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Everything posted by mikhay77

  1. I dont think so,I got it locally to me. Mind you it could have been his? They do sound incredible with the big singles then you can dial in any sound you want with the active eq. Just top quality you cant buy for this money any more.
  2. I have a few basses that I am selling due to way too many and they dont get the playing they deserve. It is on ebay and the link is from there. Not after any trades. Obviously it can be collected in person or I can package and post in a hard case to the uk. Would be more to post Internationally. A few chips to the edges etc but great sound and player.Any more pics and info,just drop me a message. My other basses can be seen via the ebay link,prices reduced for BC'ers.Cheers. [attachment=152073:125.jpg] Price drop to £700. ON HOLD Ebay link...[url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-musician-MC924-bass-crafted-in-1980-rare-limited-edition-Japanese-Alembic-/271364742731?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f2e995e4b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f2e995e4b[/url] Photo bucket link [url="http://goo.gl/tF2jvb"]http://goo.gl/tF2jvb[/url]
  3. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1389039506' post='2329226'] I play the verses with a little run up to the D and back to the A. I also do a little chromatic run from the C# to the E to land back on the A the same time as the drummer. Very effective. [/quote] +1. Tab will probably just tell you to hold an A,but as above I think a matter of feel and locking with the drummer. If you watch some live recordings its pretty much A and octave and little runs from the the A oct G,E and to the lower A. Nice to play the alternating A on the D string with the open A string too.Jam and feel!!
  4. Oh forgot to ask,what strings are fitted? If it has tow ropes it does make a massive difference. I play 30s to 90s and whenever I get a new bass I have to mess around with the action a bit once I fitted the skinny strings!
  5. In theory you should not need a shim unless there is an issue with the neck.May need the frets dressing,you should be able to see any issues looking straight down the neck but if thats all ok , you say the string height is very low above the 14th fret and has fret buzz basically means the truss rod needs some more tension on it to raise the neck in the middle thus lowering the action in the centre of the neck.Then you can raise the saddles a gnats to stop fret buzz at the top end then finally reset the intonation, Seems to work for me!
  6. Get a Neuser fretless bridge fitted to your fretted bass,problem solved! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYPHZlwLP3s
  7. Had loads of different cabs over the years,mostly 4x10s some 12's some 15s etc. My first experience was a Mb CMD 121h,bought after playing it in a shop,got rid after the first gig. Couldnt get the volume to keep up with the guitar and drums.Mind you what did I expect from a 1x12. Just recently played through a friends 4x10MB. Bingo! Bought a pair 104hf and a 104hr. Amazing sound and certainly cuts through everything,crystal clear and punchy with masses of low end.Really pleased. Can get really dirty too when I push em with a valve amp,speakers dont half move around!! Only complaints are cheapo plastic corners that crack and why only one speakon? [attachment=150797:Mark bass and trace rig.jpg]
  8. Dont know much about these,solid mahogany,body carved at edges like a Ibanez artist,big heavy bridge with large brass block under the bridge, and can be strung through the body,gotoh tuners I think? Great passive tones from the 2 pick ups,3 way switch,volume,bass and treble, I think they are humbuckers? Solid brass knobs too. All in all a great player and cool inlays on the neck ( Loadsa P's) Will add pics,seems my pic editor has stopped working!! [attachment=150796:Polytone Contempo.jpg]
  9. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1386499084' post='2300631'] Check this one out! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DR-30-Drum-Keyboard-Monitor-by-Gear4music-Faulty-RRP-85-/301033761409?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item461702aa81"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item461702aa81[/url] [/quote] I see a little tear in the tolex,apart from that! Looks gigable!
  10. Its a really crap state off affairs and no real answer. I am too soft or trusting,,have been lucky and let loads of people use my gear and its not broken yet. Never forget a particularly sarci drummer we used to play with was asked by another band if they could borrow his kit. He just looked at him and said," can I shag your missus?" He didn't get a reply!
  11. That's a really nice version,I have one with of these early ones,if my ibanez knowledge is correct,this is mc900nt (22 frets,pre 80),the later mc924 had 24 frets and the 940 was the fretless version of the 924,I think. Still a really rare finish! Good luck with the sale...
