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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. You also have to consider the total load presented to the amplifier. Four and eight ohms in parallel. equates to 2..67 ohms . If the SS amp can't drive that impedance the amp dies..
  2. Because the Fender Bassman is a terrible amplifier for an electric bass!
  3. I really feel that the Octal 6SL7 double triode tubes have a special Mojo all of their own.
  4. For me at the very top would be the Ampeg B15 series. My B15NF is a delight to play through.
  5. The actual position on the box of the port is not important. My rear ported Acme B2 2x10 three way cabinets work very well stacked as a vertical 4x10. it's my standard configuration.
  6. Standard thing to try if the amp has an Effects Loop is to connect the Send and Return with a signal cable to bypass the normalizing contacts on these sockets. They are prone to oxidation especially if little used.
  7. Any amp will sound it's best when put through a superior speaker system like an Acme. Andy does make good stuff. I have four B2 models each at 4Ω. Enjoy!
  8. I've always found that the best stand for a speaker cabinet is an identical one underneath it!!
  9. Back in the day before the thing ws stolen from the 21 Club in Liverpool, I owned a Gibson EB0F with a built in fuzz effect. It was awfull and completely unusable.
  10. BassmanPaul


    There are far better amps available these days to bass players than an SVT VR.
  11. Even though the poor 15 was in danger throughout the gig!
  12. There, that's the ticket!!!
  13. That is an over simplification. Tube amps give a pleasing distortion when pushed too far. If a cabinet is rated for 750W you need at least that much to make it 'sing'.
  14. Meaning no disrespect, I don't see the point of buying a powerful speaker cabinet and then castrating it by driving it with a 50W amp. Even in the Sixties 50W didn't get you too far.
  15. BassmanPaul


    I seem to remember that the VR was not too well received in the pages of TalkBass. It does strike me as being a bit on the expensive side. That said I have little experience of pricing in the UK.
  16. You know, we don't really have to follow any topic from TalkBass. We are more than capable of coming up with topics of our own. Besides which we can spell better on this site than they do on TalkBass!!! LOL
  17. @JPJ I gave you a like for the Gravitational field quip!! LOL
  18. Congratulations on your new 'toy.' I hope it meets all your hopes and expectations.
  19. As someone who just went through Prostate Laser surgery yesterday I can assure you size does indeed matter!!! Moan. ;(
  20. For his sake I hope he didn't!
  21. To me that is a full on positive!!
  22. @DaveBassMan2115 Try plugging a signal cable between the Send and Return of the Effects Loop to see it that helps. Corroded normalizing contacts on these jacks have caused a lot of problems in the past. If it solves the problem leave a short cable like between effects pedals in place.
  23. Carlsbro tube amps of that era were not too bad. Like most SS amps built at the time the Carlsbro range had little to offer.
  24. It should tell you what is what on the back of the amp.
  25. Buy the four conductor Speakon as it appears to be a standard across cabinetry manufacturers. Wire the two conductors of the speaker cable to Plus1 and minus1. That's all there is to it.
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