Any Overwater bass owners here? I have two Overwater bassess, both fretted and fretless. Been using it for gigs over the last two years and am very happy with them. I think Overwater is like the Fender Custom Shop basses in terms of build and quality.
When I placed my order with Chris, initially I went for the hollow body series but later on I realized(or I think Chris told me) only both wings are hollowed. There is a centre solid block of wood in between. Well, that wasn't what I wanted as I was looking for a totally hollow body one in which 2 years later, I ordered a Stradi but that a story for another time!
Anyway, so I changed to the J series instead. Don't think Chris was too impressed with the switch, sorry Chris! The first one was a fretless and I like it so much that I ordered a fretted one afterward! ๐