We just got snow and piles of it!! Biggest snow storm in decades! Some of the neighbours got together with our snow shovels and Ice picks and cleared the snow from driveways and walkways. it's not work when you're with a bunch of friends just fun!
I don't believe you are that inept!! LOL. You strip a connector twist the wire stands together, push them into the cup on the plug and tighten the screw. QED. If you can put a 13A plug onto a cable you can do this!
The plugs themselves NL4 don't require soldering they have screw connections. Always buy the NL4 connectors 'cos they are pretty much standard. Wire plus 1 to plus 1 and minus 1 to minus 1. Just ignore the second pair.
Nothing that interests me. A lot of old style speaker cabs but I do prefer the black cones of the cabinets instead of the garish cones of the bass offerings.
That's interesting as I am the son of a teacher and brother to two more. I was borned in England and have an English GCE among other qualifications. LOL My Mum would not approve!
If your amp can handle the impedance change then an identical second cabinet is always the best option.
Position the 2x10 on it's end so that the drivers are vertical for best dispersion out in the room.