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Everything posted by Malvis

  1. Fellas, feel free to bring all the acronyms you care to, but they may need some explaining I've spoken to David, our host for the day, and he's looking forward to seeing us. There's nothing essential to tell you about parking - it'll be obvious enough when you arrive. The address is Waterloo Farm, Fringford OX27 8RH, and there's a screenshot of the entrance attached below so you'll know where you are... I'll make sure there's the makings of tea and coffee and some biscuits. I'm happy to sort out booze and food too, but it might be surplus to requirements. If you think it's a particularly good idea, feel free to send me a DM and we'll take it from there. By all means keep the chat coming here as well - it'd be good to keep this thread simmering in case it coaxes anyone undecided into coming down for the day. See y'all soon!
  2. Thanks Roger!
  3. I’m beyond curious about these gizmos now. Would someone kindly bring an fdeck to the bass bash please? 😁
  4. I was thinking 11am-5pm would allow plenty of time for us and our basses to get acquainted. I’ll chat to David, who’s giving us the run of his barn, and confirm during the week ahead. I’ll also post the address and info about parking. Bob suggested that anyone who’s thinking about buying or selling a bass should consider coming down, which seems like a great idea to me...
  5. A little bump to the top of the forum in case you're not a regular visitor to the events page... The double bass bash is happening in a barn near Bicester on Saturday 14 April, and there are more details here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/317927-double-bass-bash-nr-bicester-oxon-saturday-14-april-2018/ Hope to see you there!
  6. Thanks for your contributions folks, and sorry I've been away from the conversation for a while. At the current count it looks like somewhere around 8 or 10 of us will be at the bash, but there's room for plenty more. If you haven't said already, let us know what kind of bass & paraphernalia you plan to bring (by DM if you like) and I'll compile a list and post it here, which I hope will whet people's appetites. Look forward to seeing you in a month or so
  7. I got one of these a few weeks ago Rabbie. I've taken it out a couple of times and it's been very easy & efficient, but I haven't really put it through its paces. So I can't say much about its longevity, or its ability to handle cobbled streets or festival fields. Based on this limited experience, I'd recommend it, with the caveat that (to me anyway), it seems a fairly hefty price for a pair of plastic wheels with some straps and bungees. That said, it's a good design, and can be adapted to fit basses of all sizes.
  8. This is a nice place Bob: http://www.westfarmbb.co.uk Or there are plenty of places in Bicester itself, none of which are spectacularly good or egregiously bad, as far as I know
  9. Thanks very much fellas, this is really helpful. I played at the Old Duke with another band on a rainy Saturday afternoon a few years back, and the atmosphere was amazing. I'll let you know how we get on...
  10. I'd really appreciate any recommendations for Bristol-based sound engineers. The band I play double bass with, Brickwork Lizards, has a gig at the Old Duke on Saturday 27 January. I've only recently realised that the venue doesn't have a house engineer, and only provides a PA. Finding someone local who knows the venue and has their own kit would be a whole lot more straightforward than trying to do it ourselves, or bringing someone with us from Oxford, where we're based. We're an unusual hybrid, mixing Arabic music with rap and trad jazz, so we're looking for someone experienced and fairly unflappable! There's a link below to give some idea. Thanks in advance for your help!
  11. I sold Roberto a double bass bow last week, and as expected, he was a pleasure to transact with - sent a very prompt payment, and wasn't at all bothered about the delay in delivery over the new year holiday. Thanks Rabbie!
  12. We're all good for 14th April, and I've started a thread on the Events section of the forum. Link here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/317927-double-bass-bash-nr-bicester-oxon-saturday-14-april-2018/ Look forward to seeing you there!
  13. The date is finally confirmed, and the venue too - a lovely old stone barn (with heating) at Waterloo Farm, Fringford, a couple of miles from Bicester. There are a few photos attached below. Whether you play double bass already or you're curious to learn, you'll be very welcome. I'll be bringing along my 1920s Bohemian hatpeg and a KK baby bass, along with an Acoustic Image Coda S4 amp. Feel free to chip in below with some ideas about what you might like to bring, or like to see others bring. Personally, I'd love to try out a Chadwick folding bass and an Eminence. Also any of the classic American basses (Kay, King, American Standard) and anything with gut strings. But most of all I'd like to see a bunch of basschatters and get a chance to chew the fat with a few of you in person. There'll be tea & coffee & cake & beer, and if you have any other preferences for victuals, just say...
