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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. I don't know anything about the combo but I watched the demo video. It sounded great I must admit. My Streamer is the best sounding bass I own so I have a fondness for Warwick equipment. It's currently strung B E A D. That said I get a smile a mile wide when I play through my practice amp an Ampeg B15NF.
  2. I'm interested in this too. A few years ago I bought an 800RB via eBay. It arrived in a destroyed state and the seller had vanished. The only salvageable part was the pre-amp PCB. I'm building this into a chassis as a stand alone pre-amp.
  3. Yes Dave Green is a good lad!
  4. I'm glad you had a pleasant transaction.
  5. Just for sheer curiosity what difference would a notched volume control make?
  6. @offmybass any update on the sitation?
  7. I preferred the chocolates!! LOL
  8. In my mind it's a case of diminishing returns. You work your single driver way harder for not much increase in volume. Compared with a second driver to share the load the difference is marginal. Two drivers trump a single driver every time and increases reliability!
  9. Doesn't look like something that would go well with Apple Sauce!
  10. @Bigguy2017 Just as a question, what was the need for the foul language or is it just the way you speak to others? 🤯
  11. Didn't we go through all this before they kicked me off TalkBass? LOL
  12. Well Bro' you think what you want! LOL
  13. Now tHAT wasn't too difficult was it? This isn't the Twitterverse after all. When you need an odd ball item you have to buy from where that item is available.
  14. One inconveinient fact that bears on this subject is that to get twice as loud you'd have ti increase your output power by ten times! Going from 300 to 500 Watts will be barely noticeable.
  15. Sorry @Bigguy2017 Dioxit is more likely to wreck the pot.
  16. Phil, that's just way too easy!! LOL
  17. Y'know @Brian45 when someone tries to help you it's common courtesy to respond to them!
  18. Back in the day we had VOX now we just have Vox.
  19. I have to admit that I'd love the opportunity of playing through one of Alex's cabinets. Distance makes that possibility difficult.
  20. Getting the pot replaced is the best option. Spraying copious amounts of contact cleaner into the pot is not a permanent fix and can damage the part even more.
  21. See what Phil sats about it. Not being in the presence of the unit my advice would just be educated guesses. One thought does the amp have a tube?
  22. @Brian45 Is the link I provided not the part you are looking for?
  23. Have you tried emailing Phil Jones? I've heard he is quite approachable. Is the amp new?
  24. Does this happen with nothing plugged into the amp's input?
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