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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. Yes they can be a bit bright but that can be readily tamed by the tone controls. When I got my B15NF it was red plating the output tubes, leaky capacitors were the problem. Having replaced the amps filter caps and the tubes I had several events of flash over of the GZ34/5AR4 rectifier tube. Adding a silicon rectifier, UF5408, to each plate to increase the PIV solved that permanently. On the whole the amp is a pleasure to use and a delight to hear. Incidentally I play six stringed basses.
  2. A thought that struck me was that if the heater winding fed into a rectifier/capacitor to run the heaters at DC Did the designer multiply the current draw by 1.4 to allow safe operation of that supply. That would equate to 630mA . That's much closer to the 800mA limit of the 12V winding.
  3. Just remember that it's not a complete kit. You'll have to find a suitably sized metal chassis that you'll have to have punched holes for tube sockets, controls and other through chassis mounted components. A face plate and control knobs are needed too. All in all not a suitable project for a neophyte to tube amp construction.
  4. Didn't Fal make the Actifry Air Fryer?
  5. If a 100W tube amp is all you can find you could pull the outside pair of output tube and run the amp at 50W.
  6. I looked at the Handbox tube amp and was amused to see it specified 6L6 tubes. The 6L6 is a metal tube and in such an amp would melt in an instant. The correct tube is a 6L6GC, the letters are important. Why do you want a 50W amp for anyway. A 100W amp can be turned down quite simply to the required volume.
  7. Hi Tim, Back atcha from snow covered Toronto!
  8. You're so lucky!
  9. Try here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/204078117395
  10. Didn't we do this already??
  11. Thinking on this it struck me that the Aplex amp you linked to has 50W output. There are a plethora of amplifiers out there with around that level of output. The answer to the question posed by the head title is that there are many, many amps available to meet your requirements.
  12. Sounds a lot better that the Bassman ever did. I wonder what it's like at volume?
  13. Yep Andy is the go to guy for Genz Benz stuff.
  14. Link the Send and Return of the Effects Loop, if it has one, with a signal cable to exclude problems with the normalizing contacts on the jacks.
  15. Forgive my denseness it's early yet! IRs ?
  16. There is a Mesa pre-amp designed for recording purposes that would better suit what you are looking to do.
  17. Simplest would be to pull all the output tubes and just let the pre-amp function. Thing is that you'll be carrying a full amplifier about just to use it as a simple DI
  18. As the transformer has a 12V winding you could find that the heaters are wired to pins 4 and 5, heaters in series for 12.6V, with nothing on pin 9. that being the case the combined draw would be 450mA so the transformer current rating of 800mA should be fine.
  19. Did a quick search and found one for sale in the States in, of all places, Walmart! LOL
  20. That should be fine for what you need. I told you they were cheap!
  21. You can pick up a multimeter very cheaply that would be adequate for such simple tests. it could be that the fuse has blown which is why the tube section doesn't work.
  22. What are the tubes that the mp uses? What size fuse did he install? I must admit I'd love to get my hands on your amp! My curiosity is surging!! LOL
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