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About BassmanPaul

  • Birthday 24/01/1946

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    Toronto ON. Canada

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  1. Physics is a pain ain't it? LOL
  2. I'm very familiar with SKB cases I have more than a few myself. I still feel the the added airflow from the front, read cool, would help with the longevity of the amplifier.
  3. Most likely two 8Ω drivers wired in parallel. The best you cab do is wire them in series for 16Ω.
  4. I found it interesting that you couldn't find a 4x12 cabinet in the UK. Before I left for Toronto in 1973 virtually everyone was using 4x12 cabinets. I owned a Marshal 4x12 with the 'bent' baffle. LOL who knew things had changed that much!! Enjoy the results of your efforts!
  5. I would lift the amp one hole as to allow air underneath the amp as well as above.
  6. @Phil Starr being a teacher is a fine and noble occupation. My Mother and both of my sisters went to Bingley to become teachers. My cousin took my class at Grammar school for English. It's surprising I didn't follow in their footsteps! LOL
  7. I have not altered my opinion. You simply do not know if the drivers are in good shape. That box could have caused them more harm than good.
  8. Yes I did but if it's for recording only I feel there are better routes to follow.
  9. @James Nada And?? Don't keep us hanging James!
  10. As a matter of interest what're you expecting, on stage, from a 15W amplifier?
  11. Find whatever microphone suits the singer's voice and stick with it.
  12. I came across the AER amps a few years ago. Finding out how much they cost was daunting so say the least. LOL
  13. Personally I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole!!! The seller says it is a Trace 4x10 but it's not. It's just four Trace drivers and possibly a crossover stuck in a weird box. The tweeter looks like a Piezo to me. As has been mentioned all the parameters that make a successful speaker system have not been met. Once you buy it you're stuck with it! I feel that your 120 Quid would be better spent on something else. Edit: Meaning no offence but remember the axiom: A fool and his money are soon parted!
  14. I use the 2x10 format, Acme, but found that one just didn't handle the Low B of my sixes at the volume I wanted. The result was a second cabinet stacked on top of the first for a vertical 4x10. The result was sublime.
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