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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. There's a peach of a solo on an n sync tune from a few years ago... 'larger than life' I'm sure its called.
  2. Anyone had a go at the 5 string?
  3. Done a few medium size weddings with this as an onstage monitor. But the wee thing fairly belts out! Still not got an ext cab but that's not a priority. Sound wise it's lovely and the eq is powerful. Overall I'm delighted!
  4. Ed sheeran tune will go down well plus it'll be bloody easy. That castle one goes down sooo well. Locked out of heaven by Bruno mars can be rocked up pretty nicely.. but can also be really funky. Great sing along.
  5. Tonally there's a difference on you tube. For almost all applications all 3 of those times would be fine. However it would be interesting to get his thoughts on how they feel to play. Thats the biscuit I'd like to see him munch.
  6. [quote name='azfatboy' timestamp='1498845093' post='3327556'] Indeed, I think most folks that think Royal Blood "needs a guitar player" are listening with their eyes, and with the foreknowledge that it's just one dude with a bass up there. [/quote] I get what you're saying... and don't get me wrong, I like what they do.. but how he plays bass limits the sound. Personally I think the songs and riffs are being held back by their self chosen limitations! But opinions are like left testicles. Everyone's got one. Apart from women and one balled men.
  7. I think if they want longevity then they might need to think about dropping the bass does guitar routine. I know that's their 'thing' however it's going to sound samey after a while. 1st albums decent but it certainly didn't get played to death on my cd player! If the 2nd album is more of yhe same then I would imagine interest will start dropping pretty quickly! They've got decent songs though so I honestly think they would have more appeal at album 3 if they got a keyboard or guitarist in. The fanboy purists will disagree with me no doubt!
  8. I had their natural body jazz copy for a while. Astonishing bass . But it was just too heavy and I simply didn't need as many basses at The time. Does this feel a bit on the heavy side?
  9. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1498460165' post='3324681'] I'm a huge fan of slap and Chic but what Jerry Barnes does is just too much...Chic is all about cool grooves and the sparse lick every now and then and Barnes is all about show off and overplaying. Bernard's tone was a huge part of the Chic sound and that sort of treble didn't fit the smoothness of their music. I thought Barnes was horrible, slapping too much, slides in every song and making it a sort of slap contest what Chic is not about imo. The worst thing is that though his slap sound was great his timing wasn't....everytime he went solo his fills were sloppy. A bunch of slap cliches (octaves anyone ?) and I just got tired of it...my foot went crazy during the Barry Gibb set, it stopped during Chic. The presenters were raving about Barnes which proves that when you do something loud and many times people get impressed... I don't see what Rodgers sees in him after the pure class of Edwards [/quote] It just proves that two set of ears can hear to entirely different things. I would say the complete opposite to this. 😂
  10. That first song he did, played with a band, is an absolute stonker of a tune. one man and a guitar has its limits imo.
  11. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1498142777' post='3322781'] Yeah me too, if I'm going to be playing that section of the song again I'll incorporate the "wrong" note as a passing note or something just in case any smart arse had a suspicion I make a mistake. [/quote] I do this exact thing!! 😅😅 It should be in the manual of bass playing.
  12. Elfrasho

    Boss GT-1B

    Not sure this excites me this much. Pr9bably Will sound decent enough but what's it doing that makes it a better option than a b3?
  13. I used to have a multiFX which had an external loop which could be mixed in at different points in the chain. So basically I ran a Fuzz pedal at full pelt in the loop and then each patch I wanted some fuzz in I would mix it in at the right place in the chain, at different levels. It was an extremely useful thing to have, and it meant I didn't need to rely on the onboard fuzz sound (which were not great). I only got rd of it as the mutiFX was big and bulky and I wasn't really needing as many sounds as I had at my disposal. This, accompanied with a nice analogue Fuzz and dirt in the loops, along with a expression pedal would pretty much cover everything for the gigging bassist, all in a very small footprint! For me, this is a great idea! I just wish it came out 5 years ago when I probably needed one!
  14. Mine is set medium I'd say. It can go lower but I like a bit of grab to the strings which I feel you lose if you go mega low. I tried my mates bass (who is outstanding) and his action was high. I read somewhere (from a techguy) most basses can be set up the exact say you like as aslong as theres no fundamental problems with the neck or the actual design.
