For headphone practice I use a Tascam Bass Trainer ( I nearly wrote traynor!) to drive my headphones. It's wired into one of the 'Tape Loops' of my Nakamichi pre-amp. My computer is wired into the second loop. The versatility this set up provides is great.
I do use a power supply with the Tascam as I can't stand the poor lifespan of batteries. They always seem to fail at the most awkward times!!
Enjoy your new 'toy' I hope out brings pleasure to your life. LOL
I'd never even try to gig with a single 2x10. There again I'm more old school in that I prefer a pair of 2x10s in a vertical 4x10 stack for safety and durability. That configuration is also more readily heard by both player and out in the room.
It all comes down to ya gets what ya pays for. Quality costs money simple as that!
I went with the Acme B2 three way 2x10. Yes they were a bit pricy and fairly uncommon but plonking one low B through my first told me I had made the right choice. I bought a second and then two more. I have never regretted those purchases and they are all still working perfectly.
With my pre/power amplifier
if I want clean I turn the volume to full and control loudness with the gain control.
If I want some dirt, very seldom, I turn the gain to full and control loudness with the volume control.
Looking at that amp reminds me why I left full tube amps behind in the early Seventies! loL
That said I must admit that I do like to have a tube somewhere in my signal chain.
In my mind a proper working band should be equipped to handle everything that gets thrown at them. It's not the venues job to get the band's sound out to the audience it's the bands job.
Being a lead singer as well as the bass player I put together a suitable PA capable of handling any eventuality. If I need vocals only then I use the 15" mains on stands each side of the stage. if I need to play bass through the system I add my acme 2x10s as subwoofers which they are more than capable of handling.
@grapefruitmoon my standard question when hearing problems that you describe is: does your amp have an effects loop? If so, connect Send and Return with a short signal cable and see if that helps. Problems with the normalizing contacts on these jacks are not uncommon especially if they are not used.