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Steve Browning

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Steve Browning last won the day on December 30 2020

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About Steve Browning

  • Birthday 21/09/1958

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  1. I have always thought of a Jazz bass as being more noodly. Probably because the notes are better defined which might lead to someone playing more of them.
  2. I don't think a bank transfer offers any protection.
  3. So you changed the name to the New Originals?
  4. Have to agree. I've not really seen a genuinely convincing tort 'copy'. That includes those named after WW2 UK fighters.
  5. Yes. You can only speak for yourself, as did I. I am happy with my approach, less so with your condescension.
  6. Deleted. A bit irrelevant.
  7. I think that nothing we can do (by boycotting) would have any effect at all - aside from the symbolism. These guys are so wealthy that they are entirely immune from the effects of any action we might take collectively.
  8. I am pretty CITES does not affect 'finished' musical instruments any more. Certainly that is what I have been advised. That's if that is what you were concerned about.
  9. I have to say, your last statement is rather troll-like. I play music that suits the tone I like and choose what I do accordingly. It is me making the adjustment. It is likely many of us do the same.
  10. I hesitate to state this, but might they be mistaken. I find it hard to believe that a company like Ibanez would be guilty of misrepresentation.
  11. Certainly Ibanez themselves say it's ebony. How do you know it's ebanol instead?
  12. Is this the bass you mention in the thread on 14/11/2023? It was ideal then.
  13. I must have been very fortunate my entire playing life. I use the tone I like and have only ever been asked (occasionally) to take out a little lower mid as it booms a little at certain points on some stages. I have no problem with that. Otherwise, I've never had anything but compliments on the sound. I have tended to play in bands without too many other instruments and the keyboard player is a wonderfully musical chap, who stays out of my 'domain'. Couple of numbers we double the lower end part but it's a free for all otherwise.
  14. GLWTS. As an ex VAT man I can't get past the invoice with 0% VAT on the service! 🙂
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