  15. If you want to learn all the songs though... personally speaking, you should listen to them whilst commuting etc especially if there is odd bits. But honestly I'd be surprised if aerosmiths or bonjovis gigging set list is as big as that. Most originals gigs are between 6 and 15 tunes. Your bands fans (If they have any) will likely want to hear 3 or 4 of the same songs every gig. Once you realistically look at it, theres not a lot to learn.
  16. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1497428620' post='3317981'] They won't be playing 70 songs every gig and some songs on the records won't have been played since, so get a set list off them, or at least a list of songs they play regularly. Start with those and work around to the rest later. [/quote] This. An originals band with that many releases will have a 30 strong set. A lot often recorded tunes will never or almost never be played live. So try get their last set and learn that. If you've joined the band then surely you already know this?
  17. Not quite the same but I had a mag300 head which was sitting unused at our rehearsal room. It had started buzzing and id already put too much mpney into fixing other bits to it so I replaced it with nice new amp. On a clear out I offered it to the other bands before i was juat going to lob it out. One of the guys took it off me expecting to have a tinker with. Spoke to him a few months later and it turns out he'd done nothing with it and it was perfectly fine! Doh! Could have been worse, I was just going to Toss it if no-one took it off my hands!
  18. Nope. Can listen to that for about 30 seconds. Bass players that video from the 12th feet upwards are missing the point imo.
  19. So been into richer sounds and got a set of the hd206. Firstly the sound is great. Balanced and not bass heavy. Secondly I dont think they are particularly loud. On my mobile phone the volume needs cranked to get anywhere near my in ear ones.. shouldn't be a problem for my application , they will pr0bably never leave the house! As a bonus they seem to be pretty well made with a decent jack. Thanks for your help guys, I'm happy with the purchase!
  20. [quote name='naxos10' timestamp='1497166759' post='3316180'] Sennheiser HD201 low cost but good quality [/quote] I originally looked at them but looks like theyve been discontinued? Maybe replaced by the 206's? They look very similar.
  21. Looking to get a new pair of headphones for general round the house usage. I will play bass and guitar through them no doubt but its more for general fannying about on YouTube type thing. I prefer flatter response rather than mega bassy but sound quality is the key for me. Ie I'm willing to wriggle on comfort (I'd only be using them in short bursts) and build quality (to an extent) if it means I get a good sounding nset. They need to be over the ear rather than in ear. I'm looking at sennheiser hd206.. However at this price point there seems to be about a million models to chose from. What are you all using? Fraser
  22. [quote name='missis sumner' timestamp='1496167293' post='3309310'] This. Shivers down my spine when I first heard the bass, which, embarrassingly, was only recently. I also like a bit of ABBA as well though... [/quote] This is up there. This was on a list from a recent dep I did... it was on the 'absolutely no chance' pile! It could easily go unappreciated but it's a master piece of feel and groove!
  23. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1496913685' post='3314627'] I'm still working out how best to use mine - I have a reasonably full board and generally the dedicated effects have a slight edge over the MS60B versions. However in a live situation I don't think anyone would notice, At the moment I'm using the bass synths and delays on it more than anything else.. [/quote] One of the synths on it (cant remember what its called just now) is basic but actually really good for 80's/90's pop and it tracks really well. I've never been keen on the dirt and fuzz on it, so if im ever back in a band where the dirt is important I'll get another stand alone. However everything else in it I personally think stands up pretty well to dedicated pedals. Even the octaver, which at first I didnt like, I've managed to get working brilliantly.
  24. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1496882978' post='3314515'] You can set up an A/B/C and cycle through. In fact four steps could give, for example- A: Empty patch B: Oct C: Delay D: Oct+Delay Each tap of the switch would cycle to the next patch. As for what I'm using​ mine for, it was a single pedal solution to 'no effects' gigs where I still want a tuner, HPF, and comp. It also gives the flexibility of a spot of boost and reverb for solos at jazz gigs, but I'm sure I will branch out with it as I become more accustomed to it. [/quote] Ah i didn't realise you could have 4 patches like that.. I thought it was only a and b. That's the solution right there!
  25. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1496864664' post='3314408'] Appears much the same..... [/quote] There's a lot extra... What we're you expecting?
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