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About Abominathan

  • Birthday 13/10/1982

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  1. Worth noting that I do have a 1x15 traveller cab that I don't intend to sell but my arm could be twisted for the right price.
  2. Moving to Canada so this needs to be sold ASAP - needs to be gone before 23/11/2020. Great condition. Fantastic amp, absolutely would not be selling unless I had to. Priced at £SOLD for quick sale. Prefer London Collection (based in Forest Hill SE23). No trades. Happy to deliver within reason. Also, I do have a self-made little carry case. Not in photos, but can be used to transport. Here's a link to specs: http://www.markbass.it/product-detail/little-mark-iii/ Thanks all!
  3. Yeah. Prior to buying this a few people mentioned to me that it might be too heavy or have balance issues. I never had balance issues and I actually don't think it's that heavy at all IMO (does sound heavy). My main bass is a shergold modulator.... now that's heavy.
  4. @Happy Jack sorry I don't. Don't have scales either.
  5. Ah Yes! I'm an idiot. Ofcourse. That's actually a relief! Thanks @Jus Lukin
  6. Looks like this one may end up on the classifieds as soon as I can get round to it then. Shame, love this amp set up. Also, I am sure this cab adn amp combo saved my back from caving in during my gigging days (and I was like off the stage 15 minutes before anyne else!).
  7. Very helpful both! Thank you!
  8. Hey all, Moving to Canda in a few months and wondering what to do about my amp. I've got a Mark Bass Little Mark III and matching 1x15 cab. Would love to keep them but a few people have advised to just get rid as the voltage difference means to covert is a big heachache. Anyone with experience have any views?? Attached some photos below of specs. Don't know why they're blurry - too much coffee maybe. Ta!
  9. Cheers Dapper Bandit. I'll have a read. They are pretty esoteric!
  10. Diago pedal board for sale. Pretty good condition. Nothing major. Chain-link diago powersupply included (hence £50 rather than £40 TBH). £50 - perfer collection from London (Forest Hill Area), but will post as long as you pay for it. Full specs for the gigman can be found here: http://www.diago.co.uk/pedalboards/diago-pedalboards.html Photos below and more here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/cw1pYgvTT7d7mccZ6
  11. Hi hive mind. Got these two effector 13 pedals that I am probably gonna sell but wanted to pot on here to see if people know much more about them! So hard to dig up info. They are both batshit crazy! Pics below of the Improbability drive (the most unpredicatble dist/OD pedal ever, some amazing tones and sometimes just silence 🤣). And the Truly Beautiful Disaster. (an amazing loop/oscilator pedal with a light sensitive eye.controller). Super keen to know whether you guys know more about origin etc!
  12. Charlie Stringer's Blue Doo pedal (Snarling Dogs). Not bass specific as I'm aware but a good and versatile overdirve/distortion pedal. I've only ever used with bass and I've used it a lot. True bypass option. Loads of versatility. Porobaly best suited to growling blues tones. Cool design - yes the eyes do light up (joy!). All in good working order. £40 (PRICE DROP) - perfer collection from London (Forest Hill Area), but will post as long as you pay for it. Few picture below and more here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ybgp4TPhDTwdjpUZ6
  13. Awesome bass overdrive pedal. Potentially overlooked because it's ugly as sin. Loads of great reviews online. This has been a staple on my board for aaaaaages now, removing countless more boutique overdrive pedals - which shows on the fact it looks well-used. All in perfect working order. Lots of options, good clean signal through. Simple as. Built like a tank. £SOLD - perfer collection from London (Forest Hill Area), but will post as long as you pay for it. One picture below and more here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/FS3uiWtZ91KbEV3u5
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  14. An awesome MXR Phase pedal. Good condition. Specs here: https://www.jimdunlop.com/mxr-phase-100/ £75 ONO - perfer collection from London (Forest Hill Area), but will post as long as you pay for it. One picture below and more here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/U5ZbKsvLN4Bm5diz7
  15. I absolutely looooove this pedal. But alas, selling. Great nick (need a clean) and sounds amazing. Good price. MXR Bass octave. Simple. Does what it says on the tin and sounds beastly. £50 - perfer collection from London (Forest Hill Area), but will post as long as you pay for it. One picture below and more here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/8RunnoMtgC8tdukY9
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