I also have a Premium Soundgear with Nordstrand Big Singles, the ones in the EHB are Big Splits (split-coil humbuckers).
The other day I was playing my SR1800E & noticing how 'raunchy' those Big Singles are with lots of Gain on my NuTube amp.
The Big Splits are quite close, but missing a little 'jangle' from the top-end, & not quite as 'raunchy', but you can use stainless strings on the EHB, because it has stainless frets.
That's my logic ATM, nickel-wound on the SR1800E (nickel-silver frets) & stainless round-wounds on the EHB (stainless frets).
If you don't want raunchy, get the Aguilars.
I believe I can get near a p-bass sound out of the EHB, by just blending to the neck & rolling back the treble-cut a little.
After-all, it is a split-coil pickup, similar to a p-style pickup:
Here is my SR1800E: