I'm very familiar with SKB cases I have more than a few myself. I still feel the the added airflow from the front, read cool, would help with the longevity of the amplifier.
I found it interesting that you couldn't find a 4x12 cabinet in the UK. Before I left for Toronto in 1973 virtually everyone was using 4x12 cabinets. I owned a Marshal 4x12 with the 'bent' baffle. LOL who knew things had changed that much!! Enjoy the results of your efforts!
@Phil Starr being a teacher is a fine and noble occupation. My Mother and both of my sisters went to Bingley to become teachers. My cousin took my class at Grammar school for English. It's surprising I didn't follow in their footsteps! LOL
Personally I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole!!!
The seller says it is a Trace 4x10 but it's not. It's just four Trace drivers and possibly a crossover stuck in a weird box. The tweeter looks like a Piezo to me. As has been mentioned all the parameters that make a successful speaker system have not been met. Once you buy it you're stuck with it!
I feel that your 120 Quid would be better spent on something else.
Edit: Meaning no offence but remember the axiom: A fool and his money are soon parted!
I use the 2x10 format, Acme, but found that one just didn't handle the Low B of my sixes at the volume I wanted. The result was a second cabinet stacked on top of the first for a vertical 4x10. The result was sublime.