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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. Looks to me from afar that the mounting holes are similarly placed. it should screw right in in place of the old one. As for the 'sticky tape' I'd just put the baffle back in place and press firmly all around to settle the it in place.
  2. I guess we'll all just have to wait. Time will tell the story for us.
  3. Just as a clarification: Class D power amps are not 'digital' in any way they are analogue.
  4. If so, let's ask him @warwickhunt what say you?
  5. Thank you for that clarification/reminder Andy. When I arrived in Canada we were already at 120/240V. I had forgotten about the Edison and Tesla standards.
  6. Yes I know - I did work I the electricity Generating field after all. I still see US schematics and books referring to 117V mains.
  7. The first Fender amp I ever liked was a Rumble 2x10 I plugged into at a jam here in Toronto. I was not expecting much but it handled every thing that my six string bass threw at it. A very pleasant surprise. I was pleased that Fender had grown up and were finally designing speaker cabinets using TS parameters. In a word: Enjoy!
  8. If you are talking about a power amp in a regular combo any combo with an effects loop can do that for you by plugging your pre-amp/pedals in to. the Return socket. Most times this gives you direct access to the combo's power amp.
  9. IIRC to change the operating voltage of a Fender amp you have to change out the power transformer to a 240V primary version.
  10. Traditionally the US has been 117V not 110V. Here in Canada we operate at 120V. Why go to the expense and weight of a transformer when the amp is capable of 240V operation with a simple, for a Tech, reconnection of the mains wiring?
  11. If the transformer details are correct then if the amp is wired for 100V operation then BLK should also be connected to BRN. Similarly GRA should be connected to FIO. these two connections should go out to the mains in. Essentially the power transformer has two primaries. both having 0, 100 & 120. volt taps. For 100V use the two 100V primaries are wired in parallel. BLK to BRN to line of the mains and GRA to FIO to the neutral of the mains For 120V use the 120V primaries are wired in parallel. BLK to BRN to the Line of the mains and ORA to WHT for the neutral side. For 240V use the two full primaries wired in series so Mains line in to BLK and neutral to WHT. The ORA and BRN should be linked to complete the circuit. This is a job for a tech and not something that an owner should attempt. You only have one life and you should try to keep it going.
  12. !00W tube amp into a 4x12 should get you very close!
  14. Try eMailing Aguilar Customer Service and ask them if it is even possible. Some countries don't allow changeable primaries in their Electrical Code.
  15. Carrying all that stuff round gig to gig is going to get tiresome eventually as you get older!!
  16. I've been looking at the schematic for the Sunn 200S that I have beside my computer. There is nothing special about it except for the use of the 6AN8 tube. I did like the use of the KT88 'cos I've always had a great sound when using them.
  17. When I was that age I was in a band called Lionheart. Still know it was the best band I was ever in. This is what we carried: Hammond Organ and it's Leslie, Fender Rhodes piano, A large custom made case containing two ARP Synths, Two Altec A7 cabinets for PA lows, Two huge Altec horns for highs, Large custom made case containing three powerful AB Power Amps, My bass amp: 200W per channel class AB amp that I designed and built myself in it's plywood case, H&H twin !5 cabinet one 15 per channel, Fender Twin guitar amp, Massive mixer for vocals, Full set of drums Four stage monitors, Mic stands, stands for the PA speakers, stands for the Keyboards, Boxes and boxes full of cables for the PA and Lights, Two stands for the lights that we carried. Eight lights. I could go on. LOL We played Graduations for High School, college and University. It was loads of fun!!
  18. I have a feeling that perhaps the marketing department stacked them thus so that both cabinets could fit in one photo.
  19. Just to point out that a 1x15 is a terrible match for a 4x10. It just can't keep with the 4x10 before it fails.
  20. @BigRedX I didn't hear that my hearing aid batteries went flat!! Just as a pointer about bands that play too loud: My latest pair of hearing aids cost me more than $6000.
  21. You're young aren't you?
  22. The 'Gotcha' here is signal levels. Most Stereo power amps operate with line level signals. A pedal, typically made to drive the input od a normal amplifier will use Instrument level. It will not be able to push the power amp to serious volumes. In my case I bought a 2KW capable Class D stereo power amp, run in parallel mode, with one or two of my Acme B2 bass cabinets on each channel. To drive the power amp fully I built a tube pre-amp I designed for the job. Using a pedal you might have to add a signal amplifier between the pedal and the power amp.
  23. I've found when ordering rom the States that shipping costs are excessive when compared to Canadian rates. I'd eMail them for a quote with shipping and duties.
  24. I guess my question is, never having been in the presence of the 6x10 in question, how is the grille frame held on? Some have tabs to allow the grille to be pulled off the Velcro holding it. Some are screwed on from the inside others the cloth is attached ti the baffle itself. It makes a difference in whether the cloth change is even possible.
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