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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. Each vertical row of knobs constitute a channel with the sockets under them high impedance inputs for each channel.
  2. If the amp has a dedicated headphone socket you pretty much just plug your headphones into that. Impedance is not that important when talking about headphones.
  3. I believe that all Trace amps delivered their maximum power into 4Ω. Usually a combo will house a driver of an impedance to allow the amp to give it's max.
  4. LOL I remember those old PA amps from back in the day. As for the TB50 it simply didn't have the power to produce a reasonable volume without distortion. Some folk like Lemmy just went with the crap and made it part of their sound. The engineer in me could not so I started on my quest to sound like a bass and not a distorted low tuned guitar! If you like what the TB50 does for you more power to you - enjoy.
  5. The acme B2 2x10 is a three way design and I own four. I use two of them in a vertical 4x10 stack and they are wonderful. I can hear them easily and have no desire to migrate to another make/style of cabinet. The way they handle my Low B string has to be experienced!
  6. I doubt it. Laptops and amplifiers are completely different animals and need vastly different diagnostic methology and tools.
  7. @goingdownslow how's my old city doing lately? My four brothers are visiting us in a couple of weeks. Can't wait for their arrival1
  8. You need to desolder the terminals of the jack using a 'solder sucker' then ease the socket off the PCB. Probably Hartke will be able to supply the correct replacement.
  9. So THAT'S how I became a Diabetic!!
  10. As have I.
  11. You have to remember that power is not linear. If you have a 100W amp and you want to get twice as loud you would have to step up to an amplifier capable of outputting 1000W, that's a ten fold increase.
  12. If the afore mentioned Class D amp has an effects loop plug the tube pre-amp output directly into the Return jack.
  13. What tools/experience do you have?
  14. Well I wish you luck with that. Perhaps it might meld harmoniously.
  15. I used 12swg for my speaker cables mostly because after installing my landscape lighting I had many off cuts left over. I also agree with only using SpeakOns. 1/4" Phone jacks just can't safely handle much more than a couple of hundred watts. They also can short out the amplifier if pulled part way out of the socket. I switched all of my equipment to SpeakOns years ago and have never regretted the move.
  16. Buy the proper foot switch. It's easier and simpler in the long run than messing about trying to McGuyver something.
  17. Unless you are very lucky, whatever driver you pick is unlikely to work at it's best in your combo's cabinet. This is especially true for use with a bass. You could quite possibly damage the replacement.
  18. Not too many full tube amps came with a DI. What would the use be of bypassing all the tasty goodness of the output stage and it's interaction with the speaker cabinet? A microphone captures all that and more. The cost of such a microphone would be less than all these cabinet simulation pedals. You might as well plug the bass right into the PA.
  19. Thing is that why simulate when you have the real thing on stage. A good microphone puts out everything you need in real life. you have spent a deal of money on your sound system to get it to sound as you want it to.. Why cut that out of your stage show?
  20. Stick a good microphone in front of the cabinet. You want to capture what the cabinet is adding to your sound. Plus you want to hear what the output tubes are bringing to the gig.
  21. Thanks for the reply. We likes to hear how our advice helps our fellow bass players.
  22. For me I left full tube amps behind in the early eighties. Even the 150W beast I built was insufficient to give me the clean bass at volume that I desired. I swapped from the beast to 200W per channel stereo power amp, again home grown, and finally I was happy. My current rig is a 2KW capable stereo Class D power amp driven by a tube pre-amp I designed for that purpose. That said I do love the tone my Sixties Ampeg B15NF gives me. :)😍
  23. @sambecker1 You out there??
  24. Enjoy your 'new' amp. Ampeg tube amps do seem to sound Wonderfull!
  25. Put wheels on it and call it a wagon.
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