  14. Hi Bob I think it’ll be April 14th alright. Tomorrow I’ll chase my friend with the venue to confirm and put a notification on the events page on Monday. Look forward to meeting you in a couple of months!
  15. Sorry for leaving this thread unattended for a while. Since David Heyes is running a bass workshop in North London on Sunday 15th April, it seems like a better idea to avoid that date. I suspect there'll be a several basschatters who'd like to be there - I know I would. The following weekend was suggested, but I have a recording commitment pencilled in then, which could make it tricky for me. So, here are two options: Saturday 14th April, or Sunday 22nd. I may not be able to make the latter date, but I'm happy to help with the organising even if it turns out I can't be there. One way or another Pete, I'll make sure there's cake.
  16. Thanks Neil, that's handy to know. If David's doing a workshop on Sunday 15th, we could reschedule the bass bash for Saturday 14th - if there are no objections...
  17. Thanks for all the enthusiastic noises folks. I'll confirm April 15th with the barn's owner and put a post on the events page of the forum. I can canvass opinion about refreshments nearer the time. You're right bassace, the victuals are sort of superfluous, but it's no trouble for me one way or the other. It was great to meet you at the Wells bass workshop this weekend Phil. Looking forward to the next one!
  18. Regarding the brewing and the banqueting, there's no kitchen in the barn, but there's a bar (on the left in the 3rd photo). I can get the loan of an urn and sort out stuff for making teas and coffees, and get some beer in too. There's a kitchen in my friend David's house across the way from the barn, where food could be heated up. I'm more than happy to make a chilli or a stew, and bake a load of spuds, or make sandwiches. Whatever is preferred...
  19. How's this for a potential venue? I think it'll do the job nicely. If we're low on numbers (i.e. fewer than 10) we can just use the smaller room - that's the one with the fireplace. Shall I book it for April 15th? There's no hurry, nor no worry about cancelling, so no hassle whatever way...
  20. Well Bob, since mid-April was mooted, why don't we aim for Sunday 15 April? Suits me pretty well - I'm not sure if I'll be around much in February and March. I've made a few enquiries about venues, and had a bit of luck. A farmer friend has offered the use of a stone barn, which he's converted into a function venue. He'll let us have it for nothing, provided I run the hoover round it. It's in Fringford, a 6 mile, 10 minute drive from J9 of the M40. I'm going to try and check it out tomorrow. If it looks good I'll take some pics and y'all can decide. One other thing - would it be a forum faux pas to invite other DBists from the world beyond basschat? I know a few people who'd be into it. The more the merrier I reckon, but let me know if for any reason that sounds like a bad idea. Oh, and thanks very much for the reference Roger. I look forward to getting my hands on your bass again!
  21. Thanks for the tip Jack. I'll do a bit of research into potential venues and report back...
  22. Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I'll drop Owen and Roger a PM, see what can be arranged. If anyone else has any preferences about when, where or whatever, it'd be great to hear from you... Just by way of an afterthought - what type of venue works best? I'm guessing a big old conference hall with a dozen or more basses thudding away wouldn't be the ideal choice, so perhaps something with a big communal room and some smaller rooms off to the side...? Any suggestions gratefully received.
  23. It'd be fantastic to meet some basschatters (and their basses!) I'd be happy to help organise something. I live near Bicester, just off the M40, halfway between London and Birmingham. So a reasonably accessible spot, I suppose... I have a nice old Bohemian hatpeg and a KK baby bass that I can bring to the party, along with an AI coda amp and a Nadine mic. Let me know if you're willing and able and we'll have a think about potential dates and venues.
  24. Mine has a bit of an endpin rattle going on too. I haven't bothered to fix it as you don't really notice it when the bass is amplified. You're right, the sound is a far cry from a proper upright. It's an electric bass after all, and gives you the fundamental sound of each note, without the overtones you get used to playing a timber bass. Have you any idea whether the string type has much impact on the overall sound? For now I'm using the no-name Chinese strings supplied with the bass. Kris Kedzior recommended Spiro Weichs, so I'm hoping a used set might pop up for sale here before too long...
  25. Thanks JPJ, that's really interesting. I recently bought a KK baby bass from fellow BCer Drew, and I've been loving it - it's been a godsend for festival gigs. Just to echo Alex above, it'd be fantastic if you could find the time to post more details about the washers. Here's a pic of my bridge and pick-up. Is it the same on your baby bass? Thanks a million... [attachment=253163:IMG_2370.JPG]
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