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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. In my mind the biggie is to let the speaker cabinets warm up to room temperature before you try to use them. I left my two 2x10 Acme cabinets overnight at sub zero temperatures in my van. The next evening I set them up and without thinking dropped a Low B into them. This cracked a surround on one driver in each cabinet. let me tell you THAT was a long, long night. I have stored a lot of my stuff in my unheated garage for many years with out a problem. They are off the floor on dollies and mostly enclosed by covers.
  2. Problem with threads like this is that everybody will suggest their own favourite cabinet. I agree that the vertical 4x10 is great. Mine are Acme model B2. They do everything I ask of them and they handle a Low B with no effort.
  3. One cab per channel @ 8Ω gives you 720W with the input switched to parallel. This is how I operate my system. Running your power amp in bridge releases a vast amount of power which will, in the end, toast your speaker cabinets. Another related point is that a 1x15 will not handle the power that a 4x10 is able to. In use. if you must use this match up, stack the 4x10 in the bottom position so you can more easily hear the cries of pain from the 15. Thinking that a 15 will produce more lows is wrong. The close coupled four tens will be more capable of doing that and will have greater sensitivity. Just as a question: is the Cavern still active, pandemic aside? I played there in the sixties. LOL
  4. If it is a failed solder joint this will not solve the problem.
  5. Try the old trick of linking the Send and Return of the Effects loop with a signal cable. Do the same if the amp has a Pre-amp Out and a Power Amp In.
  6. A word of warning if I may: A 1x15 is no match for a 4x10. The 15 will be in peril. A 2x10 is a far better choice. Have you considered the impedance of each cab and whether the Combo can safely drive both cabs?
  7. What else do you expect from a guy from Birkenhead?
  8. In my mind if you like how Ashdown amplifiers sound just buy one. All else is a compromise.
  9. Ya snooze ya lose!
  10. You could at least spell Peavey correctly!! LOL
  11. I have not seen many, if any, amps built for the US market with power transformers having adjustable primaries.
  12. That would destroy the amp's value as a vintage piece.
  13. Here in the far north of America, Canada, we run nominally at 120V. In the US I've seen anything from 110V, 115V 117V and 120V I think maybe dependant possibly on what State the location is. I had the opposite need, a 240V out from a 120V in. This is what I came up with - it outputs 240V @ 5A:
  14. Take two Tylenol and if not even better take two more!
  15. I know. I've been conversing with Alex for many years over the internet.
  16. In the morning I'll be 76. How the hell did I ever get so old?
  17. Why not just get an SVT and have the real thing instead of an approximation?
  18. I have to admit that I never got into the TE world that much. I do own a 7 band amp supposedly 300W but with 150W penciled on the output PCB. I bought it faulty as a project but was disappointed in the engineering of the cooling path. Just a fan blowing on a heat sink with no exit path for the air to follow.
  19. Can you not purchase these cabinets directly from Barefaced?
  20. I switched ALL my speaker cables to SpeakOn years ago. That includes my PA and vocal monitor cables. I used the four pole versions as manufacturers seemed to have settled on that particular connector.
  21. In my book if a retailer has accepted an order at a certain price and that price has been paid by the customer then that customer should receive what he/she paid for forthwith. The customer is not liable for the retailers' mistake! I'd discuss the situation with the owner and demand satisfaction.
  22. How do you get any sound out of the cabinet with all them microphones in front of it?
  23. Nowadays all my power amps are Class D. I found no difference in 'feel' between them and the Mackie AB units they replaced.
  24. The 1/4" phone plug was originally designed for use on operator telephone switchboards. Their 'working' voltage was 48V DC.
  25. Don't blame the Ashdown for it's parentage! LOL As for the WEM I never liked the thing when it first came out. A bass amp it is not!
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