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Everything posted by KERMITNT

  1. i can tell only good things about fbasses my bn5 is awsome like the splated maple u have single coil / hum canceling switch? vol vol ? or vol blend?
  2. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1337246440' post='1657586'] This is what I thought. Are you sure it is definitely him slowing down? Or do you think maybe you are just speeding up and not noticing? I think that is what you have got to establish first. [/quote] i think the best thing is recording the rehersal and then listen to it in order to see if is adrenaline or actually has speeding issues
  3. i do the same:) stop the song but some times i canot explain it is like is slow motion the song to my head especially with too much adrenaline in my vains.
  4. jamiroquai runaway
  5. dont worry excactly the same happend to me last summer i didnt played the bass for 1 month and when i had the practice session for 2 hours 2 massive blister apeared next day in my right hand fingers!!! I was in pain for 1 week and after i was playing, my leather fingers come back to normal and i noticed the following: 1 not playing for long time brings that to surface 2 always in band rehersals i play harder than home 3 practicing daily is solving that and more technique issues 4 always warm up before you play
  6. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1332088499' post='1583001'] He just looks so sad. [/quote] this is not a bass is a [url="http://images02.olx.gr/ui/5/41/47/1270504873_85953447_1----1270504873.jpg"]http://images02.olx.gr/ui/5/41/47/1270504873_85953447_1----1270504873.jpg[/url]
  7. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1332249419' post='1585494'] Everything is there- I do not get tired of watching this performance at all. [/quote] excactly
  8. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1332246700' post='1585419'] I quite like the way he made the song definitely his- and did something different with it. Prefer the TOP version of course but at least his version tries not to be boring. Listen to his tone on this- the way he switches from bridge to both pickups and the tone of his fingers when playing at bridge and neck- fantastic!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90t0ThWP-pE[/media] [/quote] this is one of the best performances i ve ever seen because is simple and complicated at the same time
  9. i wish i played like that as for the song we know miller has a soul in other songs like that [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1KA7C1LyPg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1KA7C1LyPg[/url] he is great player this song is a great example of his thechnique in IMO!!
  10. just send me some hipshot tuners very nice guy thnx m8 once more
  11. Hi guys actually i want to ask u if i can get the 4th tuner into the G string and invert it. if someone done it? or needs a diagram to do it? so in plain words can i use the G Tuner bass way key of G&L to a stingray neck G string that lookin the treble side? thnx
  12. good to keep it, sell the 4 always you need a five in da house
  13. top chap to deal with nice bass G
  14. just of curiosity whats its weigh ?
  15. mate one of the nicest projects ever love it and ithink you should keep it and sell your stingray 4 dr neons horrible to play to sticky for me
  16. [quote name='Gwilym' timestamp='1327345004' post='1509713'] no need Alan, all going to plan this bass will be in London in a week or so [/quote] what happend mate you r in ebony now?
  17. this is beautiful
  18. i think somebody drill some holes in it if you wait though the weekend i might be able to get shot of my all original 1986 fretless heel
  19. maybe it has a gps system to track it down ahahahah
  20. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1320760085' post='1430911'] I spent a while talking to a guy from Greece so assuming that was he your friend. He played this bass. www.acguitars.co.uk/Gallery/282/ [/quote] and yes you r right that was my friend he said to me that this bass was top notch mate
  21. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1320683904' post='1429950'] Our sorry excuse of a try out room worked very well. We got to demo more basses/pre-amp and cabs than I have ever managed at Bassday. It was quiet so we could explain and answer questions without shouting and people could actually hear what they were playing. They also had a degree of privacy to play a bass without an audience, a lot of people do not like to play in front of a pile of bass players. Had you tired it maybe you would have seen it in a different light. Cheers Alan [/quote] what basses did you had because a friend of mine tried one of yours and was enthousiastic about the result can you give us some pics please?
  22. i think is one of the best fretless in the world at moment!! seriously in top five brands in the world
  23. thats an awsome bass where are you based?
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