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Everything posted by BeLow

  1. It looks great, and I am sure it sounds as good as it looks. Is it the scale length that gives it the improved balance? I was out with my medium scale 5 last night and it does make life easier, less unwieldy, lighter and you don't feel as if the strings are fighting back. There is a time and place for the strings to be tight and aggressive, but it's not every gig. Nice one!
  2. I should add an update, my unit went back to Thomann. It was a little delayed getting back but I got my money refunded. Just recently I followed up and they confirmed the unit was faulty. They did not clarify what exactly but a knowledgeable friend suggested it was a power supply issue. There was a loud repeating click when linked up to two BFM Omni cabs, which suggested a capacitor was charging and discharging. My dilemma now is whether to retry with a different unit or go with a GK Legacy 800. I like the features on the GR better, and also the tone seems less harsh than the GK. Other than that I guess they are aimed at similar users. The drive setting on the GK, is something I doubt I will use. Anyone got experience of the two brands who could offer views?
  3. Thanks that helps, my suspicion is that I was unlucky with this particular unit.
  4. Does it get warm? I suspect as you say I have been unlucky. I did like the sound when it was working.
  5. I have just sent my GR BassOne 800 back as it had a few issues - most noticeably a loud repeated clicking when I connected it to my BFM Omni 105's. As they were self builds suspicion would normally fall on them, but they have done over 10 years of gigs, never missed a beat and, I can't replicate the fault with either a LittleMark2 or a Trace Elliot Elf. The amp was generally Ok with other 8 ohm and 4 ohm cabs I have, although I did think I could hear some background pops occasionally and the volume "hunted up and down" occasionally. Also I found the top of the casing was pretty warm even at low volumes, so about the temperature you might expect on TE ELF after a gig. My Markbass head only evert got this warm after a hard 3 hour wedding gig in the summer. I know different amps would expect to have different thermal behaviour, and I am guessing the GR Bass head is pretty tightly packed inside its chassis compared to the much taller / larger LMK2. When it was working properly I loved the sound, but after a chat with a knowledgeable engineer who suggested it was likely to be a capacitor problem (repeated clicking, charging and discharging) and the other slightly strange anomalies, I thought it was potentially a faulty unit. It had the edge on my elderly MB head, but didn't want to have concerns about reliability from new. Have others had issues with the amp being noticeably warm?
  6. Still in touch with Thumper on FB (not Finnbass) - he has strong opinions, a wicked sense of humour, and is really great on electronics. He is a good guy in my opinion. BBC - Big Cheese or whatever appeared on Finnbass for a bit after he was ejected from BassChat, but he did not hang around that long there either. As far as I can recall the only person who really got thrown off FB (rather than left of their own accord) was Bass Ferret who overstepped the mark on several occasions. I don't think there was much actual moderation, more of a class action by the membership.
  7. As a veteran of Bassworld I can recall various members being disgruntled and joining Finnbass. I found it by chance and quite liked the vibe. In some ways it offered something which was starting to disappear from the Basschat predecessors, which was the sense that you knew almost all of the contributors. While there were a lot of knowledgeable people finnbass, it did not take itself that seriously. There were various people whose technical opinions I understood and would trust far more than most of the general web. I enjoyed the weird mix of some spikey characters who usually knew their stuff better than most. Yes it did have a bit of a recurring theme around the split from Basschat, but probably not as much as as Basschat people think. Both sides probably benefitted from forgetting the roots of the argument to be honest, I recall picking up various strands of it. None of it was terribly edifying as I recall, the on going digs did not really do anyone any favours in my opinion, but people are different and some people rub one another up the wrong way. Some of the refugees from other forums who washed up there could be abrasive, and a few were serial wind up merchants. Personally I threw in the towel around the time of Brexit, I just didn't need all the angst on line, that was not unique to Finnbass of course. I suppose many of us re-calibrated where we wanted to be around that time. I do not contribute on Basschat now, as I find it a bit too big, although I occasionally have a catch up. I only really came on here to say cheerio to any of the waifs and strays now wondering the web for a new home. It was fun while it lasted, stay safe people, be pleasant to one another and have fun.
  8. The old band are now sorted apparently - thanks for you interest
  9. Another bump and I did this quickly as an audio get well card for another bass player - don't take it too seriously [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I93VQxD3SK4&feature=plcp"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I93VQxD3SK4&feature=plcp[/url]
  10. Another bump - video shows the sort of area of the country we are talking here (and one of my experimental solo bass playing efforts - need some volume as I got the levels wrong recording it). [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se4bTHqi2M4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se4bTHqi2M4[/url]
  11. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I am currently looking to do a [color=#000000]“Bass player exchange” as I am looking for a bit of a change of scene (would prefer to do some 80's, original stuff or a 3- 4 piece relaxed blues band) some of the stuff I have done is on here if you are interested [/color][url="https://www.youtube.com/my_videos"]https://www.youtube.com/my_videos[/url][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]OLD BAND NOW SORTED[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]My old band have found a new bass player.[/color][/font][/size]
  12. .
  13. BeLow


  14. BeLow


  15. .
  16. BeLow


  17. BeLow


  18. Anyone out there had a crack at making an EUB.
  19. BeLow

    How much?

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