck like? Not played a Warwick in years, is it reasonably slimline?
  18. If it sells through that method, who cares what they did to do it? If you agree a percentage at the start, then not sure what the problem would be. If it sells, but turns out it's been left in the case through the back then I would care not a jot!
  19. Is that driver a match for the one already in the ext cab? If so, why not just put the new one into combo, and leave the ext cab as it is? See if they don't budge... I'd still buy the speaker, and then just sell the one you have once changed over. If the amp is exactly the sound you like, then for a few quid it seems worth it! Although, if Ashdown have admitted an error, then they should be supplying the new one out their pocket!
  20. This for me. They might even admit as an error! Was the amp sold as an 8ohm speaker? Oops... Should've kept reading the thread. I'd definitely be questioning them further... And if you're adamant you want to use it with an ext cab, I'd probably just buy the 8ohm speaker if it came to it.
  21. In fact I just did. I'll let you know next week. 😂
  22. I've no idea the brand but the set I used were cheap and cheerful and to the feel, they played just how I expected! I took them off for a recording gig, but lost them! DoH! Remember to factor in how long they last. Pretty much forever! I'm tempted to get that 15 quid set!
  23. I've not followed this story at all but I'd say if the big companies are struggling, it's more to do with the saturation of brands, mass produced Chinese knock offs that are actually very playable, and just general fashion rather than less students playing!
  24. I agree but the b3n for dirt and preamp 'warmth' is a step up from the ms60b from my experience. It's the first digi pedal I've been happy using distortion! The synths on the zoom range are limited but sound great and track very well! If you A/B'd the other things with dedicated analogue pedals, you'll be right. But personally, the difference is so small noone will really notice! 😅
  25. That'll put most people off this, in my opinion.
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