  12. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1386104810' post='2295936'] I won't disagree, but that would lead you to Soundgarden and BadMotorFinger which is better. [/quote] Ha ha,still passion about great Seattle bands.. Brought up on all the grunge scene,it was either that or shitpop! All great accomplished musicians. Eddie Vedder is such a great lyricist. I really think that even some of my fave bands have done some slightly less popular albums,but thats good to be different,not always popular. Still together and still playing,cant say fairer than that, Saw them in London in 93 at Finsbury park. They were fantastic,seen em a couple of times since. Always give 110% live
  13. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1385896529' post='2293205'] Back to the question, if I may. My old Trace stack was 130 watts. It was a 1x15 and 2x10. My current TC BG250 is, rather unsurprisingly, 250 watts, that's into a 15" speaker. Which one had the capacity for being loudest ? The one with the Big stack of speakers. 130 watts was more than sufficient to make the speakers do what they had to do. No question about it. The Trace would have blown the TC clean off the stage. The watts were no more than part of the equation. Now, having said that. Is the BG250 loud enough for me on stage ? Without a doubt. If I buy a TC 250 watt head and a 2x10 and 2x12 stack, will it be louder than my 1x15 combo. Yep, it certainly will. Buy speaker capability, not watts. +1. I had the same trace set up for years,never had a problem ever. Only reason why I changed to 2 MB 4x10s was I got em cheap enough and we have a van so size doesnt matter,obviously they sound better than the trace cabs and look cool if you like that sort of thing plus move a lot of air! but still have only a 200watt valve head and nowhere near break up! Yes you need to be in the mix with the drummer bit if you do need more volume,stick it through the PA and foldback if you can save having ear splitting levels on stage. [/quote]
  14. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1385898298' post='2293244'] Bear in mind we are a bunch of 40 / 50 year old blokes playing the likes of The Jam, The Undertones, Blink 182 and The Cult, halfway through the last gig a muppet comes over and asks if we do any Rhianna, I didn't dignify his request with a response! We did learn One Way Or Another off the back of a request at a gig which is still in the set [/quote] I would "do" Rhianna.! Seriously though we have been asked to do loadsa different stuff and jam through a few even,make up the words and the audience love it,their the punters after all,its only a bit of fun anyway! Its great I think to take a song and do it in your own style,just think Me first and the gimme gimmes,you cant go wrong!!
  15. Had the same problem with mine,bit o llube did the trick,having said that one of the strap locks is heavily worn and recessed.. Note to self........ Buy some more strap locks!
  16. I have had a Bass Collection JZ series bass for a while and it plays fantastic,lovely ebony neck and great Japanese build quality but the pick ups were very bright,they look like Seymour Duncans? Had the treble rolled nearly off! So managed to acquire some old 70's Dimarzio's and just fitted em.... Sound is totally different,very slightly lower output,but what a sound! Bass and treble now in the mid position. Really woody,great separation across the strings and good balance between pick ups,nice Honky rear but still plenty of twang. Front pick up has got the almost a P sound? They are split coil pups though,no noise,really impressed. Will see how they cut thru next week at a gig but so far so good [attachment=149546:WP_001572.jpg]
  17. Solid mahogany body,Dimarzio pick up and hard case,bargain. People knock Hondo's but I had one as a throw around punk bass,sounded great. Check out Bill Nelson on Axe Victim!
  18. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1382481700' post='2252827'] I really like your Musician 924 limited ADDITION ?? Isn't it Limited Edition ? Anyway it is gorgeous You mean that you are ADDICTED ? I understand why, i used to play a 1980 Musician 940 (fretless version of the 924) Another beautiful vintage Ibanez, a 1979 Roadster VT with a new 3EQ preamp [/quote] Yeh,very ltd edition,slightly different pick up position from my other musician too,same controls but different woods! Ps I have exactly the same Roadstar as yours also! Great bass and active? A weighty beats though...
  19. I have had a early 90s thumb and a late 90s streamette. The thumb was my first expensive bass,bought it new for £1350 in 93. Played and sounded amazing,slim neck,great balance and tone. Got the streamette about 3 years ago,2 mec double P pups,big thick neck and not a great sound,swapped pups to emgs and still no better,Its a hate of P pups I have found. Still the later neck are like tree trunks. Still wanting an early Streamer 2 when I get the funds. So I suppose some nice some not as good.
  20. Dont know if this counts but I once strung my first bass ( Marlin Sidewinder ) with strings that over the bridge was just the inner wire core ( Elites? Help?),dont know if you can still get em? Anyways,needless to say a weak point.E string snapped at the bridge,whipped round and hit our singer in the face! Singer wished it was a G string I think.
  21. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1380309695' post='2223742'] Are any of these linked to the SGC Nanyo Bass Collection basses? - or am I right in thinking they are just using the 'Bass Collection' 'name'? Nice bass Mikhay77 - what's it like? Any idea if this is linked to the (same factory) as the SGC Nanyo Bass Collections? [/quote] I am pretty sure mines one of the SGC basses although only ever seen one other Jazz. Made in Japan,active electronics,schaller machine heads and amazing neck with ebony board,much better build than any Fender I have had,great tone and playability.Dont know too much more about it really.
  22. Bass collection have made some great quality instruments. Checkin out Norms bass,similar to my bass collection J.Z made around 1997 though, are these all new? [attachment=144783:Bass collection body.jpg] [attachment=144784:Bass collection Jazz.jpg] [attachment=144785:Bass collection headstock.jpg]
  23. One of these popped up on ebay a while ago,the guy also had some other rare Trace bits n bobs I seem to remeber
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