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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. It says deleted yet here it is large as life!!
  2. Some times, coming from a tiny country like the UK, just how big Canada is! LOL
  3. So much for Alexa and accuracy! LOL
  4. Me too but 1700 odd kilometres is a bit of a long drive!
  5. @W1_Pro Come on bro tell us what you really think!! LOL
  6. Do the 9V battery test on the speaker cabinet. Applying the battery terminal across the cable jack should produce a loud pop from the cabinet. No pop blown drivers or faulty cable.
  7. You do remember that we are supposed to be cutting down on our spending? LOL Enjoy your new 'toy.' I also hope that you were not affected by the events three years ago. Very sad that!
  8. @ikay I'm glad, no I'm delighted to have been of help. Those jacks have contacts that complete the circuit if nothing is connected to the loop. These can corrode over time and the connection is lost. You can leave a small cable, such as ones for interconnecting pedals, permanently attached going forward which will bypass the corroded contacts.
  9. While I was active on TalkBass I gave a Mark III amp to a young player. I paid the $100 shipping too! LOL.
  10. If your amp has an Effects Loop try linking the Send and return with a signal cable to see if that helps. Just a thought is all!
  11. Ah but! I love what my B string can do and the other strings just give me a wider choice of fingerings.
  12. @Marty Forrer You're tall! You make that Jazz look like a toy! LOL
  13. What do you expect a 20W or even a 50W tube amp to sound like? Volume is not their forté tone is.
  14. I would agree with the first part but to me it has one string too few!
  15. I'm sorry for your troubles Brother.
  16. @Downunderwonder Get well soon brother!
  17. I agree that a good sounding amp can help you with your practice sessions and even inspire you to greater heights. If funds are available then get the best amp you can afford. Separates are better than a Combo 'cos you can upgrade each part as the desire hits you. And it will! LOL Good luck with your playing - I hope it brings you great satisfaction.
  18. As your years of playing live music passes, less and less will hiss be a factor or even heard!
  19. Using a Helix why not consider feeding a power amp with it, if the signal levels are conducive. Then a Barefaced cabinet to provide the volume you need.
  20. @markbunney So speak up. How did the gig go?
  21. Coming back to this thread to ask how the Boars Head gig went? 😁
  22. That looks like an off shore product with a Hiwatt label stuck on to it. It screams fake to me. Edit: Doing a quick search, Talkbass has many questions from members on these and other Maxwatt units. Another article that surfaced had an amp being switched on and the hum level was deafening. I still wouldn't touch one with a barge pole.
  23. OH NO!! Not Coronation Street!!! Sometimes when I'm busy I'll find myself whistling that theme and my Wife will ask why I'm whistling the theme from Coronation Street! I hated the show. :😩
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