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Beer of the Bass

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Everything posted by Beer of the Bass

  1. The concept reminds me of this weird old thing found in a vintage tenor banjo case. It's some kind of early plastic (I think), maybe bakelite or similar, with a thick leather handle part that flexes slightly. It's interestingly loud and plunky on banjo or archtop guitar, and almost useless on anything else.
  2. Because with the neck tilted back slightly, the bridge has to be set higher to achieve a given height relative to the fretboard.
  3. For me, that's the main thing I'll pick up a pick for on bass. I'm habitually a finger player and I reckon I get a better feel with fingers on most things, but that muted clicky thunk is such a unique sound that I can't get any other way.
  4. I have 3 basses - my homebuilt 5 string, an older homebuilt 4 string that's fretless these days, and my double bass. The fretless gets very little use, the double bass and the 5 string are the ones I actually play. I could imagine adding about two more; I could use a little rootsy sounding short scale for certain casual jams and sofa use, and another 5 so that I could have one with rounds on.
  5. I think there really is a difference with acoustic instruments. It shows up specifically in solo recording or minimally amplified performance settings, and it's often more than a subtle nuance thing. I sometimes go to folk club gigs, where you can often hear world class performers in intimate settings, and I've noticed that experienced performers with things like high end or vintage Martins, Fylde guitars and small luthier instruments just have a power and projection that fills the room in a way that the local opening acts with mid-range instruments didn't. You'll notice the same in small classical recitals too.
  6. I do wonder if there's still a difference between performing the basics adequately when new, and continuing to do so under prolonged, heavy use like touring. There are a lot of individually small aspects (like the quality of pots and tuners, the hardness of fretwire, a truss rod that works smoothly without the nut stripping, etc) that aren't very noticeable with a new instrument that has an easy life, but which might still make the less budget offerings good value for some use cases.
  7. My default (on a passive bass with J pickups) is 100% on the tone, and usually neck 100% with bridge rolled down a tad. On certain songs I like to favour the bridge pickup and roll the tone off for a tight, midrangey fingerstyle tone, or roll it back when favouring the neck pickup for a mellower thing. I think I go down to about 4/10 in both instances.
  8. I've seen people using the QTX battery PA speakers to busk, and I think there are a couple of threads on them. They're probably not the most high-end solution, but should have more oomph than the smaller battery bass combos, and they're a neat, all-in-one unit rather than having to cobble together something with modules.
  9. I don't have a lot of brand loyalty - there are definitely flavours and styles of instruments and gear that I like, but there are usually multiple ways to get in the ballpark of those. I suppose the place where I do have some attachment to one brand is with my Thomastik Spirocore double bass strings. They're an industry standard for that style of string (and used by several of my bass inspirations), nothing else does their particular thing quite as well, and every time I've tried others I've come back to them.
  10. I'm curious, is it far enough off the mark that you'd be allowed to sell one on the BC classifieds?
  11. I've loaned my double bass a couple of times to people we were on the bill with (who I knew were competent bassists) to make their travel arrangements easier. And I did once finish a guitar gig with a guitar borrowed from another band as the pickup selector packed up on mine. With three bands in a basement in a city centre with poor parking, it's simply not feasible for everyone to bring multiples of everything, even if that might be a reasonable plan in other settings.
  12. I've never really thought of it as a small bass, it's a fairly standard 3/4 size old flatback, probably Czech or German. I'm about 6'1", and I think the spike there is slightly higher than I usually have it - I'd probably set it before I put the piece of wood underneath.
  13. Though I'm sure he's said that he was doing jazz double bass gigs at the same time as he was studying cello, to the disapproval of his tutors.
  14. I have quite a bit of home built gear (basses, cabs, pedals, guitar amps) which is inevitably going to be British. I do like the idea of supporting smaller quality makers wherever you can afford to, but I'm not patriotic about it.
  15. The bar ends are similar to Innovation strings from a few years ago. I don't know if the silk colours correspond to a particular set though.
  16. I know these contraptions have their fans, but I'm not sure an old aluminium tripod bridge with two feet would sell for anything like this amount, at least without a bass attached! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DOUBLE-BASS-BRIDGE-VINTAGE-TONEMASTER-/164007215631?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  17. Givson are a real company, they're in India and I think most of their stuff is sold domestically. A local guitar shop had a couple of their archtop guitars a few years ago; huge bodied and quite crudely made, but also pretty loud and IMO potentially fun instruments.
  18. Taylor's thing about the French is curious, given how much of his career is based on the old Hot Club de France material and style.
  19. As much as people complain about so many amps using the same few power amp modules now, at least there's a much better chance of a tech being able to source the right ICEpower module a few years down the line compared to proprietary ones unique to one model.
  20. I've been getting some quotes from Interparcel to send to the potential buyer. AFAIK the prices they quote are pre-VAT. Does anyone know if that would be added at checkout for an item being sent from the UK to USA?
  21. It's clearly dated on the label inside the soundhole as being built in 1987 - I'm not sure if that would be sufficient evidence of being pre-CITES.
  22. Which couriers have you used? If I can feel reasonably confident that it's properly insured, and the buyer is fine with the costs, perhaps it wouldn't be too bad.
  23. I have an instrument advertised (not a bass, hence it's on another site) which someone is asking if I would ship to the USA. None of the woods used are covered by CITES as far as I'm aware - it's cedar, mahogany and ebony. But it does have some MOP inlay which I've read might be flagged under the Lacey act. It does have a hard case, but obviously I'd still need to gather packing materials and deal with the customs paperwork and live with the risk involved. I'm somewhat on the fence about whether to consider it, as it seems like a lot of additional work and I don't know if any carriers really have worthwhile insurance. The instrument is advertised at about £500, so it would not be a small loss if it all went pear shaped. I know a fair few of you have shipped instruments around, so I'd be curious to see what people think.
  24. I'm not sure if people will be aghast at this idea, but for low volume home use with a low powered amp, a small closed-back guitar cab might well do the job just fine.
  25. Some suggest that the double bass may have some heritage from the viol family, which are usually tuned in fourths. The differently shaped shoulders compared to the violin family, and the frequent use of canted flat backs would also support this idea. And with the string making techniques of the time, a low E or low C would be likely to be fairly unsatisfactory, hence the higher tuning of the old 3 string double bass. When the fourth string was added, continuing the existing pattern of fourths tuning would seem logical.
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