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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. Well said Andy!
  2. Just as a point Class D amps use MOSFETs too.
  3. A. lot of Class D amps use a drop in module so the differences could be the pre-amp circuitry mated to them.
  4. But it's ORANGE!!!
  5. All of my Class AB power amps have been replaced by Class D units. I have no problems with them in power, tone or 'feel'.
  6. Be very careful - tube amps operate at lethal voltages and can do so ever after it has been switched off!!
  7. Problem with Class AB is the cooling required for the output devices. A large heavy heatsink is a necessity plus fans to increase the airflow over them.
  8. QSC make excellent power amps. Think about a 4U rack case like SKB. 2U power amp the bottom, SVP in the top and a ventilated 1U panel in the centre to aid in cooling flow. It's the way I went and there was no messing about searching out a decent 1U power amp.
  9. I have not used the 500 but I did use the 350 2x10. It was the first fender amp that had ever impressed me. It filled a fairly large bar and handled every thing that my Six String Fretless could throw at it.
  10. As did I. A lovely Blonde blackface Bassman and it's matching twin 12 in late 1968. It lasted a weekend before I could return it. I still get nightmares about it. The worst amplifier I ever had the misfortune to play through.
  11. The 4Ω tap only gives you more power if connected to a 4Ω load.
  12. It's hard to get good help!! I'm glad you finally got it sorted!
  13. Plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is!
  14. IIRC the cabinet design for users to build were the Fearful range. Dave Green reserves the Fearless moniker for his own productions.
  15. Will you PLEASE turn that lot down! I'm trying to take a nap over here!!!
  16. A lot of 2x10 users position them this way including me.
  17. If they do everything that you want then enjoy!
  18. I think you may have misunderstood my post. I meant put the cabinet on its end so that the two drivers are vertically aligned, one above the other.
  19. Agreed. Four eight inch drivers are not going to take you too far playing a bass through them with a 500W amp pushing them.
  20. Just remember that using a bass a rule of thumb could be to derate the cabinets power rating by 50%.
  21. When yo get the Ashdown stack it on it's end for a vertical 2x10. You might just like it better that way.
  22. If you haven't tried I would eMail Phil himself and outline your problem. I have heard that he is very forthcoming in answer to a customer.
  23. Sticking my oar in, the amp will never make a decent bass amp with that open back cabinet.
  24. I'm glad you discovered the SS diode feeding each of the rectifier anodes trick. I had the same problem with my Sixties B15NF. The diodes increase the PIV of the rectifier system to prevent flashover and blowing of fuses. This was my reason for asking my question. Member @beans-on-toastgave me the tip. Enjoy your amp.
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