I played in a swing band, similar to Brian Setzer's band. I had been asked to join and questioned whether they really wanted a guy playing electric bass but they were perfectly happy.
Me and the drummer clashed a little (he was an utter prat, to be fair) but the music was good and we were mainly playing arrangements. We had a band meeting at a pub one evening and I was told by the drummer that I was a great guy, awesome bass player, but he couldn't work with me. The rest of the band were a bit stunned and a great friend of mine (on keys) found himself binned because 'it was assumed he'd go as well'.
What made it worse was the fact that I had arranged with the drummer to be the house band drummer at a blues weekend in 3 days time and he said he couldn't do it. I think it was his wife who had clashed with mine a couple of weeks earlier.
Naturally enough, it turned out they had been rehearsing with an acoustic bass just prior to the meeting.